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Deep Thought

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Everything posted by Deep Thought

  1. [quote name='LWTAIT' post='372458' date='Jan 6 2009, 09:36 PM']i don't understand how people prefer black/black/maple over black/black/rosewood, the rosewood looks so much cooler IMO. both great looking though. is the US more glossy? it appears to be in the photo, probably just the photo though.[/quote] I have to confess I'm struggling to decide which I prefer. The US I bought from new, so the maple board was my own choice, the Mex was second hand so I didn't choose the rosewood, but it's nice to have both. There's no discernable difference in the finish as far as I can tell-it's just the pic. The Mex has an Axesareus pickguard on it, which isn't quite as glossy as a Fender one.
  2. [quote name='geoffbyrne' post='370984' date='Jan 5 2009, 02:55 PM']I swear the 5's scale looks like a 35" against the 4's 34. G.[/quote] Nope, they're pretty much exactly the same-although I'm sure I'd have noticed another string.... The US used to be an S-1. I had it taken off when I put the SD in-it was as much use as a handbrake on a canoe. No porn in shot-I keep it all on my computer.
  3. [quote name='The Burpster' post='370830' date='Jan 5 2009, 12:38 PM']We have a thread for this kind of filth and off you goooo......[/quote] Oh, my apologies, head up arse again! Can it be shifted to the gear porn section? In terms of comparison, bearing in mind that neither has standard pickups any more (although out of interest the SD is noticeably louder than the Wizard in my experience, the Wizard being a touch warmer), I can't honestly say I've noticed a lot of difference. The US has a slightly more substantial bridge with the option to string through the body, and the US has nicer tuners. The Mex has the truss rod adjustment at the headstock end (far more convenient IMHO), but in terms of construction and finish, although I've not gone over 'em with a fine-tooth comb, I've not noticed a lot of difference. To be fair, having bought it from a fellow basschatter, who in turn had bought it from another, I knew the Mex was a good 'un and I didn't have to go around trying various ones to find a decent one, as some have reported. From a purely aesthetic point of view, I prefer the headstock logo on the Mex. But in all, I don't think there's that much to choose between them. I love 'em both, although it has to be said the Mex has been played more recently, but that may be because it's slightly more lived-in, and I'm subconsciously favouring the US.
  4. Well, I could resist it no longer, the red tort scratchplate on my MIM Precision, bought from Playpus last year, had to come off and be replaced by a black one. Did it myself, first time ever attempted, what a pantomime-spent ages filing the new plate to fit over the Wizard Thumper (anybody else had to do this?), bought some copper sheet to line the back of it (cavity already copper shielded) and fiddling around to get the pots and jack socket back into place and get rid of the buzzing where bits were touching where they shouldn't. Anyway sorted it in the end, and I now have a pair of black/black Precisions, one maple fingerboard (the US) and one rosewood (the Mex). SD Quarterpounder in the US, aforementioned Thumper in the Mex, which acquitted itself extremely well supporting Larry Miller on Saturday night.
  5. The Jazz has an 'offset waist' body, whereas the P's is the same both sides.
  6. Well I bought my amp, one of my P-basses and my Zoom H4 from Basschatters. So yes. That having been said, I probably would have bought them anyway, but probably would have paid more money for them. Certainly the case with the Precision.
  7. [quote name='BeLow' post='367849' date='Jan 1 2009, 04:22 PM']Hi from Chilly Cornwall![/quote] Likewise.
  8. Damn! This would have suited our drummer down to the ground! Can I have second dibs in the unlikely event it doesn't go through?
  9. Well I stayed in like a sad git, apart from an early trip to the Indian, and watched Jools. I dare say a few others amongst you did similar. What did you think? I was particularly keen on seeing the Hold Steady, who I enjoyed, but they've written better songs than the ones they did-I was hoping for 'Your Little Hoodrat Friend'. Enjoyed the Ting Tings, not just because I fancy Katie White, but also I genuinely like all three songs they did. Thought Kelly Jones was pretty damn good, although I am no fan of the Stereophonics. Liked Adele and Lily Allen too. Don't think Martha and the Vandellas have aged well. Didn't think anybody was awful, although as usual there were those where I got up and did something else whilst they were on, like Annie Lennox and Duffy. On the whole, not a bad show though.
  10. [quote name='thepurpleblob' post='367555' date='Jan 1 2009, 09:09 AM']Wikipedia: [i]Jean-Jacques Burnel (born 21 February 1952 in London) [/i] British? Au contraire!! [/quote] Yes, born in Notting Hill, but to French parents. Could be argued either way I suppose-I think he would probably consider himself to be British. Was known simply as John until one of the Stranglers' managers saw the 'Jean-Jacques' on his passport, thought it more 'interesting' and persuaded him to start using it. Narrowly avoided the French national service in the 70's, so obviously eligible for it. Dunno.
  11. Not tonight-got one Saturday though. Can't be bothered to do anything tonight-might nip out for a bite to eat in a mo, but we'll be back in plenty of time. I'm quite looking forward to Jools-the Hold Steady are on, a recent discovery of mine. Like a cross between Springsteen and Husker Du. Forgot to mention-Happy New Year, Basschatters!
  12. [quote name='Deep Thought' post='365126' date='Dec 28 2008, 08:32 PM']I remember reading that Captain Sensible plays a Vintage Viper (SG copy) and swears by it.[/quote] Talking out my arse again-just looked up the page I saw it on, it's actually a LTD (budget ESP) Viper he plays-not a Vintage. As usual, ignore me.
  13. I've got an SD Quarterpounder in one P, Wizard Thumper in the other. Both excellent.
  14. I remember reading that Captain Sensible plays a Vintage Viper (SG copy) and swears by it.
  15. I didn't think I had bought much, but on reflection, there was an Ibanez GB200, which didn't last long and was traded back for a Hartke Transporter 4x10 cab (which has done sterling service), a Zoom H4 which has come in very handy, and my MIM Precision (from Platypus) which has turned out to be a cracker.
  16. I got a few quid which I'm putting towards a stomp-box tuner-probably a Korg Pitchblack.
  17. I don't have a lot of time for lists like this as a rule, but a list that puts The Stranglers at No.1 is all right with me!! Get in!!!!
  18. Anything that isn't a Precision!
  19. [quote name='misrule' post='360542' date='Dec 21 2008, 10:29 PM']One 21-year-old son of a millionaire told me how a salesman shouted at him across the floor: "Get away from the car, you can't afford it." He strolled over, showed the bloke his bank statement then replied: "I was going to buy a car today but I'm not now."[/quote] I love tales like this-same thing happened to my brother-in-law when he wanted to buy a new Subaru Impreza-went to the dealership and basically got treated like dirt. So he went and bought one somewhere else, and took it back to show the salesman, who saw the error of his ways. From working in sales in the past, you can never tell who's got the money-the scruffiest little gits are frequently rolling in it. Somebody told me car salesmen are taught to look at your watch as a way of sizing up your financial status-so wear your diamond-encrusted gold Rolex when shopping for cars if you want to be taken seriously.
  20. One of my local music shops refuses to even let me try a bass any more, because I made the mistake of telling them I bought something off GAK after asking them a question about it. I refuse to set foot in there again, and I try to make sure nobody I know does.
  21. [quote name='silverfoxnik' post='354023' date='Dec 14 2008, 02:26 AM']We do a song called 'How To Save a Life' which is the theme tune to some US medical drama but I haven't a clue which band did it originaly?[/quote] The Fray. It was in Grey's Anatomy. It was a massive hit pretty much Worldwide.
  22. Probably 'Alabama Train' by Louisiana Red.
  23. We've got one on the 19th, and a support slot for Larry Miller the blues guitarist on the 3rd Jan, which I am stoked about because I've been a big fan for years-can't wait for that one.
  24. My Leathergraft strap is pretty thick stuff-I had to enlarge the hole a bit to get the straplock to go through, then I used a vice and a spanner to tighten the nut as much as possible. It's pretty darn solid now.
  25. Tennis elbow. Just had 5 weeks off work with it (if I hear one more about too much w***ing-despite the fact that it's true!), playing with my arm flexed hurt, so I lowered my bass so that my right arm is straighter. Much more comfortable, no elbow pain, and I'm convinced I'm playing better because of it-sometimes have to lift the neck a bit on awkward bits, but i much prefer it.
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