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Deep Thought

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Everything posted by Deep Thought

  1. I know squat about such things, but I also have a gut feeling Sam has done all right here-I'm dying for one of the forum experts to weigh in here and put us out of our misery. I'd also like to see what a decent luthier could do with this.
  2. Doesn't matter how much of a bargain it is, if you haven't got the money! I wouldn't mind a backup head, but right now it's out of the question, bargain prices notwithstanding.
  3. Rockin' in the Free World.
  4. [quote name='steve-soar' post='469179' date='Apr 21 2009, 11:57 PM']Lady GaGa, is what Madonna would always have wanted to be like, articulate, classically trained and sexy as f***.[/quote] Yep, completely agree. I have a feeling she's going to be huge. As long as I can remember, the vast majority of music has done little for me-not saying it's crap, one man's meat etc. -and amongst all that has been a tiny minority of stuff that I've loved. I don't think things are any different today-although I will say that I seem to like a lot more 'mainstream' music than I used to-see comment above-perhaps that's just me.
  5. [quote name='thisnameistaken' post='467305' date='Apr 20 2009, 11:07 AM']I enjoy the vocals more than bass, I think. Seems like singing jiggles my molecules around somehow, always leaves me smiling.[/quote] I think I might be the same-I'm far happier if somebody says something complimentary about my singing than my playing-not that either happens very often! Some songs I can sing over without thinking, others take some work, some I just can't do it at all. Often simpler stuff, or stuff with big gaps between notes/phrases where timing is an issue, I find much harder to sing over than busier ones.
  6. Debbie Harry-with Nigel Harrison on bass-I know he wasn't their original, and they've had others since, but the stuff he played on was classic Blondie for me. Kim Deal, doin' it for herself-playing bass, that is. Siouxsie Sioux-with Steve Severin on bass. I'm sure there are others, more of which will occur to me in due course.
  7. I love my Precision to bits, but if I was spending the money again I wouldn't get another Fender. Sandberg, Lakland, Sadowsky-but if I had the money I'd be off to Shuker like a shot.
  8. Any way you could get your drivers changed? I have a pair of Ashdown Mini cabs with Celestion Neo 12's in them, which I use with my Genz Benz Shuttle 6.0. Same size cabs as yours, but I can carry one in each hand if necessary, with the Shuttle in a laptop bag over my shoulder. I bought them from Nick Carey, they were done by a chap whose name I forget, but I'm getting loads of compliments about the sound-I couldn't be happier with the setup.
  9. I'd have had that! Bum.
  10. Deep Thought


    Hi Dan, c'mon in. What part of Cornwall you from?
  11. Rich was kind enough to let me have an FX looper in return for a donation to the Alzheimer's Society. Not only very generous, but all carried out very smoothly. A pleasure all round.
  12. Just found this and thought there were some good ones-apologies if folk have seen it before:- [url="http://digitaldreamdoor.nutsie.com/pages/quotes/funnyband.html"]http://digitaldreamdoor.nutsie.com/pages/q.../funnyband.html[/url]
  13. Oooh, if only. I love my Precisions, but this is the only bass I still really, really want. There are others I quite like the look of, but only this still gives me major GAS.
  14. What a knob.
  15. If it's cheap-don't care. If I'm ordering it new-any colour you like as long as it's black. Have, however, seen a couple of sunbursts recently which I was quite taken by.
  16. No chance-can't do anything at short notice in my job.
  17. From what I gather from previous posts on the subject, an unplugged acoustic bass hasn't got a hope in hell of being heard over any number of unamplified acoustic guitars. You're going to need amplifying anyway, so go for whatever floats your boat.
  18. I keep mine under the scratchplate-I use thin nylon ones, so no issues with warping-I loosened the two top edge screws a bit. We have two songs back to back in the set, one I use fingers, one pick, so I need to nab it quick. A while ago I saw somebody selling a leather thingy on Ebay, which you wear on your wrist to keep picks in-I've never seen it since.
  19. 'Hey look...a submarine remarkably like our own....'
  20. That's looking great-I always liked the Roadstar body shape, but never liked the over/under headstock. Looks great headless-I reckon that's nicer than a Status! Well played that man!
  21. There was a chap who posted here not long ago who said he had one. I jokingly told him (smiley and all) that it was a forum rule to post pics, and I think I scared him off.... [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=38865&pid=434454&st=120&#entry434454"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=...mp;#entry434454[/url]
  22. I bought a speakon connector from my local shop and converted one end of one of my jack-equipped cables. Only two wires, even I managed it.
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