First gig in 14 months with our new guitarist and drummer, playing a mix of punk and indie, covers and originals. Went down like a lead balloon with most of the audience (50+ alcoholics) who wanted AC/DC, Motorhead, Sabbath etc, but our friends enjoyed themselves, the (twenty something) barman loved it (quote "thank f*ck for a saturday night without Mustang Sally or Sweet Child of Mine" ) and it went down well with one local promoter who the singer had invited along (he's got a few more appropriate gigs in mind for us apparently). The landlady at this venue did apologise to us and admitted that if she'd have listened to our demo properly she'd have booked us for a Friday night when there's a younger crowd in.
One big plus point is our new sound engineer (who hadn't seen a mixing desk close up before last saturday, when I gave him a few hours tuition) got us a great FOH sound within a few minutes. Especially pleased about this as we only had 5 minutes for a soundcheck thanks to the bl**dy football.
The guitard P8ss*d us all off by turning up an hour late and then having to be nagged to set his kit several times before he got off his (_!_) and did it. Think we're going to be advertising for another one this week