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Everything posted by badboy1984

  1. For £250 i think is worth buying for backup and use it on smaller rig. I think i will buy one and could just use it as preamp for recording as well.
  2. What are the different between the Markbass Backline 250 and the Markbass Little Mark 250? LM250 cost around £100 more. I use to own the LM250 and it doesn't sound/look like a beginner's amp, it just lower wattage thats all.
  3. I think is like everything else ........... all down to personal preference. I quite like the tone of the head. I can get a mellow, warm and aggressive tone out of the head. The EQ knob actually very sensitive, turn a little it actually effect the tone alot. Only amp i actually like is TC, Markbass and Orange. Other amps like ampeg, trace, ashdown is not my cup of tea .....
  4. [quote name='hamfist' timestamp='1364665450' post='2029462'] Having owned a pair of BC212's (or was it BC210's I'm not exactly sure) I would not recommend them. They are not great cabs, all IMO, IME etc etc. They can struggle with high volume, and the tone from the ones I had was rather indistinct. No clarity at all. After all has been said so far, I still think a used Schroeder 4x10 (the 410L or 410BMF) is probably your best bet. Even so, the tone of Schroeders is not to everyone's tastes. They have a very strong mid presence. [/quote] i play 2x bc212 and i got to disagree with you. The tone and volume i get from the 12" is great. Maybe you had a bad one just like anything else. I play bad ampeg and ashdown before.
  5. I probably will be DI to the PA but having a full stack i might hear myself better on stage. Usually half stack will do me on my normal gigs but i concern about using 1 cab on stage as stage monitor.
  6. i was always worrying not because downsizing because i know i got a gig coming soon later this year in september which require bigger rig. Gonna play outdoor park gig with possible no PA support for the bass, so therefore having this stack will help abit actually.
  7. Damn the might mite neck is sold and no more available =.= The next line down i was looking at was this one: http://www.dangleberrymusic.co.uk/Maple-Precision-Bass-Guitar-Neck/dp/B0013NDVAY?field_availability=-1&field_browse=1592972031&field_product_site_launch_date_utc=-1y&id=Maple+Precision+Bass+Guitar+Neck&ie=UTF8&refinementHistory=color_map%2Cbrandtextbin%2Csubjectbin%2Cprice%2Csize_name&searchNodeID=1592972031&searchPage=1&searchRank=salesrank&searchSize=12 What are the quality like on these necks? The price seems pretty cheap and by looking at the photo is pretty nice looking neck. Remind me of my old stingray 1 piece maple neck in natural finish i used to own.
  8. [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Withdrawn[/font][/color] of selling the cab now. Decide to keep the full stack now.
  9. After a couple of tried on the full stack vs half stack altho the tone is similar in a way but i still liked the full stack. My partner allow me to keep the full stack instead of downsizing because she said is not worth trying to sell the 1 cab for cheap and rather see me happy with the full stack lol. I think i will keep the full stack now unless someone don;t offer some cheeky offer for my cab.
  10. Such a beautiful guitar. I would of take it off you if my cab sells on the amp forum =.=
  11. that TC 2x12 ad is my advert on the sale forum lol.
  12. Both of those cabs is very heavy. Specially the 4x10 cab. What type of music you play and how big is the gig you play as well. I use to like massive stack but is pain to move and over kill for my stuff. I use half stack most of the time. I use 2x12 cab.
  13. For £100 the neck seems very nice and just exactly what i looking for.
  14. I'm tempted to buy from the third seller or the first one. Either necks i will bring it to my guitar tech friend to get it replace and full setup.
  15. My P bass currently is using a rosewood P bass neck. Altho it got a fender decal on but is not a fender so i treat it like part bass instead. I love the bass and it sounded good but I would prefer a maple neck bass instead. After searching on ebay i found the following: 1) http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/New-P-Bass-Neck-Maple-Fingerboard-Satin-finish-Vitage-Color-free-shipping-/221077232821?pt=Guitar_Accessories&hash=item33793adcb5 2) http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Jazz-bass-maple-neck-20-frets-black-dots-nitro-finish-top-quality-brand-new-/121057369867?pt=UK_Guitar_Accessories&hash=item1c2f94df0b 3) http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=330901797864&fromMakeTrack=true&ssPageName=VIP:watchlink:top:en Not sure which is trust worthy actually.
  16. no prob mate lol. Good luck on your sale
  17. Also open for trade on non amp/cab stuff as well. i.e acoustic guitar, electric guitar, bass, effects etc.
  18. You don't happen you want a bass cab to trade for the guitar? I got a TC BC212 to trade.
  19. This will be my solution lol. If the TC BC212 can't do it alone in the gig, i'm afraid i can't find something quite cheap to do the job lol.Infact the BH500 head is very loud even with one BC212. Getting some money to fund something else and keeping my wife happy is good. Kill 2 bird with 1 stone lol.
  20. Updated advert. Will only sell one BC212 instead now since i'm keeping the half stack. Price for the cab will be £150
  21. Played a few small amps and cabs in the shop and the tone is ok but it seems kinda lack power in my opinion. They only have standard amps like ampeg, ashdown, peavey etc but they either too big, too heavy or lack power. So i went back home and took one of the cab out and try the BH500 with 1x BC212 and they sound is still pretty good and even half power and 1 cab it still very loud. I think i will just keep the half stack and sell 1 cab instead
  22. That give me a good reassurance and could save me from spending more to downsize ......... infact i gain cash by selling one cab. Thinking about it now the BH500 goes nicely with the BC212. I think will just sell one cab and save the cash or if someone want their markbass combo for the stack then is ok by me. Otherwise half stack BC seems good option.
  23. After looking at bunch of small and light weight cabs, it seems my TC BC212 is truely a beast ....... weight under 20kg for 2x12 and the size is pretty much same as those ashdown Mi12. I've got that feeling i should just keep one of the TC BC212 and either swap the head for something else like mark bass LIII or just keep the TC BH500.
  24. My complain about the TC is not the weight, infact is my wife complaining about the size of the 2x BC212 stack up. If i sell 1 of the cab then is pretty much slim. I've looked at other cabs and it seems they pretty much same size ..... even the ashdown Mi12 which is almost the same size as the TC BC212 which i kinda want to keep 1 of the TC cabs now ....... and go half stack or just trade the amp head for something smaller instead. The thing is i'm sure a single BC212 is loud enough for most things ......
  25. I will check out the shop after work today and try the cab. By looking at the spec it sounds ok but have to play one to see whether is good or not.
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