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Everything posted by clauster

  1. That is one beautiful bass. I so want an ACG (but with just the usual 4 strings lol)
  2. Have you considered a BFM Omni10? Lots of bass for a 2X10 and LOUD
  3. Spare strings Multitool Picks Tuner Strap Various songs on tab Leads
  4. Ooooops! Can a mod please move this to the right place? Edit: Thank you.
  5. I know some people hate "feeler" ads, but I need to do this as I MIGHT be moving over to rhythm guitar duties in my band. We've been looking for one for months and had no luck, I play a bit and our sound engineer plays bass. So I'm trying out on guitar in a couple of weeks with the soundman auditioning for bass at the same time. If it works out, then I'll need to sell my Warwick Corvette Std Ash Passive PDQ to fund a guitar. Just guaging any potential interest here.
  6. OG that EUB looks very elegant on the Hercules. I now have GAS just for the purpose of acquiring more Hercules stands
  7. Its the GS412B I bought too. First thing I did this morning was take the guitar off the stand and put it straight back on. It made me smile. SAD! SAD! SAD!
  8. I can't believe how tragic I feel for posting this, I've never got excited about a stand before, but I bought a Hercules stand today and its great. It hangs the bass by its headstock, rather than supporting it from the bottom. Highly recommended. Much better than the A frame stands I've been using for the last 10-15 year.
  9. I'd go for a Warmoth body.
  10. Swamp ash bodied Warwick Corvette.
  11. Now that is a gorgeous bass!
  12. I like BGM despite the fact that it took them 8 months to sort out my subscription, I even think the reviews are good. Yes, they are positive about almost everything they review, but there is very little dodgy kit released these days. As Alex Claber (among others) has pointed out, they could be a bit more on-the-ball with technical facts, and IMO could do with longer reviews of some things (eg the head to head of the Boss GT10B and the New Line6 multi FX modeller). I also think they have a good range of Cover interviewees. Peter Hook is a recent example. The technique columns ususally have something for everyone. It's not perfect, but I'm not complaining as nothing ever is. Another good recent magazine for the gigging bassist is Performing Musician. Its obviously aimed at all musicians, but usually has one or two bass related reviews and they're a bit more in depth.
  13. That looks so cool in white! Have you sent BFM a piccie?
  14. Ouch! I hadn't even considered the price of the footswitch. I think £800 is fair price for the amp, but £920 for both just sounds a LOT more expensive to me.
  15. Hmmmm, might be able to combine this with a visit to friends in Long Eaton.
  16. Just to add a bit of encouragement this is how Guitar Amp and Keyboard (www.gak.co.uk) started off - during a recession, in a tiny shop selling used guitars.
  17. Areed about the SZ sig, with normal inlays that would a really attractive bass IMHO
  18. [quote name='alexclaber']A good example is to just think back to when you started playing bass and how much harder you found it to hear the basslines in recordings compared to now after years of experience. Have your ears got better or has your hearing got better?[/quote] Or to put in terms a psychologist would use - has your ability to sense (ie turn pressure into neural impulse) or perceive (ie interpret those neural impulses) got better. For most of us it'll be our perception that has improved. Very rarely, without surgery or artificial aids does sensation improve after young adulthood, most senses slowly deteriorate after this point. Perception on the other hand continues to improve with experience. [quote]So did the 1kHz hearing peak exist before babies evolved to yell loudest at that frequency, or did human hearing evolve to be most sensitive to the frequency of crying babies?[/quote] It's probably the yelling that evolved to be at that frequency. Babies that yell significantly higher or lower have less chance of being heard and would be less likely to live through infancy and so wouldn't pass on the "abnormal yelling frequency" genes and so through natural selection the trait dies out. At long last a degree in Psychology has been of practical application (and that includes 10 years working in Mental Health )
  19. You can fit the Monte Allums opto+ mod kit. It removes a lot of the noise.
  20. Should be saved for motorcycle parts and body jewelry
  21. www.bandmix.co.uk is one I've used. Musofinder is the one favoured by my vocalist.
  22. As far as I can see, so long as date stamps are close enough for the era and genuine period hardware is present, that's as much verification as you can do. Edit for the main point of this thread: So I'd settle for 2 for the body and neck and 3 for the hardware. You can't verify 1, so why worry? Unless you've not slept for years worrying about if there is a God, in which case fret all you like over whether a bass is as it left the factory, it'll be less detrimental to your mental well-being.
  23. Spiltmilk, I suspect you're playing over major-scale "pop" music (or something else that's in a major Key) and you're using the right modes in the right places. A 12-bar blues in G (for example) could change key 5 times in twelve bars - Cmajor (G7 is the V chord) to Fmajor (C7 is the V chord) back to Cmaj, Fmaj, then Gmajor (D7 is the V chord), then back to C. As each time you're playing with the V chord you use Mixolydian.
  24. [quote name='greeneking']Jeez, THAT bad eh![/quote] After that I made a backgammon set out of two old cereal packets (honestly). It's amazing what I can find to do when I've got academic stuff to do.
  25. It's the Guild folk guitar that caught my eye!
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