I spent a couple of hours with Alex at the BF workshop a couple of weeks ago, deciding which cab to get to replace my old 15" Compact. I'm fortunate in that they are less than a 5 minute walk from my office. I didn't expect an invite when I asked, but we'd been exchanging emails for a couple of days, so I asked if I could come in and Alex kindly agreed.
I had a great time, spent some time with Alex in the studio room and also had plenty of time on my own to try different cabs, different setting on my bass and amp etc etc. Alex came in for a bit and played through my amp while I was playing with the controls to see what sort of tones I could get from each cab. We also spent some time while Alex got his pedalboard out, had a look at the collection of guitars and basses in there and just generally chatting bass and all things music. It felt more like spending an afternoon with a mate than auditioning kit at a manufacturer. No pressure at all to make a decision there and then.
Here are my thoughts on the cabs I tried.
My amp of choice is an Ashdown ABM so just on aesthetics, that ruled out the Mini, Compact and smaller 10s. Most of the time was spent trying out the Three10, Super Twin and Big Twin. All three cabs are exceptional. But in different ways.
The Big Twin was loud, clear and deep. Make that DEEP and LOUD and clear. A lot of fun to play through unless I misfingered a note or other error crept into my playing. What you put in really does come out. It's a glorious cab, but far too revealing for me.
The Three10 sounded like I expect a bass cab to sound, but more so. Loud, great bass and definition but smoother than the 12" cabs. Far more forgiving of my poor technique. The tweeter (which I'm never a fan of) could be dialled in to bring a bit of top end. I was surprised how good it sounded as usually I turn tweeters off within minutes if I'm using a cab that has them.
The Super Twin was, to my ears, somewhere in the middle of the two. The tone reminded me of my old Compact, but more so. Really great bass, but less warm, more clear. If I was still using my Hartke, I may have ended up with the Super Twin as it's always sounded great with my Compact in a way the ABM doesn't for me.
At the end of the afternoon I came away knowing that I was going to order a Three10. It suited the Ashdown really well. I'd arrived knowing I didn't want a tweeter, definitely wanted a painted finish and steel grill. I spent a day or two considering my purchase and ended up adding the tweeter, and chose black cloth and tolex. It's going to be long few weeks until I go down to collect it!