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Everything posted by clauster

  1. Just read this thread in all its glory! Shame to have seen it descend into the usual slagging match that always follows BBC (especially as this time he wasn't the first to start getting personal, just expressed (and owned) his opinion). BBC if you want a chance to vent your spleen in a supportive environment come to the next Sweet FA gig in the Tonbridge area. Can't beat them for a good chance to heckle To get back on thread..... It amazes me that mostly everyone who has contributed on the subject of this thread is naive enough to believe that the magazine is written to appeal to bass players. The title alone is enough to ensure that every issue will be bought by a significant number of bassists. The contents are there to promote the advertisers' interests. At the mo this (as far as I can see) is the contemporary music schools, so the mag has to promote the idea that bassists must be able to play all the modes of every scale at mega bpm on ERB's. If GAK, Fender, Rickenbacker, Ashdown etc start being the largest advertisers then these technical tutorials and articles will disappear to be replaced with lessons on "How to Avoid Getting Your Scarf Caught in Your Strings" and "Which waistcoat buttons are least damaging to the back of your bass". If it's BC Rich then it'll be "How to stop your spandex causing static interference" Alright, so I'm guilty of some fascetiousness here but seriously, the revenue generated by magazine sales is peanuts compared to advertising revenue. It ain't us it is written for, he who pays the piper calls the tune.
  2. Sure thing.... It's the Peavey RQ 1606M. The one I've found is in the states (couldn't find one i the UK at all) so it'll need a step-down transformer.
  3. Mine IS a bass.... 'twas a late 80s Warwick Thumb and it virtually pulled the notes from my fingers. It was effortlessly easy to play and it just wouldn't let me play a duff note. Fantastic stuff and I'm still gassing for an 80's thumb over 18 years later.
  4. Problem solved (I think) I've found a monitor mixer that does snake splitting.
  5. [quote name='misrule' post='152460' date='Mar 6 2008, 03:56 PM']It might be easier to see if you could get a US import. Cheers Mark[/quote] Thought that might be the case, but not keen on spending that sought of cash on a bass I can't play first. Maybe I'll finally go and see my aunt in Florida.
  6. Hmmm, interesting. I've sudenly found myself gassing for a Ric, not the 4003 but the 4004. Anyone know of a UK stockist for the 4004? I've tried the usual (GAK, Bass Gallery, etc etc)
  7. Or a Wizard Thumper, great thudding pbass tone and none too expensive. If that works as an improvement, usual suspects for bridge and tuners. The body looks like a nice piece of wood, so could make a nice bass after all.
  8. I'm liking it muchly
  9. Cheers BOD2 - like a complete numpty I was just using tip-sleeve plugs.
  10. The desk is a Behringer (yes, I know!!!!). We,ve tried using the inserts before to patch to an RME Fireface 800 for recording and it plays havoc with the levels. Could be worth trying again tho. Don't really want to spend the cash on a "proper" splitter box, as for the same money we could be a used analogue desk with plenty of sends.
  11. Should be so long as you're okay with a soldering iron (might want a multimeter too unless you're already sure which tab is which on your pots). All you'd need to do is disconnect the cables from the J vol to the tone and reattach them to the p vol.
  12. Really hope someone has got the technical savvy to help me out with this one - Our band has grown and our mixer gets more and more cranky, to the point where we no don't have enough aux sends to supply monitor mixes for all. Question is can we just use splitter cables from the desk end of the snake to drive our FOH mixer AND a second monitor mixer? What would happen when phantom power is sent from the FOH mixer? Would it fry inputs on the second mixer? Are there other issues? Please help because we don't want to spend £200 on splitters only to find it doesn't work.
  13. [quote]Is there a way of wiring a vol pot just on the j pickup? I'm thinking (when I eventually get round to building a bass) of having a vol pot on the j - and a master vol pot. 2 knobs. 90% of the time I play with both vol pots up 100% - sometimes I turn my j down a bit.[/quote] Yes, I had a friend who did this on his Precision - P p/up straight to the front knob and J p/up via a new audio taper pot (where the treble bleed pot had been) on to the front vol.
  14. Nice, but at that price I'd save the bit extra for the EBS.
  15. I think I might have the fastest first ding............ I'd literally (a few seconds) just handed the cash over for an Ibanez semi (guitar, not bass) and I dinged the back on the edge of the hard case as the lid threatened to close on the front.
  16. Good choice! When it comes to passives I think vol/vol just sounds better than mvol/mix. It's a mod I'm planning on for my Corvette passive once I've settled on new pickups.
  17. Found it on the GAK site and it said to phone for price..... But they haven't got a retail price, Korg haven't told them the trade price and they don't even have a delivery date for the first batch.
  18. dmz's Lakland BG [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=11822"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=11822[/url]
  19. NIce bargain
  20. Great voice too
  21. That's the thing, the one's I'm s'posed to be learning are right up my street. I didn't even know until tonight that I like Linda Ronstadt??!!!!?
  22. The scenario.......... First rehearsal in two months tomorrow night. New drummer and 2 new guitarists (one of whom used to be in a proper band, totp n all). So I've got four songs to learn. Can I learn them? No! All I wanna play this evening is 60s/70s girlie stuff (Linda Ronstadt and Carole King). m..m...m..must c...c...c.oncentrate
  23. JJ Brunels Shuker OR Hooky's semi-accustic OR Mani's "Jackson Pollocked" 4005
  24. How many drivers have you got in your 4ohm cab?
  25. PMed you re the chip and adapter. Glad you went for this modded pedal over the Blackfinger you'd been considering - the bf is a great vintage style compressor but nowhere near as clean as Monte's CS3. Have you thought about telling Monte Allum about the second BB chip?
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