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Everything posted by SignsOfDelirium_bassist

  1. Hi there, I'm posting this for a friend as he's having trouble selling this...no idea why, it's a wonderful bass, if I had the money to spare I'd have bought it off him I had a blast playing it when he lent it to me, fantastic fun, unfortunately I'm just not sure if I can really justify spending 480 on something that was fun, but not really my sorta thing...A fretless, that is. Right, so here we've got a 1994 MIJ Fretless Jazz, some modifications. comes with a hardcase (OHSC). Spec: Olympic White W/B/W pickguard Rosewood fingerboard Stock tuners/nut Non-orignial Bridge EMG Select pups exposed ground wire (no bridge cover) Serial number: S 004728 Can't think of anything else spec wise, if you've got any questions ask me an i'll give him a ring or you could e-mail him. There's a chip in the paint (shown in pics) doesn't look that bad to me, but then again, what do I know? haha. Also the fingerboard has some marks from where he's been using roundwounds on it...We don't know what bridge it is, all we know is it's a high-mass bridge, seemed like a great bridge too me! Here's the pics! [url="http://img38.imageshack.us/img38/3106/1003927q.jpg"]http://img38.imageshack.us/img38/3106/1003927q.jpg[/url] [url="http://img191.imageshack.us/img191/7881/1003928l.jpg"]http://img191.imageshack.us/img191/7881/1003928l.jpg[/url] [url="http://img830.imageshack.us/img830/6778/1003930p.jpg"]http://img830.imageshack.us/img830/6778/1003930p.jpg[/url] [url="http://img30.imageshack.us/img30/4792/1003931a.jpg"]http://img30.imageshack.us/img30/4792/1003931a.jpg[/url] [url="http://img835.imageshack.us/img835/6861/1003933s.jpg"]http://img835.imageshack.us/img835/6861/1003933s.jpg[/url] [url="http://img59.imageshack.us/img59/426/1003934s.jpg"]http://img59.imageshack.us/img59/426/1003934s.jpg[/url] [url="http://img10.imageshack.us/img10/2671/1003936k.jpg"]http://img10.imageshack.us/img10/2671/1003936k.jpg[/url] [url="http://img710.imageshack.us/img710/3217/1003937q.jpg"]http://img710.imageshack.us/img710/3217/1003937q.jpg[/url] [url="http://img17.imageshack.us/img17/6535/1003942b.jpg"]http://img17.imageshack.us/img17/6535/1003942b.jpg[/url] [url="http://img199.imageshack.us/img199/4435/1003951l.jpg"]http://img199.imageshack.us/img199/4435/1003951l.jpg[/url] And here's some pics with the hardcase! [url="http://img844.imageshack.us/img844/16/img0098gs.jpg"]http://img844.imageshack.us/img844/16/img0098gs.jpg[/url] [url="http://img80.imageshack.us/img80/3293/img0145tm.jpg"]http://img80.imageshack.us/img80/3293/img0145tm.jpg[/url] [url="http://img838.imageshack.us/img838/9834/img0099jm.jpg"]http://img838.imageshack.us/img838/9834/img0099jm.jpg[/url] said he's cool with collection or posting. not sure how much posting will cost, you can sort that out with him. Collection would be from London, he lives in Hackney, but he said he's cool with anywhere in london. You're welcome to try before you buy obviously, I'll leave his email so you can organise it without the middleman! E-mail: [email protected] Thanks for looking! Seriously, this is a fantastic bass! only £400 ONO!! EDIT: Just found out apparently the hardcase is original! so yea, OHSC.
  2. Not my pic, unfortunately, I didn't get it together to go to any festivals this year (so far)...But I saw this picture of (as far as I know) Korpiklaani's bassist playing at this years Metal Camp (Feel free to laugh at the pathetic festival name, I do realise how silly an childish it makes the festival sound lol) What d'ya reckon? Custom build? Or is there a company out there making 5 string rickenbacker look-a-likes? And with jazz pups too? Sounds too good to be true for non-custom if you ask me...
  3. Hmm...now this has got me thinking...I was planning on buying one of the squier VMJags, but I could buy one of the RV4 an stick hipshot hardware on it, so at least the bridge would look right maybe a wizard bucker in the bridge...Oh the choices...must concentrate on selling my 5string first >.<
  4. Morning (just about) BUMP!
  5. Bump I can throw in an old leather strap if ya want...No point in me keeping it, I've got a nice strap now! Can't say it's a particularly great strap, no padding, not THAT wide...but hey, if you want it, it's yours.
  6. Hmm, tempting, but I think I'm more looking for something with 2 pickups, I like the variaton you can get with them, that's why I've never got on with most EBs I've tried, only one pickup...Also I've recently come to the realisation that I much prefer passive basses to active >.> Kinda annoying consider all my basses (Except the VMJ that's in the shop) are active, but oh well. So yea, thanks but no thanks At least I know someone was interested now Jack.
  7. BUMP Also, forgot to say this, but if you wanna try it out before you commit to buying or anthing, drop me a PM an we'll sort it out.
  8. Hi there, so here we have it, my prized 5 string beauty - My LTD F 405-FM! Reason for selling/trading? Simple...It's just not what I'm looking for anymore. I'm getting into more traditional sounding/looking basses, and this certainly doesn't fall into that field...It's a wonderful bass, plays brilliantly! It's recently had a set/check-up at the Gallery. A couple of things were changed, I had a battery box installed, having to take out screws to change the battery was a bit of a nuisance! Also, two screws had fallen out (One in the treble side of the neck p'up, the other was one of the screws holding the jack plate in) as the thread in the wood had gone, so they simply glued them back in. There's a minor scuff at the tip of the headstock from, well, something...honestly don't recall how it got there at all, but it's tiny, had trouble trying to photograph it, but try I did! There's also a couple of minor scratches on the front and the back (no buckle rash, just the odd scratch here an there, no finish has been removed) plus one little 'swirl' near the neck p'up. I've tried my best to photograph everything in detail, but my skills with a camera aren't really up to par I'm afraid. Trust me on this though, the inlay looks far superior in the flesh than it does on these pictures, it's what made me buy the bass in the first place! I fell in love with the sound afterwards (Pretty daft really, always try before you buy! I didn't think of that back then though) Here's the technical side of it all (Second one down of course): [url="http://www.espguitars.com/esp2007/basses_f.html"]http://www.espguitars.com/esp2007/basses_f.html[/url] I'm mainly looking for a trade for a markbass amp head, they've all sounded great to my ears so I'm not fussed which model! A nice semi-hollow bass could easily sway me though I'm not to sure what it's worth, as they're discontinued now...I've had trouble trying to find what they used to cost new, I know I payed around £750-£800 for it brand new, without a hardcase (Again, pretty stupid of me I know, I should've gotten one thrown in, I was even younger then, I didn't know what I was doing)..So i'm asking for £400 or so, but give me some offers an we'll see. So anyway, here's the pics! Again, sorry for the bad quality, and sorry that I'm not very good at taking pictures! [url="http://s1097.photobucket.com/albums/g360/Bogrollthe2nd/LTD%20F405FM/"]http://s1097.photobucket.com/albums/g360/B...d/LTD%20F405FM/[/url] hope that works! If it doesn't please let me know. As you can see, it's currently strung with flatwounds, they're rather old, I think early jan 2010. I've only got the one hardcase which does just about fit this in, I really don't want to post it. I'm based in North London, Islington area. I'm sure I can be persuaded to post though, it'll be my first time posting something so large though. I'll do my best ot make sure it's safe and protected though! I might put this up on Gumtree as well, so if it sells there then I'll take it down here, but priorities go to the basschatters! Thanks for looking! Jack. P.S Feel free to ask me anything, I'll try my best to answer any/all questions as best I can! Price dropped to 400
  9. I think I might have to sell my 5string to get some money for a jag when it comes out! I should have enough for the jag plus maybe new pickups...Although considering how amasing the stock pickups sounded on my VMJ, maybe not...I guess I'd better get some pics so I can start trying to sell my 5string here, haha.
  10. Should I fill in every hole? Surely leaving the middle one so I know it's centered? Or should I use a drywipe marker (or something else that'll rub off) and mark out where to drill the 3 holes? Ya know, I haven't even tried using tweezers to get it out yet! I'm such a moron haha. I think I'll try filing it first, I don't think I even own a hacksaw :S If I do I'll try that first! Thanks for the help, god knows I need it, haha. Jack.
  11. Hi there. I'm currently (trying to) doing up my new Squier VMJ. got Hipshot ultralites/d-tuner, wizard 64s, badass III for it....Couple of problems have risen unfortunately. With the badass III, the 3 holes don't line up perfectly with the existing holes, what's the best solution for this? I was thinking maybe I should keep the existing middle hole an fill in the rest, then drill new ones? I can get the middle screw an the bottom (treble side of bass) screw in, but when I try to screw the top one in, it seems to be hitting something about half way in, I've tried looking into the hole, it sorta looks like there's something metal in the way. Any idea what this could be? Now the most annoying one...The tuners. While drilling the first hole for the first ultralite, the drill bit broke off inside the headstock! Most irritating. Any ideas for what I can do to sort this out? I don't think I'll be able to get the drill ibt out, as there's hardly anything (we're talking maybe 1/8th of a millimeter, there's something, but nothing I can get a hold of!)) sticking out of the hole. I'm thinking that maybe I should just drill new holes, but this means I'll have to drill them so the tuners are at an angle, sorta warwick style...I've got nothing against this, as I quite like the look of slightly-angled tuners. Only problem with this is I don't know if the d-tuner will fit if it's angled! Anyone know if it'll still work if it's at a slight angle? I can't have the lever hitting into anything :S Also, I managed to mangle the head of the last screw holding the neck pickup in *sigh* Any ideas of how to get it out now? I thought maybe I could use a small hacksaw or something to create a flathead slot so I could use a flathead screwdriver to get it out, would this work? Yes, I know what you're thinking, I'm new to this DIY lark! Guess I shouldn't have used my bass a test subject... Anywho, thanks in advance for any/all advice you can give me! Jack.
  12. I've probably got the electronics sorted, buying them off someone here, can't wait to get it! Going to be fun seeing if I can still wire stuff up correctly, been a while since I last did any... Just so you know, I have actually bought the VMJ now, loving the tone, an I haven't managed to change anything yet! I've ordered Wizard '64s, going to order the Badass 3 once I find out if it'll find right on, or if I'll have to rout anything (If I do, I'll give it to the guys at the Gallery)... Problem is, I've hit a slight snag in my plans! I want to install hipshot ultralites/d-tuner, but I'm not sure which ones will fit my bass! All I know is that I want black ones with the clover peg head. I took one of the tuners off the VMJ an tried to measure the string post...Unless I've got something horrible wrong here (very possible), the posts are 18mm diameter. This means that hipshot products won't fit in those holes right? I could be measuring the wrong place, I don't know...So basically, what do I need to measure to find out which products will fit? I think they come in 3/8 and 11/16 inch, but I'm not sure what that means...Is that how tall the string post is? how wide? Sorry for the stupid questions, but I need to find out so I can get onto ordering the right stuff!
  13. gah, that makes me ashamed of myself for liking metal! Admittedly I've never liked Manowar, and always found the concept of fast = skill rather pathetic...but still...disgusting 'bass' playing.
  14. cool, I've not had a chance to even try a bass with that circuit on it, it just looks like a brilliant idea to me...Forgive my ignorance, but what do you mean by 'load' the pickups? I'm going to have the SD 1/4 pounder or the wizard hammers, I'm not completely sure yet, probably the 1/4 pounders, cos I've tried basses with them installed, never tried the hammers before.
  15. Just wondering, is it possible to get the stacked vol/tone vol/tone electronics that (as far as I know) the '62 jazz basses had, without buying a '62? I'd love to try an get a hold of 'em to fit them into the VMJ I'll be buying soon. I'm assuming it would fit onto the VMJ, I wouldn't have to rout out the control cavity at all will I? If so, could anyone point me in the right direction? thanks! provided I can buy it separately, an it doesn't cost too much, I think it'll make my first jazz bass experience most enjoyable!
  16. Having a tone for each pup is such a fantastic idea! Especially given that one of them's a P pup, you'd get that traditional P thump tone with it, then a nice clear jazzy tone on the bridge, perfect! I might have to wait an get one of these instead of the VMJ I was planning on getting...it doesn't look quite as nice imo, an I've also heard horror stories of Agathis bodies, but I've got a spare pair of strap locks, so it shouldn't be a problem... Ooooh, such a hard decision! Maybe after I sell my 5string I should just buy one of these as well?...Yea, I like that idea.
  17. Does anyone know what exact model of Hipshot tuners will fit the VMJ? If I could get the right model of ultralite/non-ultralite that would be brilliant! thanks.
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