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Everything posted by clauster

  1. Another one for the little Satellite p-bassish shortscale here - twin humbuckers with on/off/out-of-phase switch for each p/up and sunburst finish. Next bass was one of those Hondo II SG style things (pg1), but mine had a great action and is still one of the most playable basses I have owned, I think it was 32" scale? My bloody brother sold it while I was at uni.
  2. Another vote for the tort (if it was maple i'd say black tho) I'd go for a Fralin p/up tho
  3. +1 to the Daisy Rock bass. My wife's got one of their guitars (the purple heart) and it's GREAT!
  4. I like to sing backing vox But the rest of my band have confiscated my mic
  5. clauster

    Cubase question

    Been a while since I used Cubase but IIRC one of the limitations is that LE only supports one device. Could well be wrong though .
  6. Man, that's a handsome bass! Congrats on a good find and welcome to the world of fettling
  7. No sugestions as to what to play, but I think you got a bargain there.......flipping gorgeous. I like the understated style.
  8. Andy H, Couldn't you just be ready with your finger over the mute button on the desk at he end of every song? I did the sound at Rock City about 20 years ago for Desmond Decker. End of every song he took a big bow and shoved his mike right in his vocal wedge - the mte button worked a trick lol
  9. I've always liked the look of a bridge p/up on a P. (but then again, once upon a time i thought my ex-wife was attractive )
  10. Which one's his heart in? Piano or Bass? Music's like sport.....a common goal for the pusuit as a whole, but different techinque for each discipline. If your son wanted to take up ice hockey would you make him play football instead because it is the more popular sport? IMHO playing piano (which I had to do for ten years) does not make you better at other instruments, if anything it made the transition to strings harder for me (why can you play the same note/chord in several different places, coordinating two hands to play one note etc etc). It is great for theory though (which if he's got grade three in jazz piano he's got enough technique to explore the rest of theory).
  11. For me, the clue's in the thread title................Philosophy :wacko: Until I took a took a break from bass at 28 years old, right from my second bass I'd always had Precisions apart from 1 US Jazz. Now I've got a Warwick. It's great.... great tone, wide range of sounds, soooo adjustable, small & light, looks great etc etc But I wish I'd got a decent P instead (as I did when I had my Jazz).............................................Why? Because once you've got it set up properly all you can do is play! It's Zen and the art of Bass Playing!
  12. For me their instruments are a bit like their bikes (I'ma biker too) - usually not the best spec or most exciting designs, but there's something nice about them when you've got one! My six string accoustic (f310) is Yam's cheapest accoustic, but I've had it ten years and can't find anything within another £100 that sounds better to my ears plus its really comfortable to play.
  13. Man, that Valenti is boooooootiful ^_^
  14. Therein lies the main constraint on me - space! I live in a small Victorian cottage, and there's no way the missus is going to give house-room to a medium or full stack (put it this way - lat night words were exchanged abut the size of the EB180, and that will just about go up the stairs, anyhting larger, no way). That's why the MB & Acme appeals - less space required (and more portability too).
  15. He's using a s/s combo (12") with a 12" ext cab so not stupidly loud but more than my cheap little Ashdown can compete with. Originally the Ashdown was just bought for rehearsals (our old drummer was QUIET! - the Ashdown arely went over 9 O'clock on the output gain). For home practise I'd run through my computer with headphones and live I go via DI to the PA. But I now need more rehearsal volume and I've been invited to do a couple of other gigs where I'd need a louder and nicer sounding amp.
  16. Hi all, Got a tax refund coming soon and have earmarked a grand (or there abouts) of it for a mini rig of doom before the wife finds the cash in my account. My band took a new drummer last week and he's f'ing loud!! Guitrist was maxing out his 150w Marshall and my Ashown EB180 just got lost in the wall of sound the other 2 were pumping out. So I need about 300-500 watts by my reckoning. Had been considering the Warwick Xtreme 5.1 and a Warwick Neo 112 (with another 112 to be added in a few months time) with cases and cables its bang on budget, and should complement my Warwick Corvette nicely. Also had in mind to look into a similar G-K rig (RB700 and 1 neo initially). This morning I took a look at the Acme site and worked out that I should also be able to get the combination in the titile for about the same price, get the full power of the head immediately (instead of having to wait a few months for the extra cab) and have a smaller lighter rig at the end of the day) but am wary about splashing out that much on a rig I can't try before I buy - so, has anyone tried the Lil Mark 2 with a 4ohm B2? Or should I go with either of the other combinations.
  17. That's a very handsome bass..................I'm a sucker for a maple necked P!
  18. Great idea! 'twould give me some motivation to get my Reason updated for the Intel Mac so I can write some loops to share with others. Much more satisfying for practise loops than my cheap drum machine,
  19. First issue - maudio drivers are resource hungry (mine's got more latency than the built in sound card). Yours more than most because you've got midi and audio in the same device. Get more memory. 1.2gig isn't a lot these days. Secondly reduce, not increase, the buffers to get the latency down. Third, don't know whether the Ozone drivers allow this, but if you can reduce the sampling frequency. If you've got 24bit sampling, reduce to 16. Lastly, as already said, make sure you're using usb2.
  20. Mine's gotta be the easiest - Tubeway army - My Shadow In Vain. Took me years to work up to She's lost control lol. It wasn't until the stone roses came along that I decided I wanted to get better as a player.
  21. I'd look for a Boss BR864 on ebay - much better quality recordings than either the 600 or the Zoom.
  22. Many of the above + Mani & Reni (Stone Roses)
  23. Nice bass But the leather trousers look a bit iffy
  24. Unbalanced line-outs fall into the "useful" rather than "professional" category. I use it for running my preamped signal into mixers without balanced inputs (most inexpensive home studios), running a line to a tuner to keep it out of the signal path and running a signal to a second backline amp. I use it a lot more than DI, which is just for "proper" recording and for our larger gigs. Line out gets used about 90% of the time my amp is on.
  25. I like that O15!
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