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Everything posted by badboy1984

  1. To be it all depend to the cab etc. I have play some god awful 15" where it sound really really bad on the low end and some 4x10 where the low end and mid sound terrible.
  2. Can't complain if is reasonable price. The EQ thing can easily be replace if is broken, may want to check it out first before replacing. It might be a loose wire connection ......
  3. Try what everyone have suggest first by dialling the mid first and roll off some guitar bass. If you still insist having a new amp or rig, I would suggest Trace Elliot. Trace Elliot head and a trace 4x10 should be able to blow the guitarist ear off ........ They are insanely loud.
  4. That's so sad to hear ....... I have sold all my bc gear and now I gone back to vintage trace Elliot amp and cab. Even half stack trace Elliot is insanely loud.
  5. They have a strong mid presence to my ear which makes them sound great in the mix ........ their preamp is pretty powerful as well, i tend to find myself either leave the bass flat or cut the bass when playing live.
  6. Don't get me wrong, I do like their gear except the load rating etc. Price, size, weight and tone, their product is excellent. I have not seen a 2x12 cab (BC212) on the same price range that is better then their product. Their BC410 as well. Reason why i shift away from TC is I need the cash for my house and I'm happy to settle with a single 15" Trace cab, it adds approx 7-8more kg on weight but I'm find with that lol.
  7. Stingray sound crap when I practicing or jamming at home. When it comes to gig time it is a swiss knife.
  8. Even if one of the TC head is 2.6ohm you can't really run two 4ohm cab. Kinda restrict you to use TC heads. I'm going back to vintage Trace Elliot stuff where a single 15" will do the trick for my type of gigs. Another big reason to change is I need cash due to buying a house with my wife lol.
  9. If you still have this next month, I take it off you.
  10. It all make sense now. Altho I love TC gears and it have serve me well, is time for a change. I'm going back to more old school vintage tone. Got a Trace Elliot 1153 coming my way soon to use along with my Trace Elliot GP11 and my Ashdown LB30. The type of stuff my band play, a single 15" is better.
  11. £112 in total? For the cab and courier?
  12. £12 for the courier to deliver this?
  13. [quote name='Subthumper' timestamp='1398929728' post='2439039'] That looks like a very old amp. As a tech I would say it's probably cheaper to buy a second hand amp that does what you want than to.mess about trying to modify this to do what you want. There is so much good cheap gear out there that no one wants I'm almost surprised anyone buys anything new at the moment. [/quote] That old amp is a Vintage Trace Elliot GP11 preamp. Yes it is 30 years old now but it sounded better and louder then most modern amp these days, plus it got that classic Trace Elliot tone. Also is one of the original Trace Elliot. Thats why I want to make it work better. The worse case is to leave it and use it as an 8ohm amp.
  14. No prob. Don't think you would interest anyway.
  15. I've only got TC BC212 cab to trade. Of course cash your side.
  16. This is a 8ohm cab i guess? If so it is a cab I've been searching to go with my Trace Elliot GP11.
  17. That definite help, I will have a go at those lessons. Improvising stuff is always fun but is my weak point, these lessons will help me. Cheers for the links
  18. What sort of trade you looking for?
  19. If you happen to still have this cab and planning to travel up North (I live in Manchester), I'm will take it off you.
  20. I personally think I'm not a great bass player when it come to improvising a bassline etc. I play in a cover band and I can pretty much every song in our band exactly the same as the record for the bass part. So transcribing and learning bassline is not a problem for me. The problem I'm getting is improvising. I know scales, notes on the fretboard but always avoid using notes that I'm not comfortable of using when jaming or making a bassline. Always gone back of using the same old pattern or notes. Any advice you guys can give me?
  21. Thats interesting suggestion MoonBassAlpha. That might solve the problem, I haven't try to run the thing at 4ohm to see the overheat problem myself.
  22. [quote name='JapanAxe' timestamp='1398769819' post='2437351'] Not really sure what your questin is, badboy. Are you after a replacement power amp that will run into 8 ohms? [/quote] Sorry for the confusion, what I wanted is the amp to run safely at 4ohm. Roland told me the amp is 200watt but the transformer on the amp will allow it to go 300watt at 8ohm and 400watt at 4ohm, but when run at 4ohm it will overheat and switch itself off. So I'm safe to use the amp at 8ohm. I'm not sure is this the cooling system on the amp that causing the problem or I need to replace the power amp for this unit.
  23. I think I need a power amp module but I need some advice. The preamp and the power amp is seperate on my Trace Elliot amp. Both unit is mounted in a single case unit. The preamp will power when the power amp switch is turn on. The photo below is the photo Roland send me when he was servicing my amp. Reason why I wanted to replace the power amp because the amp only work on 8ohm, with 4ohm it will overheat and turn off. This will be a problem if i wanted to buy a 4ohm cab or adding a second cab to my exisiting 8ohm cab. Is not like I can just use the preamp and buy a new poweramp because everything is in bits.
  24. [quote name='xgsjx' timestamp='1398761309' post='2437234'] It's a marketing thing. Most people associate watts with how loud a thing is, which has really been false marketing from the outset. [/quote] Totally agree, Trace Elliot amp is one of the amps that proves this. A 150watt Trace amp is very very loud, louder then most 500watt modern amps.
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