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Everything posted by clauster

  1. Most talented cool bass player - Mani Simonon - V Cool But for sheer b*lls out cool Gotta be Peter Hook
  2. What Dood said +1 When I was in my sound engineering days, if a bass amp didn't have a DI then we'd use a short cable run from the line out straight into a DI box before plugging that into the snake. If it wasn't from a mic or a DI box, it didn't go into the board.
  3. Aha Bill! It's your cabs I'm thinking of using (O10 at 4ohm and T39 at 8ohm) Good to know it can be done without probs on the power amp side, now I've just to persuade the wife that I need houseroom for a bigger rig.
  4. I'd be happy with Behringer pedals - they are cheap, but not nasty. They are to effects what swatch are to watches. At the price they do what they do pretty well, when they go wrong just throw away and buy another one. Boss are the other way around - don't sound that great for the price (I had a boss comp 20 years ago and all it did was add hiss and remove bass), but are built like tanks. Great thing is they can be modded to sound great. With my used used cs3 and monte allum mod I'll have a great comp that'll sound great and last decades.
  5. clauster

    Boss aw3

    Cheers guys. I Think that's the answer I was looking for. If one comes up for less than £50 on the 'bay I'll have it, otherwise its keep daving for the auto Q.
  6. Thanks, that's what I thought. Only problem now is persuading the wife to let a rack + cab + sub have houseroom
  7. Cheers man!
  8. I'm thinking of upgarding from my little combo to a bigger rig. I'm consider biamping. My question is is it okay to run a four ohm load on one channel and an 8ohm on the other? My logic says it should be fine, but I'd just like to get some feedback before making an expensive mistake.
  9. clauster

    Boss aw3

    Anyone used the AW3 Dynamic Wah? I'm new to the wah thing, but fancy a go at making some "funky" sounds. Couldn't make my mind up about whether to go for an envelope filter or a rocker-wah. Then I came across the Boss one - which as standrd is an envelope filter, but you can add an expression pedal too if you want more control. And it's got a dedicated bass input too But would I be better off with bass-balls/q-tron/mxr auto-q/crybaby/other?
  10. Interesting. I'm after a new compressor and my next-door neighbour who is a guitarist bought a cs3 on ebay and he hasn't found a use for it yet. He's just offered it to me for £28 (what he paid for it). Gonna go for it and get the opto mod kit Big squeeze for little cash.
  11. Toffee, what basses have you already got? Do you want something that's the same but more? Something different? Is one of them worth spending the money on upgrades? At the top of your price range you MIGHT just find an abused MIA fender (especially as you've got 5 months). If you're looking at new basses don't forget to try the Rockbass range. Great instruments for the cash.
  12. We've got a big guy who does our sound - his number one duty is to leap on stage and punch the guitarists if they look like they're about to reach for the volume knobs on their amps
  13. Makes sense to me dood. My reservation is that you can't apply the fx loop to just one channel. And I wish they'd offer a rackmount version. But there's plenty of preamps that offer those facilities. What your getting with the Microbass is what it was designed to be - a swiss army knife for bassists. It will work as (amongst other things) a preamp, 2 channel mixer, distortion pedal, parametric eq pedal, fx loop switch (mixable from series to parallel and beyond) and DI box from which you can still drive your backline. Plus it will fit in your gigbag. All at a reasonable price. If you want the same eq across both channels you could just put another eq processor somewhere in the siganl chain.
  14. "Meet-ups and offers" - didn't realise it was that sort of site Seriously though, great idea. I'm on a few bike sites and they all do 'grooming cards'
  15. Thanks for the welcome guys - and all from w sussex
  16. Right now I've got "She Bangs the Drums", Stone Roses on itunes, but most of Mani's lines do it for me.
  17. Hi Joe I've been gassing for a 'wick since first playing a Thumb 18 years ago. Took it to a get together of musicians in the midlands last weekends, even some of our 6 string brethren really liked it.
  18. At least I now know why I have to travel to kent to find a guiatrist and drummer to play with lol
  19. clauster

    South East Bash

    Gonna try and make this but got the spawn of satan (sorry, step-sons) staying at the time.
  20. +1 for the mini mixer option. Great for jamming with guitarists / keys etc too - you only need one amp for all of you. Mine sits in the middle of the lounge floor most friday nights while a few of us jam and have a few beers.
  21. Billingshurst is an exciting metropolitain place compared to Southwater Off to look for details of this get together in August
  22. What is it with Sussex and bass players at the moment? Seems quite a few are signing up. I started playing bass in '81 at the ripe old age of 12. Got involved in as much as I could musically for the next 15 years - various bands (originals and covers), school orchestra, jamming with friends and also got to know my way around PA systems pretty well (worked for a small PA outfit in the midlands in the late 80s). In 97 I started doing shift work which put an end to playing in bands, sold my kit and bought a six string (even after 10 years I still can't do more than hammer out a few chords lol). Carreer change last year means I now have evenings free so bought a new bass and joined a band. Nine months on and I'm still undoing the bad habits picked up on the six string, but getting there. Desperately trying to drop my plectra dependency at the mo. Over the years I've had - Satellite 3/4 size bass (P shape, 2 humbuckers) Hondo II Pro (SG shape, 1 split coil, 32" scale - cheap but great and wish I'd never let it go) Various US Precisions (never liked P styling but man they sound great, especially my beat up '78) One MIM Precision (never again) One US Jazz (Beautiful, but I just did'nt get on with it) Now I've got a swamp ash Warwick Corvette Std (passive) and I love it so much. The sound is so good I've finally taken an interest in my amplification. Used to be happy if my amp had an input, volume knob and speaker but this thing deserves something that lets the tone shine through. Currently gassing for a cs warwick (32" scale (small hands), single MM, black finish (the constant waxing of the corvette is a major pain)) and some Bill Fitzmaurice Omni 10.5s for the other end. Looking for some thing(s) to go in the middle of the chain. Anyway, enough prattle. Looking forward to getting to know you guys on the board. Nic
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