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Everything posted by clauster

  1. Its the TSA500 that caught my eye. Any amp with a master gain labled from "pub" to "stadium" is my sort of amp
  2. Pretty much just a compressor/limiter for me, maybe with something else for a bit of grind once I've found a pedal I really like (possibly the VT bass, but I also want to try the tone Hammer). If I've got to add two more then chorus and delay/looper.
  3. Mesa Walkabout Scout is another
  4. Times Like These - Foo Fighters. A good mixture of 7/4 and 4/4.
  5. I can't believe you still haven't sold this. If I had the funds I'd have had it off you already! N
  6. clauster

    Line6 DM4

    Has anyone got or had the DM4 distortion modeller? If so how good is the compressor? I know the distortions are good (for digitally modelled versions). This could be my perfect pedal as I want a clean sound, compressed, mild overdrive and distortion, but without the need for lots of seperate pedals.
  7. I went BEAD for a while early last year, when I had two very loud touretting guitards in the band - It was great having a bit of space that was all my own. Since coming down to one guitar, I've had to go back to EADG to help thicken up the guitar sound here and there.
  8. The CS3 with the monte-allums opto mod is great if you want sustain and that real optocomp "squish". I had one, sold it, but I think I want another now. Or a BBE Optostomp.
  9. Most of those that are anti-country seem to hate the acts I'd class as country and western, which is commercial tat (except some of Dolly's stuff). In addition to all the great country stuff listed above I'd add Michelle Shocked, especially the Texas Camp Fire Tapes (a girl and her guitar recorded on a walkman pro) and Wilco.
  10. B2BM bought my modded CS3 off me last year. Everything went through very smoothly. Top guy to deal with.
  11. Several of my favourites don't have bass. Top of the list for the last few years has been the Black Keys.
  12. Just nailed Me First and The Gimme Gimmes "Nobody Does It Better" simple but great fun
  13. [quote]Do you really need all that for a start!?[/quote] Are you a girl??? A man can NEVER have too many tools
  14. Vini Reilly - not just for his own stuff (Durutti Column) but also for his work on others' albums.
  15. A preamp is just another form of signal processor - it doesn't matter whether it's on-board or in a pedal, it does the same job and any circuit will sound the same wherever it's housed. I've been thinking of getting an ACG EQ02 and putting it in a pedal housing
  16. +1 to what Hubrad says. That's why I'll never buy a bass over the 'net. You'll know what it looks like, but you won't know exactly how it sounds until you've paid for it and had it delivered. Long live the guitar shop!
  17. I really like the Marshall VBA400. For my tastes I prefer it any Ampeg I've tried. Never tried the legendary Mesa 400+ though.
  18. The Rockbasses are great for what they cost. The popular basses for indie are your more traditional P or J basses, but I play a Warwick Corvette in an alt/indie/punk/rock band.
  19. Back to on-topic - Alex, do your cabs work if they're on their side or does it mess with their dispersion?
  20. [quote]that'll teach them for driving a 4x4[/quote] Nope, I'm afraid my MD has managed to lose control of his wife's AWD this morning.
  21. [quote]Shouldn't it be BFB for Bare Faced Bass?[/quote] Nah, that's already taken by a Russian cab designer - Bill Fitz[b]boris[/b] Sorry, all this snow has gone to my head.
  22. My MIM P was much better made as a guitar (ie, neck joint, string alignement, etc) than either of the MIA Ps I'd had previously (both 70s), but the MIAs had better hardware. The worst Fender I've ever had had was an early 90s MIA Jazz. Possibly the worst bass I've ever owned. More alignement problems and the bridge literally fell apart over two years. On the other hand a CIJ 51 P I tried last year was one of the best basses I've ever played. As above really, if you want a Fender, go to a Fender dealer and try all you can in your price range. Try enough and you will find dogs, gems and everything in between.
  23. [quote]Possible explainations anyone?[/quote] It's made by IK Multimedia who IMHO produce the best (and therefor resource intensive) VST plug-ins known to man.
  24. I like the idea of an active 2X12, but as several peops have asked - WHAT'S THE PROJECTED PRICE?
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