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Everything posted by badboy1984

  1. Currently using my Ashdown LB30 with the TC BC212. Sounded decent and alright but lack balls and volume for small gig. This is probably due to the Ashdown LB30 being 30watt. I have recently purchase a vintage Trace Elliot GP11 head which is 200 watt I believe for gigs when I can't use my LB30. I would like to buy another cab to bring out a full power for the Trace elliot. Not sure shall I stick with TC and buy another BC212 or swape the BC212 with the BC410 or buy something else completely. My budget is very limited due to other committee so paying over £400 is way out of my budget.
  2. Ideally is spare and DI box. If you head goes down you can change to another head but if your cab goes you can't change another cab so use DI when that happens.
  3. Will keep you guys up to date when Roland finish working on the amp
  4. The amp is with Roland Lumby at the moment for a full service. Apparently the amp is one of those very very early Trace Elliot where the GP11 is the trace preamp and go with many different poweramp. So no specify model saying 200watt head or 500watt. Look like I got a decent amp without knowing lol.
  5. This big boy will get service tomorrow. Hopefully not much need to be done after inspection.
  6. Mids in my friend in gig situation. Only time when I have problem is the keyboard player. To me keyboard player is worser then guitar player. I have tons of problem with keyboard players usually.
  7. [quote name='Phil Starr' timestamp='1395242652' post='2400114'] It may just be a pre amp, the power amp with the separate mains switch and blank panel might be a later add on. If you like the sound does that matter? [/quote] Doesn't really matter to be honest. Just wanted to find out more about the amp. If that poweramp is later added, I would prefer to change it in the future for a more quiet one .....
  8. Their is a poweramp to this unit. Is at the back. The back power switch turns the power amp on and the front power switch turns the preamp on.
  9. I was wondering about the back panel for some time because I expect it to look like a back panel with all the info etc. The guy i bought it from did say the power rating for this amp is 200watt. 200watt is plenty enough for my use and we all know that trace elliot watt is really under rated. The amp is bloody loud. It could be a prototype from the 80's. I don't have much knowledge on Trace gear.
  10. I really glad I actually made the4 decision to buy this Trace. I was so close from pulling a trigger to buy a brand new micro amp. The older Trace definite have a different character in terms of tone, I play so newer Trace before and the older one definite sound much better in my ear.
  11. [quote name='Kiwi' timestamp='1395155883' post='2399273'] Wow, others will be able to confirm but that looks like a super early Trace Mark IV head. Yes UK designed and built - tank like in construction. [/quote] Hell yeah it feels like it is very sturdy and had been gigged many times. It is heavy but it is very solid. I won't worry the amp will break during transportation lol. The amp still functional perfectly apart from a few things. Clip LED light is not working, I have try crank it to max gain and the light is still not on. Also I think when connected to one of the speaker jack it produce distortion tone randomly but it goes back to clean when turning the preamp off and on again. I guess the amp just need a simple service. I love the sound of the amp, one of the best amp I play so far. I have try many different brand in the pass i.e markbass, TC, ampeg, ashdown, GK etc. I have paid £60 for this amp, can't complain.
  12. The thing is, this vintage trace is not valve. I guess it just need a good service to make sure everything is working correctly.
  13. Taking my amp to Roland Lumby in Manchester on Friday to get it check up. Hopefully Roland can service it
  14. The worse amp I have play is probably some battered Ashdown combo in a rehearsal studio. Nothing to do with Ashdown amp, is jsut the studio never bother fixing those amp. The speaker always fart and distorted.
  15. I find it when I play with my rock band/pop rock stuff I really need those mids to cut through and hear myself as well. Like Lozz196 mention it doesn't sound good solo but it will work in band situation. Only time when I need to scooped mid to get that thick warm bass tone is when I play in church, because the church worship leader prefer strong bass note to be felt than heard.
  16. I have gig with my 2 weeks ago and I can see the LB30 will not handle a small venue on its own with guitar and drum playing at decent level. It will only work if I play via a 8x10, 4x12 or 2x15. I only play my via the TC BC212. Only way to get my volume to match up is to drive the amp hard, this means more dirty tone and less clean tone. It works on most of the songs I play but some songs I prefer much cleaner tone. If odour band play quiet or doing some quiet stuff the amp sound superb, nice thick warmth tone. I know have a trace Elliot vintage amp to do bigger gig.
  17. I find it EQ plays a big part as well. I tend to boost lots of mid when playing with guitarist. The worse is the keyboard with tons of bass ......
  18. Yeah is a beast, I will take the amp to service to make sure everything is all good and gig ready. It sound different then most modern amp. very good in my taste.
  19. Cheers mate, I will drop him a email. The amp sounded very nice but I'm not too sure is it my cab or the amp that sometimes the sound go from clean to distort sound. It goes back to clean if I switch the preamp off and turn it on again ...... The cab I'm using is the TC BC212. Don't all Trace Elliot amp have the serial number on the back along with the watt rating? Doesn't have it on my ...... Is it a different poweramp i got their which is not original? The poweramp is very noisy when power on compare to modern amps. I mean the fan noise is noisy like a computer server .....
  20. I have got the amp yesterday. Need more time to see do I need a service on the amp. Where can I service the old trace amp in UK these days?
  21. Took this amp home with me last night for well under £100. Is a old Trace Elliot i believe with XLR input as well. The amp works which is a good thing and sound decent so far, haven't really try it out properly yet so can't say is flawless yet. Consider the amp's age i expect some service in the future as well. First the amp have 2 power switches, one at the back and one at the front, I take it it have seperate power switches for the power amp and pre amp section. The back panel is simple and i take it the 2 jack output is to connect 2x 8ohm cabs. The amp is not uber quiet like modern amps but in band/gig situation it doesn't matter too much. The amp is heavy but i guess all the weight is from the power amp inside the case but it feel very sturdy overall. I'm start thinking shall I ditch the TC cab and grab a trace cab instead. Everytime i play a trace elliot combo (not the new one) it sounded bloody loud. I play the 150watt 15" Trace combo in church and it is very loud when the gain and output is set halfway. If this amp pumps out more power then that, i can't imagine how loud it can get. I only play small/medium size venue and PA support sometimes. I guess this amp will be loud enough for small gig without using PA. Given the age of the amp i guess mid 1980's. I take it the amp was design and build in UK?
  22. Yeah, I think the guy want to get rid of it. He said the amp is in full working condition. All I need is a decent cab to connect the amp. Although I like micro head but the price on this TE is hard to pass. I play a old TE 15" combo in church and the amp is freaking loud for 150watt. Is insanely loud should say.
  23. I did have that moment where I just go to the shop and buy the amp but after some thinking, I have plenty of time before the next gig so I should take some time trying it out before blind purchase.
  24. I'm kinda into the BH250 because I'm using a TC cab atm which makes me think the TC amp might be a good match.
  25. I guess I'm too late on this one lol.
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