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Everything posted by badboy1984

  1. Remember asking TC the same question but on a bh500 head. If you ar using TC cab you can run two 4ohm cab tha means yu can run your internal cab and a 4ohm TC cab. I don't think you can run a non TC 4ohm cab because your amp is a 4ohm load. The magic only work on TC cab.
  2. Only thing i don't like about the 4x10 is the 4ohm loud. Make it impossible to use the 2 cab if you decided to go with a different head ......
  3. Trace Elliot amp power is well under rated. My TE GP11 have 200watt power and it is insanely loud on a single 2x12.
  4. I would say 4x10 or 2x12 if one cab solution.
  5. [quote name='BassTractor' timestamp='1397641386' post='2425874'] Badboy, I know it's off topic, but what are you hoping to achieve? My first impression of both makes me think I'd rather shove my basses through the BC212 than through the MAG 410. Also, it's called [b]BC[/b] fer cryin' out loud! [/quote] Don't get me wrong, the BC212 is fantastic cab but since I'm only allow one cab in the house and that cab needs to be able to handle the volume itself on most of my gig. 8x10 is not an option and 4x10 I can probably manage the weight myself. The trickiest part is I definite need a cab with 8ohm because my Trace Elliot amp can only take 8ohm (long story). The BC410 is a 4ohm cab and the next one up would be the RS410. So now i'm thinking about ABM410, MAG410, RS410, Ampeg 410HE or HLF. Another option would be to buy Trace Elliot 2x10 or 1x15 cab.
  6. [quote name='Sparky Mark' timestamp='1397602047' post='2425665'] Is it powerful enough to gig? [/quote] I've got a LB30 and did a gig on it. To answer your question then answer is yes and no ...... It depend what cab you running through, the size of venue you playing and how loud your band is ..... I would say it is giggable in small venue and you will need DI for anything bigger and use the amp on stage for monitor .... The amp do have a lovely valve warmth tone, Everytime I plug it in the amp sound lovely.
  7. Which MB amp by the way?
  8. Talking about those Ashdown Perfect 10 mini stack, I still got one around at my friend's house (hopefully he not sold it ....). the two 1x10 cab sounded pretty decent. the head were some kind lack of power. I think I might try connect my LB30 into those 16ohm cabs and see how it sound. It might be a portable mini rig here lol. Sometimes is abit foolish to take a 4x10 and the LB30 for some really small coffee shop or church thing ...... Talking about the MAG410 and the ABM410 I'm planning to buy one of these to replace my TC BC212. Still undecided yet, I've got money to buy either one but if I go for the MAG410 that mean I will have cash spent to spend else where lol.
  9. Flats usually increase tension but depend on which brand of flats you using. The sound from flat to round is so much different so what you usually like is the tone of the round .... Maybe like above suggest, try lighter gauge round if the tension is too much or try heavier gauge if too little tension ....
  10. Ashdown cabs definite not woolly but I would called it old school type of tone. Not as old school as ampeg but definite not modern tone lol. The cabs will sound woolly or undefined if you looking for a modern tone ......
  11. Too bad, I'm in Manchester otherwise I will take this off you. I was looking for a trace elliot cab .........
  12. [quote name='Roland Rock' timestamp='1397417635' post='2423750'] What's wrong with the handle? [/quote] For the 1x10 or 1x12 the handle is not much of a problem but when transporting the 2x10 or the 1x15 i find it the top handle is a problem for me. I would prefer having the handle on both side of the cab .......
  13. Where about you from? Fancy a TC BC212 cab?
  14. I think those TV bassman combo is pretty good sounding amp but is not my thing because of the handle .....
  15. I could bring the head along to try it. The guy wanted around £150 each for the cab. I only need 1 so i need to think carefully on which one to pick. Weight depend on the actual weight, i don't expect light weighted from them but if I can manage to lift the cab by my own and going upstair and downstair then I'm fine. I got a feeling that the 2x10 is much better to my need.
  16. I guess the old trace cab is very loud as well.
  17. After successfully got my TE GP11 preamp service and fully function. I'm searching for a cab to go along with this amp for gigging. I looking at second hand gear and found a guy selling a mint condition old Trace Elliot cabinet (green carpet model). His selling the Trace 2x10 and 1x15. I don't need both cab because I won't be gigging with a full stack anyway. What are the weight for these anyway? Are they massively heavy?
  18. The cover on my Ashdown LB30 is spot on perfect to cover it up and access to the handle.
  19. What amps are the guitarist playing? I would prefer my amp/cab have enough power to take over the guitarist amp so they can't turn up higher then me but thats all depend on what they play ..... if they play a 100watt valve marshall stack then I might as well give up lol.
  20. If the PA is good enough to handle everything, I would suggest keep the onstage volume low and let the PA do the job. Reason for doing this so everyone will be able to hear themselves and enjoy playing and also good for your ears as well. If you and your other band mates keep fighting for volume, then everyone will be frustrate when playing.
  21. Depend what type of venue you are playing, on its own the Rumble 350 2x10 is loud enough to fill the area on small venue and certainly loud enough as a stage monitor if you DI.
  22. The unit is mounter into a single case unit. When disassemble it only have 2 pieces of metal, one at the front for the preamp and one at the back for the power module.
  23. [quote name='xgsjx' timestamp='1397026614' post='2419770'] You can put it in my house if you like? Sorry. [/quote] No problem man lol. I know is a odd question because things like that, people usually do it DIY themselves, but since I'm not good at making boxes out of wood/DIY I'm kinda stuck actually lol.
  24. Do anyone know who can I contact about rehousing my bass amp head? I base in Manchester.
  25. Im gonna give a real play around with this thing, then I decide if i want a new power amp or not. It probably be alright for the stuff I do and the volume of my band. Not a super loud band. I got to admit the TE GP11 sounded very different then most modern stuff I play. The tone is warm and bassy I would describe but the 11 band EQ can sharp the tone to many different ways I wanted. Which makes me fall in love with the pre amp. The main reason why I wanted a second cab is for flexibility of my setup. I have 2 amp in total now include this one. The little ashdown lb30 and this TE amp. If playing in a very small venue or church I would prefer to use the LB30 and a BC212 for portability and tone, but for stuff where the LB30 and a single cab can't handle I need the TE amp because is loud and a bigger cab. Since I can't run 2x 8ohm cab I kinda stuck on what I can buy.
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