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Everything posted by clauster

  1. I like it. Especially once you get more comfortable with the singing, reminds me a bit of early Charlatans stuff.
  2. [quote name='silverfoxnik']Three sets, start at 9.30pm and finish at 1am[/quote] Yeah right I've seen you play there on a quiet Sunday afternoon and they made you play staright through for about that length of time then, no chance of a break tonight Have a good 'un though ( and everyone else whether gigging or not) Myself, I'm off to a music quiz with three lovely ladies
  3. Hmmmm JD Bass? Blonde Hair? Slap Bass? Marcus? A new forum name........Little Mark II?
  4. [quote name='Sarah5string' post='366870' date='Dec 31 2008, 09:42 AM']When you say you can't 'play on your own' how do you mean?[/quote] I think I should have said I can't play anything I find satisfying without at least one other musician. DISCLAIMER! The following is how I have seen MY playing of MY bass for the last twenty something years. It is not meant to take away anything from soloists, bedroom players, ERBs, or anything else that sets off flaming and trolling. I have always seen bass as an ensemble instrument, the instrument that binds the others together and provides cohesion between the rhythm and harmony and I get a buzz out of doing that with other musicians. I have never developed the artistic creativity to write a melody or rhythm (beyond the major-key, nursery-rhymes necessary for music o-level), perhaps I don;t even have that sort of creativity. What I do have is the informed, technical creativity, founded on a basic understaing of theory, to write what I regard as original and interesting basslines. Without someone else to "bounce off" I'm a bit lost on bass. One of the reasons I have been considering lessons over the last week is to get me to push past these boundaries I set for myself a long time ago, so that I'm not in a stuation where it's either be in a band or give up. (Also so that when a non-muso says, "play me something," I can reply with something other than "bass doesn't work like that" )
  5. Along with the GK Backline stuff you could also look at the Ashdown Electric Blue combos. For the money they are great amps. The preamp in mine sounds great through the band's PA. The tone isn't so fantastic through the built in speaker for my taste, but is good enough and I get enough volume to keep up with a loud rock kit and two guitarsts at rehearsals.
  6. I run a line out to my notebook mixer and take, phones fro that.
  7. 'Tis indeed great. But that doesn't look like Gail on the bass. From where I'm sitting it looks like she's playing a white Strat and some crysty in a headscarf is playing the bass? Not sure though as I did have a lot of beer last night and I'm not 100% certain my vivion is back to normal.
  8. Thanks one and all. "Did lunch" with the singer and drummer today, we're going to try and find a new guitarist and hopefully a combined second-guitar/keys. Perhaps a slightly different direction too but we'll see. Still going to book a few lessons in he new year. It's time my playing took a step forward.
  9. [quote name='umph' post='365744' date='Dec 29 2008, 08:41 PM']unless mr shuker gets some apprentices ;o[/quote] There's one on his website for £650
  10. All things are possible, but (at this early hour of the morning) I think the answer is no without mods to the powered cabinet (ie a crossover before its power amp) and a second poweramp. Or a passive crossover after the poweramp. Edit: Unless you have separate line outs after the crossover in the Hartke.
  11. +1 to Corduroy. And thanks to Bubinga5 for starting this thread. I'm listening to Mother Earth's "Stoned Woman" right now
  12. As with any mass-produced "copies", there's no reason why you can't find one as good as the original if you get out and try enough of them - (received wisdom from a guitarist / pro-sound engineer acquainatce of mine when I sneered at his Squier Strat. He reckoned he'd tried at least 70 before settling on that one and with a set of replacement pickups put it on par with his US Strat).
  13. clauster


    Can you solder? If so I'd recomend the Boss CS3 with a monte allums opto mod kit. Or the BBE opto comp for a bit more.
  14. I've not tried it yet, but I keep looking at the Line6 Studio 110. It gets some good reviews, wide range of sounds and at 75 watts should be able to cope with jams with everything up to rock drummers.
  15. Cheers everyone (and sorry I missed some above - my typing is soooooooo slow), TBH just typing out my options got me thinking about them. I think I might book a few lessons (I know it's not fashionable but I've always wanted to slap and learning to read properly would be good too) I've got a few people I can jam / write / record with. Including another ex-guitarist who writes some seriously nice pop songs. He's an ex-pro who still has a publishing deal so who knows? Give it a few months and then I'll be looking for a new band. Thanks for listening and all your thoughts.
  16. And Musky
  17. Cheers EBS F. I didn't think one would get much support around here and it's not my favourite option - I did that ten years ago, sold all my bass stuff and invested in other musical stuff. Result = overdraft and a lot of frustration lol. And more of an overdraft when I started back on bass two years ago.
  18. My band folded just before Xmas (guitar and vox fell out big time). The drummer and vocalist have punted out the idea of finding two new guitarists to replace him and start again. For various reasons I don't think I'm up for it. So, as far as I can see I've got three other options - 1. Ditch the bass (I've always been a band player and can't do stuff on it on my own) and learn something new (I've always fancied trumpet, but form what I've heard you need to be seriously committed to become and stay vaguely profficient on brass). 2. Spend some time (and maybe some money on lessons) so I can play stuff on my own. 3. Find a new band. I fancy something different (I've always done rock/punk/indie), perhaps folk or even funk/disco. Help please, as at the moment I just feel like having a bonfire
  19. I think I'm competent at what I do (play rock, punk, ska, blues et al in a band or jamming with guitarist mates) but can't slap or solo beyond the odd simple lick. An O-level in music means I've got a reasonable grasp of classical theory. Whenever I gig someone from the audience usually has something nice to say about my playing.
  20. Mostly bought and sold the same stuff Wireless IEMs - bought march, sold dec Didgitech Bad Monkey - bought jan, sold april Boss CS3 and Monte Allums mod kit - bought jan, sold autumn(ish) Strings And all the bits for a BFM Omni10 (which I now need a nice weekend to put together)
  21. I say a law should be passed that titanium be reserved for the manufacture of motorcycle exhaust systems.
  22. BUmp for a great, no-fuss recording solution.
  23. shouldn't NEED an interface (but you do get better quality through one). Just take the output from the Microbass and go straight into the Macs line-in.
  24. [quote]Haha! Glad to be of service Buy it[/quote] Aye aye cap'n! Or rather, as soon as I've put together my Omni10 (I do have all the parts, just need good enough weather at a weekend to get outside for the sawing and gluing bit), and moved house, I'll start saving.
  25. That's gotta be most concise review I've ever read that's made me wanna by the product (more than I did already) Mert!
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