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Deep Thought

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Everything posted by Deep Thought

  1. I really like it-I think the tongue may well be firmly in cheek regarding the lyrics, which TBH are not as lousy as some that Matt Bellamy has turned out in recent years, and it's the sort of stirring piffle that is expected for this type of do. Musically I love it-I wonder if they got paid for it?
  2. 'With a tongue like a cow, she could make you go wow!' Fantastic stuff. Sheik Yerbouti was the first album I got into, followed by Joe's Garage. Still loads I haven't heard, must have a Zappa reacquaintance.
  3. I have a G30 and am really pleased with it-minor niggles are the battery compartment lid, which is a sod to close (I've read of others having this problem), and when I first had it it drank batteries (couldn't get through an afternoon's rehearsal). A shorter lead and a set of Duracells instead of pound shop jobs, and no more trouble.
  4. [quote name='The Dark Lord' timestamp='1339838302' post='1695084'] Spot on. Although I'm not sure there's a hyphen in it. [/quote] Yeah there is-but only one 'L'. JJ-all that needs to be said IMHO as soon as this debate comes up-but even he uses his fingers on some songs-where it's appropriate.
  5. I have an acoustic, but if I could play the bleeding thing well enough to justify an electric, a Telecaster. Love the sound and simplicity of design.
  6. How did I know that whatever it was was going to be checkerboard?
  7. I use an Alto MS10ma, which was recommended to me by my local shop, and I'm very pleased with it. We hired a PA for an outdoor gig a few years ago which had JBL powered monitors (I think they were EONs) and they were great, but I know they aren't cheap. I know Electrovoice are also highly regarded.
  8. When I play my acoustic bass with phosphor bronze strings on, I not only get the smell, I get green fingertips as well.,
  9. Come and see the violence inherent in the system! Help, help, I'm being repressed! You're welcome.
  10. [quote name='BassTractor' timestamp='1338212793' post='1670874'] [size=4]Dennis, there's some lovely filth down here.[/size] [/quote] Bloody peasant!
  11. Not done one of these for a while. After a successful pub gig in Fowey on friday night, on Saturday we played Woodrock for the third time-this is the gig we actually formed the band to play. Woodrock is a sort of mini festival/private party in some woods, miles from anywhere. One of Cornwall's best-kept secrets. A really well-constructed stage sits in a clearing in the middle of the woods, the only way there apart from a long walk is via a 1962 Mercedes Unimog with trailer full of straw bales, down a track which few other vehicles could negotiate. Our drummer and I first went there with a mate from work in the late 90's-we had such a great time we said 'we gotta form a band and play here!' Finally in 2005 that's what we did, a couple of years later we got on the bill for the first time. This was our third appearance, second on the bill between some young lads who have never been there before, and another local band who are very similar to us before our female singer left-straight-down-the-line, something-for-everyone party band. We were definitely the nasty dirty rock band on the bill. The headliners let everyone use their PA, which belonged to their bass player, who did a cracking job, we were delighted with the sound. Had a fantastic time, definitely our best appearance there yet, everyone up and dancing and then we had the rest of the evening to ourselves. Sadly after a beautiful day the rain came in late in the evening, slightly marring the headliners' second set and putting the mockers on any post-gig socialising/drinking back at the campsite-we spent a damp night in our leaking tent! Thankfully the sun came out again in the morning and dried everything out, and we had a pleasant morning cooking breakfast and hanging out in the sun before riding the Unimog down to pick up our gear. The organisers are already talking about having us back next year for an all-emergency services lineup with another local band who are all firemen (we're all ambulance staff). Good time had by all. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v317/MikeyB17/DSCF4327-1.jpg[/IMG]
  12. 1st amp was a Peavey Century 100watt head with a pair of Marshall 2X12's-a mate who was in the house band at the holiday camp I worked at tried the head out and told me never to sell it! I did though. Next came a Marshall 12W combo which I still have, but I don't think it's much use these days! Then I got a 60W Marshall combo, which was big and heavy but not particularly loud. Then I gave up playing for 15 years (not because of the Marshall!) When I started playing again the first thing I got was an Ashdown Mag 300 combo. Wasn't keen on that. Insufficient bollocks. Replaced it with a Trace 1X15 300W combo, which I later added a Hartke Transporter 4X10 cab to. That was replaced by my current rig which I have had for three years, my Genz Shuttle 6 with two 1X12 custom Ashdown ABM cabs with Celestion Neo's, which does everything I want it to. There are a couple of practice amps too, a Peavey Microbass and another which I've forgotten the name of. I would really like another head as a backup, preferably a Markbass, but funds don't currently permit.
  13. I can't hear anything from 15kHZ to 19kHZ, but I can hear 20 and 21kHZ!
  14. Fortunate Son by Creedence/John Fogerty.
  15. Dunlop nylons, either grey .88's or black 1mm's. I like a bit of flex in a pick.
  16. Aaargh! Bargains, bargains everywhere, and not a drop to spend!
  17. A Womble playing an all-black Rick! I've wanted one of those for years, but I think I'm cured now!
  18. I'd love one of these. Cracking price too, but out of the question for me. Good luck with it.
  19. I think everybody's just skint. Some real bargains kicking around lately that haven't sold yet 'cos nobody's got any disposable. I really fancy an ABM head but it ain't happening right now.
  20. Wot no Morrissey?
  21. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1333624940' post='1604405'] Really? IME the Schaller screw is normally about the same size as the screw holding the original button in place. Also because the screw goes further into the Straplock button than a normal strap button, if you use the original screw you will be screwing it further into the wood than before which may have robustness implications if your restore the original buttons. [/quote] Well certainly in my experience on two Fender Precisions, the Schaller screw was definitely thinner than the Fender one it was replacing, with all the accompanying problems of it working loose. I took 'em off my Mex and put the old buttons back on, same screws, and they're pretty solid so far.
  22. I won't touch a drop if I'm driving (my job goes out the window if I lose my licence, and I don't reckon it's worth it). I have to drive to both rehearsals and gigs, so it's stone cold sober for me at both. If it doesn't affect your performance, and you're not driving, I don't see why you shouldn't have a drink or two, within reason.
  23. [quote name='Clarky72' timestamp='1333617181' post='1604194'] I'm with you on enlarging the hole in your strap, but for the screw-bass part, the easiest and best way I've found is using the original bass screw and the Schaller StrapLock together. Drill the StrapLock button out very slightly to take your original screw then simply screw back in. No adjustment or mods needed to the bass at all and the connection will be as tough as nails, after all it's using the original screw. [/quote] Likewise-I found this by far the best way-far easier than all the woodwork-but I've given up on straplocks altogether now, and gone back to Grolsch bottle washers. I still don't understand why Schaller insist on using those silly little screws to go into a hole which is almost invariably bigger than they are designed to go in (story of my life ).
  24. I'm a bugger for forgetting which way round the input/output jacks go on tuners and pedals (on the rare occasions when I use them), even after all these years, resulting in a 'why isn't this working?' moment.
  25. Eeew. that is actually quite unsettling. Why, why, WHY????
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