Did you use your gear and play some tune with them during your audition? If so and they invite you to the band then they all must of approved your gear and skills to join the band.
Warwick will always sound like warwick and musicman will always sound like musicman.
I like both but i pick musicman personally because i know the tone will fit in the band i'm in.
Is like comparing Warwick Corvette and Fender Jazz, because the 2 bass have jazz pickup, it doesn't mean it will sound the same.
High action is hard to play on a acoustic bass, also the string have higher tension i think (at least it feel that way for me). Good setup plus new string will cost abit. Bad pickup and electronic can frustrate you when play through an amp .....
I own 2 before and i sold both not long after.
I think they will make the first 100 or something in the UK which the price will be a lot because is made in UK, then the rest will be made in china.
I certainly wouldn't want to pay over a grand for this .........
I have a LB30 already, if the price is right for this drop head 15 i may consider buying it for home use and jam.
Seymour Duncan SP3 is fantastic. I've got one on my precision and I've also put a single JB3 on the bridge position as well.
I would like to try some Delano pickup again. They are very expensive now, i use to have several delano pickups but sold them all for cheap .....
My experience tells me it will still sound like a jazz even with MEC pickup on.
I used to own a Warwick Corvette with MEC passive jazz pickup on and a set of Delano jazz pickup. I've replace the MEC with delano jazz and it sound pretty much the same with more clarity on the delano. At the end of the day it still sounds like a corvette ........
For testing purpose, I've try putting the MEC jazz on a jazz bass hoping it will have that warwick growl on the jazz bass but end result is, the jazz bass still sounds like a jazz bass .........
[quote name='Guinness21' timestamp='1390422549' post='2345361']
wonder how this ranks up against the m80
This MXR preamp is different then the M80 ......
This MXR preamp is a preamp box with DI.
The M80 has clean and distortion.
I know what a Rick sound like and I know is not the type of bass i want but GAS makes me want to buy one and try it ....... altho i know the result will end up trading it or selling it ......
I was looking at one of them when i was looking for a practice amp. Like you i don't see any reviews on them. I end up buying a Ampeg BA108 which is a decent small practice amp to use at home.
I want recommend the BA110.
Orange 25BX is pretty decent as well.
Of course those are slightly higher then £80 but they are good amps.
I play 45-105 on all my bass, but recently strung my bongo with a set of 45-107 balance tension D'Addario. Sounds pretty good on the bongo. I would like to try 40-100 on my jazz bass next time.
Is it me or every bass in my hand sounds the same? I'm kinda up to the point that I don't bother buying new basses because they all sound the same in my hand ......
Having multiple basses always bother me. Not because I don't like the bass, is I always use the same bass for gig. This is because the band required that particular sound, so therefore that particular bass is always getting use.