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Deep Thought

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Everything posted by Deep Thought

  1. I can only think of a few bass players that are [i]really[/i] famous i.e. mention their name to the average man in the street and they will know who you're talking about. Paul McCartney and Sting spring to mind, and even they aren't famous just for playing bass-they are songwriters and singers as well. Other possibles include Bill Wyman, Lemmy and Sid Vicious-well he did sort of play bass!
  2. [quote name='chris_b' post='1098869' date='Jan 22 2011, 05:19 PM']Paul Simon goes through phases. He'll get back to loving bass soon. I like this number, but he's not completely right about Bo Diddley. At the start Bo didn't use a bass player but Willie Dixon played on some of his records and I saw him several times touring with a full band.[/quote] When I saw him some time in the mid-eighties, Duck Dunn was playing bass for him.
  3. Then of course there's the King Dick spanner-yes there really was a company called that. In fact, there still is:- [url="http://www.kingdicktools.co.uk/"]http://www.kingdicktools.co.uk/[/url]
  4. I had one which I didn't keep very long. Looked fabulous, but I wasn't blown away by the sound, mine buzzed a fair bit (although I admit it was hardly a pristine example). Personally I don't get on with the offset Jazz body shape-of course this applies to all Jazzes but this happened to be the first one I'd owned. The main criticism I've seen here more than once is the discomfort of the bound edges digging into your arm.
  5. [quote name='LiamPodmore' post='1075714' date='Jan 2 2011, 08:55 PM']Nothing like Tim's usual stuff, and christmas themed, but just phenomenal[/quote] Oh, hell, I'm avoiding that one in the future. I think Tim Minchin is incredible, and this only goes to support my assertion, as I was, I'm not ashamed to admit, bawling my eyes out over that one, which is unusual for me.
  6. Atmosphere by Joy Division The End by the Doors
  7. Shuker JJ Burnel for me.
  8. [quote name='Slipperydick' post='1049504' date='Dec 6 2010, 04:20 PM']I think its Rick Price pretending to play it isnt it ?[/quote] I was convinced for years that it was a young Lemmy! I love the bit in that vid where he says 'OK you lot-take it!' and the kids, instead of miming the vocals, carry on pretending to play their toy saxes whilst the disembodied voices sing the chorus. Never work with kids or animals, eh?
  9. One of my local emporia sold one a while ago, ex-T.Rex:- [url="http://www.modernmusic.co.uk/collectibles_and_rarities/sold/t_rex_steve_currie_bass.php"]http://www.modernmusic.co.uk/collectibles_...currie_bass.php[/url]
  10. I'm not the slightest bit bothered what colour a bass is-as long as it's black.
  11. I love the idea of these, but I think owning his signature bass [i]and[/i] his signature amp would be taking things a bit too far-unless I played in a Stranglers tribute band-which I don't!
  12. JJ Burnel Norman Watt-Roy Stu Morrow (New Model Army) Honourable mentions for John Entwistle, Mike Mills and Chris Thompson of the Screaming Blue Messiahs.
  13. I drilled out the Schaller button and used the original screws. I stick to Grolsch bottle washers these days.
  14. I've still got mine-first and only SLR I ever owned. Doesn't get much use these days, but I wouldn't part with it.
  15. I think Ennio Morricone is the king of film soundtracks-any of the Leone westerns get my vote, with Once upon a time in the West being my particular favourite. Otherwise honourable mention for O Brother where art thou? and Apocalypse now.
  16. I have one of the signature picks he uses these days-I was quite surprised how thin and floppy it was-it's one of the equalateral triangle types like guitarists use. I have the impression that the greenburst P is still in existence and has been repaired-Jon Shuker mentions it on his website when describing how he came up with the design for the Shuker JJ, and I read it that the bass is intact and in playable condition.
  17. This one always works for me in that department. Also Doors stuff like Light my fire or Riders on the storm.
  18. I had a Japanese 60's reissue Fender Precision, black/tortoiseshell/rosewood (I wanted a black scratchplate, the shop said you couldn't get them-in my ignorance I believed them). My first ever Precision. This would have been around the early 90's. Band folded, I sold it to a mate. Probably shouldn't have.
  19. I've tried loads, including DR's, and the ones I found to keep the zing I like longer than any are D'Addario XL's. I tried their stainless ones but they were no better. I once tried some Skull strings which I was pretty impressed with-must seek them out again.
  20. Bought a wireless unit from Steve. Unfortunately through no fault of his, it didn't work, (probably the fault of the good old Royal Mail) but Steve refunded my money with no quibbles and was thoroughly decent throughout. Would be more than happy to deal with him again.
  21. Since reading 'Shakey' a few weeks ago, I've been in a real Neil Young phase. Afetr a visit to Fopp in Exeter the other day, (I mourn the day they closed the Truro branch), it's 'Weld' ad nauseam at the mo.
  22. It's a lovely bass, it doesn't really need the Old Party, it's quite capable of selling itself. The writeup is [b]A BIT OTT[/b] as well.
  23. The JJ, every time. I never want to play anything else. The Precision comes along for a quick changeover if I bust a string, but even in the scabbiest of pubs I can't resist playing the Shuker.
  24. [quote name='Lozz196' post='956421' date='Sep 14 2010, 07:23 PM']Funnily enough, just been watching The Stranglers on youtube quite a bit, and bought their last cd - quality band, must get round to going to see them when they`re next playing.[/quote] Your luck's in, new tour for the Spring just announced! [url="http://www.stranglers.net/Tour_news_2011.html"]http://www.stranglers.net/Tour_news_2011.html[/url]
  25. Actually I've sent Jon several emails lately that he's not replied to-I thought it was just me. He's always been very good in the past.
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