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Posts posted by badboy1984

  1. I think is more like a GAS attack then anything lol. My P/J bass gives me less hassle in band situation. Plug and go with tone and volume full on and my tone is their. The jazz bass require abit of EQ/pickup blend tweak to get good tone.

    When I sold 2 of my warwick, i miss that, then sold my musicman stingray and bongo and I miss that now. I think I will miss this jazz bass if I sell it for something else. I do fancy a 5 string musicman bass or a 6 string warwick corvette or Yamaha JM 6 string lol.

  2. When I'm on headphone with my bass, I don't really care about the tone as long as I can hear myself jamming along a track to practice. Most headphone I played my bass on sounds crap.

    I know how my bass sounds in band and live mix, so I'm not overly worried about how it sound on the headphone.

    What it sounds at home is different then it sound in live anyway lol.

    My bass sound best unplugged.

  3. I'm aftering something different. I'm interest on 5 string and 6 string bass

    Although the photo shows it have J-Retro's on, the actual bass doesn't have the John East preamp. It has been converted back to a passive system with volume, volume and tone.

    [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]The bass have a set of Dimarzio DP123 jazz pickup installed. [/font][/color]

    The photo show's me playing the bass is the actual look of the bass. It have pickup and bridge covers installed.

    It comes with a clone version of the Fender tweed case in gold.

    Price [s]£550 [/s] £500

  4. I own a fender classic 60 jazz bass, a parts build P/J bass to my spec and a westone 1A fretless.

    I use to own a Musicman bongo 4 HS which I sold during Christmas for cash and then been given the Westone fretless for nothing. I love that fretless and I playing that bass most of the time now.

    When it comes to gig time, my go to bass is my parts build P/J bass because it was build to my spec like maple jazz neck on a p body, seymour duncans SB3 and JB3 and passive system like 2x volume and 2x tone.

    Now the Fender Jazz sits in a lovely tweet case doing nothing apart from playing the role as backup bass. Make sense to trade it for a 5 or 6 string? or I will regret to sell the Fender?

    The Fender classic 60 is my first real bass 10 years ago and was purchase in sound control Manchester with my first pay slip. I still kept it the same as it was.

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