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Everything posted by CJPJ

  1. I just love these basses. I saw one being played on a cruise recently and it looked so classy and sounded sublime. I'm glad you are only taking trades as it makes it much easier for me 🙂 GLWTS
  2. I used to have the Xotic Effects. I've not got my head around compressors properly yet but my guitarist uses once and he also plays bass and he rates it on both instruments. Appently you can fine tune it using some switches hidden inside the back cover. Exciting.
  3. Loving this thread . . . I have the same Player P Bass but haven't got around to changing out the pickguard but want to!
  4. eBay and Facebook Marketplace are just full of scammers - it really puts me off and why this community and similar 'lifestyle' ones are so attractive. I was searching for an iPhone the other day and saw various sellers selling thing on FB at really low 'too good to be true' prices. It was obviously a scam of some kind but I just couldn't work out want it was - maybe as simple as send the cash and you never get the goods?! I hope I've never stupid/greedy enough to fall for something like that....
  5. That's kind of why I asked as I used to have the original and I used with an 8ohm BF Compact and it was great but I always wondered if the switch on the back somehow added some magic that allow it the same power output at 4ohm. I'm thinking of getting a OTB again but current have a 4ohm (actually 5.2ohm technically) cab 🤨
  6. What does it deliver at 4ohm - still 500W?
  7. A dose of shiny happiness 😍
  8. Fair enough. I thought that pic was you adoring at at home!
  9. Just be glad it was local and you got to inspect it before pick it up! It’s lovely btw - what year?
  10. What a lovely looking bass. GLWTS.
  11. Dave sold me an EHX Bass Clone chorus pedal. Well packaged, in superb condition and all working well....all as described. Thanks Dave!
  12. Thanks for feedback. I feel validated 😘
  13. Just discovered this thread - love it although makes me feel like a bit of an amateur (which I am 😄 ). I'm in a covers band - all got jobs, just a bit of hobby practicing in a studio each week - and we've just started playing out live - we played the Star Inn in Guildford last week in a charity gig. This is one of fave track - Town Called Malice. I don't use a pick . . . like I said, amateur.... The thought of playing again still fills me with dread even though it was such a buzz.
  14. CJPJ

    Orange Terror !

    I didn’t realise that - I thought it was just a different form factor but it makes sense thinking about it as there’s no room for the valves!
  15. CJPJ


    01100010 01100001 01110011 01110011 01100011 01101000 01100001 01110100
  16. CJPJ

    Orange Terror !

    I thought this was tube pre-amp? My mk1 definately had two as I remember upgading them. I want to get an OTB again as I miss it dearly.
  17. Interestingly, I just started using mine with everything completely flat and no effects apart from the Ashdown 'magic' button engaged. Pretty much as you have it in the picture without the flat drive. I then send that through a compressor and overdrive in my HX Effects and it lovely and clean but with some character. had it DI'd out on stage last night and it was epic. Anyway, sorry you are leaving the Ashdown club but hope the new set up works out!
  18. That mint green pick guard makes it look very handsome indeed. I like this alot.
  19. These are great amps. What are you changing over to? GLTWS.
  20. I've had the HX Stomp, Effects, B6, MS-60B, MS70CDR, Boss ME-50b and some of the older Zoom pedals. I've sold them all but the only one I bought again was the HX Effect which, on reflection, I think works for me best. It doesn't have amps and cabs which I don't need, has easy access to the core effects (as you list) and you can program parallel paths and tweak ad-infinitum if you want. The key for me was realising that it was not hard to set up if you give it 30-60 minutes and a YouTube tutorial. I love it now and have everythign I need as I think the quality of the sounds are fabulous.
  21. Randomly, I've just gone back to the HX Effects having cycled through all of the HX Stomp, HX Effects, Zoom MS-60B, Zoom MS-70CDR and Zoom B6 in the last 6 months. I think this is the one that worked best for me in terms of usability, form factor and overall access to sounds.
  22. Hard to regret buying that - lovely bike. Clearly your judgement was not impaired by the alcohol even though the size of your bank balance might have been!
  23. Many buyers assume that, as a seller, you are in some way desperate or forced to sell and so can't understand why you won't or can't possibly take an offer or entertain a (cheeky) negotiation. Or their assumption is that you've already marked it up by x% in order to bring the price down later.
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