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Everything posted by badboy1984

  1. I love to grab this off you man ....... and i live in Manchester but i need to shift my BH500 and one BC212 in order to get this. Want to downsize badly =.= Used to have one of these but so regret of selling it ........
  2. Got a pair of TC BC212 ......
  3. ARe you still looking to get the TC BC212?
  4. Fancy a trade? I've got Tc BH500 and 2x BC212 to swap.
  5. interest but i need to sell my TC BH500 and 1x BC212 cab first. Looking to down size to 1 cab and 1 head.
  6. This bass is my main bass now lol. Hardly use my Fender Jazz and the ACG 5 string these days lol. Got a pair of Seymour Duncan's SB3 on that bass, nothing sound good as this right out the box. I so in love with the jazz neck on the precision
  7. Never happy with the precision neck on my bass but i love the sound on a precision, so i order a maple jazz neck online and now the bass play and feel good to me. [b]Before:[/b] [b]After:[/b]
  8. what you thinking regarding on trade? I may have something you want lol.
  9. hi man, I'm from Manchester. In terms of trade what you got in mind? I've got a TC BH500
  10. Is this active version? and also what trade you looking at?
  11. At that price is worth to just buy it and play to see if you like it in passive ........ if not then fit the ACG preamp .......
  12. badboy1984

    pre amps

    Batteries last ages. My last donkeys and don't need to change them but i'm not a hardcore player. Batteries should last around 3 month if you play everyday.
  13. badboy1984

    pre amps

    The definite a wiring problem, either you know how to fix this yourself or take it to a guitar tech to fix it for you. I used to own a Warwick Corvette which done exactly the same thing when i install a set of EMG active pickups and John East preamp. The bass drains the battery in 2 week and thats without plugging it in. Whether i use it or not it will still drains the battery. Took it back to the guitar tech that install the electronic for me and he can confirm their is a wiring problem which he fix it for me.
  14. It depend what EQ you had when you blow your GK cab. In loud band situation i tend to cut bass and boost lots of mid/treble.
  15. hmmm a light ACG 5 string ........ ACG bass is a beast. I use a 5 string ACG 0078 J Type and is stunning. What you don't like about the bass except the weight? ACG is the only bass I ever play that i feel i don't need any modification.
  16. You can get a used German Warwick Corvette for the price you paid for the new later model rockbass warwick. The quality of the german corvette is good and it feel and play like a proper warwick.
  17. I use the same setup but the bigger brother BH500 and run 2x BC212. Shakes the house for not even playing hard lol. Haven't use the full stack in gig yet since is over power, but this coming september i will be running a full stack to do a gig. Looking forward to blast the thing.
  18. Thats why i'm not too bother about how my sound is like anymore for live gig with PA support, since the PA guy will EQ me to sound what he wanted to sound lol. I just worry about my own sound on stage or the volume i'm getting on the monitor since i don;t even use a amp anymore and just go direct. Playing a Warwick bass will take sometime to get use to specially after playing a Fender jazz.
  19. Altho the later one have the big W on the headstock, when you actually play one you can tell their is a difference between that and the proper warwick. I'm not saying is bad but just pointing out the obvious. I still would like to get the rockbass alien acoustic fretless bass tho lol.
  20. I like Warwick and I sold 2 Warwick. The two i sold is a 4 string corvette and 5 string corvette. The 4 hand a set of EMG and John East preamp and the bass can eat you alive. The 5 string had bartolini and john east on. The bass also eat you alive, I end up selling it to Andy Saxton (Warwick endorser) in this forum. Because 1 person had a problem with Warwick does not mean is a bad bass, is like any other bass, some people have problem with Fender, Musicman, Lakland etc. I quite like my ACG 5 string after spending hours of getting the right sound on the preamp.
  21. interest in a TC rig?
  22. ACG bass is nice quality. Bargain price as well.
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