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  1. hey guys.looking to buy a good synth pedal for my bass guitar.im looking to get a good muse kind of sound(from what ive searched he combines a synth pedal with a muff,i already own the bass big muff).so ive come down to these two. [url="http://www.thomann.de/gr/electro_harmonix_bass_micro_synth_new_2008.htm"]http://www.thomann.de/gr/electro_harmonix_...th_new_2008.htm[/url] [url="http://www.thomann.de/gr/digitech_bass_synth_wah_bodeneffektpedal.htm"]http://www.thomann.de/gr/digitech_bass_syn...effektpedal.htm[/url] do u think there is anything better,or something else that i could get that could sound more like the sound i wanna have ? thanks.
  2. a bump from a dude that wished he had the money for ur bass(awesome price,btw).
  3. [quote name='Dubs' post='872718' date='Jun 20 2010, 06:18 PM']Have you looked into the TecAmp or Epifani 4x10 cabs? Better than the ones you've listed, but also more expensive...[/quote] nope,i actually researched them now and they look pretty fine(im guessing i wont be able to find one here in greece though to listen 2.) do u know how much they cost? [quote name='Musicman20' post='872738' date='Jun 20 2010, 06:42 PM']If weight isnt an issue, check the Aguilar 4x10s. Id love a DB410 but Ive got the Orange OBC410 therefore its not necessary.[/quote] no ,weight isnt an issue....yet,at least (im checking aguilar out ) [quote name='chris_b' post='872817' date='Jun 20 2010, 07:57 PM']Your tastes might be different, but I'd choose Aguilar before Hartke and Ampeg and Eden before SWR or Orange.[/quote] i surely prefer ampeg over swr and orange,and the svt410 is currenly my #1 on the list [quote name='JTUK' post='872877' date='Jun 20 2010, 09:10 PM']That SWR Goliath would have to be pretty new for 500 euros but they are usually great cabs.[/quote] the dude says it was made in 1998.have u ever played the goliath? [quote name='dan670844' post='872903' date='Jun 20 2010, 09:30 PM']If you want a good sounding 4x10 with a lot of punch and very loud, I would check out the Eden Nemesis 410XST. Very nice sounding cab for not much money. Its medium weight too.[/quote] ill have to listen to that,but ill keep it in mind
  4. Hey fellows.looking in to buy a good 4x10 cabinet soon for my bands studio,live gigs and maybe recordings as well.looking into something that has a good "punch" (like an ampeg lets say?).also looking for an amp to match it,but thats another story here's some cabs i have in mind(i wouldnt mind spending over about 800 euros,sorry for saying euros but i live in greece): 1.SWR Golliath 4x10 (not for sale anymore,found it from some dude for 500 euros) 2.Hartke hx410 hydrive (http://www.thomann.de/gr/hartke_hx410_hydrive.htm) 3.Ampeg svt410 (http://www.thomann.de/gr/ampeg_svt410hlf_bassbox.htm) 4.Orange sp410 (http://www.thomann.de/gr/orange_sp410_or.htm) this one is small too so it could help for live gigs since im kinda of a noob,it would be useful if someone gave me some advice for one of these cabs.thanks guys. Chris
  5. hey guys.looking for a tube compressor since im getting into the studio with my band to write our first cd and im looking for a good comp.i have the ebs multicomp right now(http://www.thomann.de/gr/ebs_multi_compressor.htm) but i found the EHX black finger online (http://www.thomann.de/gr/electro_harmonix_black_finger.htm). what do u guys think about it?have any other really good comps to offer?thanks!
  6. have a bump from me,nice bass.
  7. has anyone ever checked this out ? looks sweet,i like the room eq parameter.i cant seem to find anywhere though someone playing it :/ [url="http://www.thomann.de/gr/kustom_de300_hd_head.htm"]http://www.thomann.de/gr/kustom_de300_hd_head.htm[/url]
  8. @lojo: just wanna know if the price is good for the cabinet only,if its sound is reliable,how much would you give this cabinet from 1 to 10 lets say ? im looking to match it up with an 4x10 ampeg. thanks for ur answer!
  9. has anyone checked this out ? its not for sale anymore in any stores and i found it from some dude in a good price i think(150 euros - only the cabinet). [url="http://techhouse.brown.edu/~dmorris/studiocobbler/images/swr%20workingman%27s%2015.jpg"]http://techhouse.brown.edu/~dmorris/studio...an%27s%2015.jpg[/url]
  10. truth is,i do play allot of gigs so it could be useful for that the pitchblack is surely an awesome tuner but that damn polytune impressed me.hm...
  11. which one do u think is better ? i have the pitchblack and im probably giving it for the polytune.that tuner seems to kick ass!
  12. hey guys.im about to buy the univibe pedal,i love the sound of this chorus/vibrato thing.i just wanna ask if you know what the difference is between the reissue of the dunlop univibe(http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qIpRhl2ltYo , [url="http://www.thomann.de/gr/dunlop_univibe_tremoloeffekt.htm)"]http://www.thomann.de/gr/dunlop_univibe_tremoloeffekt.htm)[/url] and the univibe stereo chorus (http://www.thomann.de/gr/dunlop_univibe_stereo_chorus.htm , [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=969DyALZ_ls)"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=969DyALZ_ls)[/url] thanks!
  13. that ampeg is a killer and has an awesome price.good luck!
  14. its unbelievable someone hasnt bought this bass yet....this is something i wanna get when i collect the right amount of money....good luck with this
  15. very very very very nice....hope that bass finds a good home.
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