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Everything posted by clauster

  1. [quote]I'm not sure if the hidden-drivers thing is to my liking aesthetically,[/quote] You could always stick a grill on the front like David L Perry (see threads on this site and BFM's) - makes the designs look a lot more "normal"
  2. +1 or perhaps put it in the Wiki?
  3. +1 The plans for BFM's designs are very comprehensive, plus there's a forum on his site for if/when you get into difficulty on planning or building (or jut get addicted to cab building).
  4. You could make a nice commode out of one of those
  5. Guiatar Amp and Keyboard Centre Brighton, fun for the whole band. [url="http://www.gak.co.uk"]Guitar, Amp and Keyboard (and Drums and PA and Recording too)[/url]
  6. Does look v tasty now. Off to price up the bits to convert my 4 stringer
  7. First gig in 14 months with our new guitarist and drummer, playing a mix of punk and indie, covers and originals. Went down like a lead balloon with most of the audience (50+ alcoholics) who wanted AC/DC, Motorhead, Sabbath etc, but our friends enjoyed themselves, the (twenty something) barman loved it (quote "thank f*ck for a saturday night without Mustang Sally or Sweet Child of Mine" ) and it went down well with one local promoter who the singer had invited along (he's got a few more appropriate gigs in mind for us apparently). The landlady at this venue did apologise to us and admitted that if she'd have listened to our demo properly she'd have booked us for a Friday night when there's a younger crowd in. One big plus point is our new sound engineer (who hadn't seen a mixing desk close up before last saturday, when I gave him a few hours tuition) got us a great FOH sound within a few minutes. Especially pleased about this as we only had 5 minutes for a soundcheck thanks to the bl**dy football. The guitard P8ss*d us all off by turning up an hour late and then having to be nagged to set his kit several times before he got off his (_!_) and did it. Think we're going to be advertising for another one this week
  8. Best bet might be to get something like the boss micro-br? If you do want a hand BBC I'd be happy to pop round sometime.
  9. Windows XP Windows Vista or Vista SP1 (32 bit or 64 bit?) Linux Mac OS X are the common ones at the moment
  10. M-Audio drivers can be a right pain in the (_!_), but worth the aggravation because they are great devices. If you don't install the properly first time you've got to completely uninstall everything relating to them before trying again. What Operating system are you running?
  11. clauster

    Run Leia Run

    Drove past the Kelsey this morning and we're there in little letters on their blackboard
  12. Downloads and installs in seconds, then you just set your input device in the "edit" "preferences" menu, create a track ("project" menu, create new audio track) and press record.
  13. Just trying Audacity myself right now (first time on pc, but I've used it on Mac before occasionally).
  14. Ah, but Audacity is FREE!!!! FREE I tells you, FREEEEEEE!
  15. Ah Ableton Live! I know some people who love it, but it's grown up from a piece of software for DJ's / remixers. Look for Audacity and try that - very simple! Audio only, so none of that Midi crap to worry about.
  16. Oi Beefy! What did you get hardware and software wise? I've been doing MIDI on Atari's/PCs and Audio on PCs and Macs for years. Be hapy to give you a few pointers.
  17. Black pickguard on a maple neck, but for a rosewood board I really like the red tort.
  18. They're pretty quick Metaltime, I think it was three or four days for the JAN-III I got at the start of the summer :-)
  19. Good bits- Solid timing Reasonable theory Fingerstyle and pick Can assemble and run the band's PA Can choose a nice bass Bad bits - No good at improv or slap or solo Can't play and sing without laughing Get bored of doing the PA thing Have never got excited about amps enough to own a good'un (but am working on that) Can't make my mind up whether to FX or not and which ones to use when I have got them.
  20. If it's not being disloyal, you could have a look at the Warwick forum [url="http://www.warwick.de/forum"]Warwick Forum[/url] The Bartolinis certainly get a big "thumbs up" as passive pickups for Warwick basses, but I know what you mean about the Delanos - I'm gassing for a set for my Corvette. :brow:
  21. Compared to some of the exotic stuff on here, mine's really mundane. It was a Hondo, sort of SG shaped, 1 P pickup, Gibson style 3 point bridge, 32" scale (i think). Absolutely nothing special apart from it was so easy to pay and sounded really quite nice. Got rid of it in P/X for an amp because it wasn't a "name" bass (I had a couple of Fenders by then). TW*T!
  22. A favourite of mine at the time was Paul Gardner of Tubeway Army. "My Shadow In Vain" was the first bassline I learnt. Okay, so its only open E then E at 12th fret - but how encouraging is that for a beginner. Twenty seven years on and I'm now able to add a third note into my riffs!
  23. NIce to have you back Beedster!
  24. I use lemon oil on my Warwick's neck every time I change strings and in between too if I've had a particularly sweaty session.
  25. Should've bought that interface I was selling earlier this week! It'd go lovely with that Bad Monkey.
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