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Deep Thought

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Everything posted by Deep Thought

  1. Baba O' Riley isn't on Live at Leeds! You're right, it isn't. I'm thinking of the 'Who's last' version (I think!)
  2. 'Live at Leeds', still rightly regarded as one of the best live albums ever-definitely the best version of 'Baba O'Reilly' IMHO. Good to hear they're still doing a good job live-I saw them at Wembley arena when Entwistle was still alive back in the early 90's-glad to be able to say that.
  3. Not necessarily better, but Spiderbait's version of 'Black Betty' kicks ass. Stranglers 'Walk on by', The Pixies did a cracking version of Leonard Cohen's 'I can't forget' (on the I'm your Fan album). I particularly like My Chemical Romance's version of Dylan's 'Desolation Row'. Nick Cave did a storming version of Dylan's 'Wanted man' too.
  4. [quote name='TimR' timestamp='1416515453' post='2611126'] Phonic Powerpod. [/quote] We had one of those (I still have it as I bought it). Did the trick pretty well as a vocals-only setup. We now have a Dynacord PA which is much more capable but we're still getting to grips with it.
  5. I know this is no help, but were I in a position to, I would have cheerfully had this at the original price by now. Hope you get it sold.
  6. I had a brief noodle on a Monarch once, gorgeous thing, probably the most expensive bass I will ever play, but I couldn't see me digging into it with a pick like I do on my Precisions. Not a bass for a thug like me.
  7. I had tennis elbow, I'm convinced it was learning to play 'Hit me with your rhythm stick' that set mine off. I had a couple of months off work and two steroid injections, but exercises very similar to those previously described sorted mine out, and it no longer bothers me. Stretching the forearm tendons and taking the strain off the lateral epicondule (where the tendon attaches to the bone) is the key.
  8. Perhaps I'm not the right one to comment, as my band does less than a dozen gigs a year and can hardly be regarded as part of a 'scene', but from what I can see there is a healthy music community in Cornwall at least. Probably not as thriving as a city like Bristol, but there seem to me to be plenty of gigs going on, lots of pubs doing live music (mainly covers), and in the bigger towns like Truro you seem to get more originals bands. Our nearest 'big' venue is Plymouth Pavilions, the Watering Hole at Perranporth appears to be getting more 'name' acts-well, acts people have heard of (Grandmaster Flash, Billy Ocean) and Princess Pavilions at Falmouth has some decent stuff. Heartlands at Pool near Camborne recently had UB40 and the Boomtown Rats, and have a very well-subscribed Crowdfunder campaign to bring the Foo Fighters to Cornwall. It's not like the big cities but we don't do too badly IMHO.
  9. Always wanted to do Baba O'Reilly, never had the keyboard capability-maybe soon!
  10. Superb stuff, we do 'Fortunate son' and 'Bad moon rising', Fortunate is our 'go-to' song, if ever we have a 'what are we gonna play?' moment at a rehearsal or soundcheck, it's 'Don't be daft-Fortunate!' 'Bad moon' is one of our Back pocket songs we whip out if we need an extra one that we can pull out any time without having practiced it. I've tried to get 'Up around the bend' into the set as well but the other two aren't so keen. I can't stand 'Proud Mary' though, it has the taint of Tina Turner on it, plus working in holiday camps in my youth has turned me against that one.
  11. Oh stone me that is stunning. You know that GAS I said I didn't have?
  12. Saw them at the Eden Project on Wednesday, first time I've seen them since 1990. Awesome gig, and I thought Paz's bass sound was thunderous-I love the Precision she's playing, Oly White with tort plate, dunno if it's original or a heavy relic job but it sounded incredible. Thought she did a fantastic job and I hope they stick with her.
  13. [quote name='ZenBasses' timestamp='1404935957' post='2497216'] Having player a JJ before its going to be interesting to compare. They are such a wonderful instrument that you wonder why you need anything from else. A P bass for everything. Hehe.. [/quote] This is why I haven't bought a new bass since I bought mine. GAS no longer a problem. I assume this latest design is another attempt to reduce weight-the one JJ's playing now is a lighter weight version of the one I have, as he complained of back pain with his original one, although mine feels pretty light to me!
  14. A bit of an update-many thanks to those who replied, especially JTUK. Used it twice now, and we're well pleased with our purchase. Only used it for vocals so far, didn't want to over complicate things, and found it really easy to use and set up. Although heavier than our old rig, both sets of speakers are quite compact so easy to move, especially the bass bins which have castors. Also very good reports on the sound. Hoping to bring a mate along to tomorrow night's gig who knows a bit more than we do, for a bit more insight. Any mike recommendations, I currently use a Shure PG58, I have an SM but prefer the cheaper version?
  15. Bought a Hartke Bass Attack from Sam-delighted with the pedal, well packaged and shipped quickly, a pleasant and straightforward transaction. Damn fine chap and happy to recommend.
  16. Bought a battery charger from Rich-very pleasant, easy transaction, well packaged and arrived quickly. A thoroughly decent chap, happy to recommend.
  17. Keep your eye on them, though, they will almost certainly work loose again. Schallers are notorious for this, the screws are too thin. I went through matchsticks, cocktail sticks., then drilled out the strap buttons and used fatter screws. The best solution is to drill out the old screws, glue in a dowel and screw into that, but if you're not much for woodwork that may be tricky. I gave up and went for Grolsch bottle washers in the end.
  18. Having used a Phonic Powerpod as a vocal PA for few years, we saved all our gig money last year and have now obtained a used Dynacord Powermate 1000 plus two Dynacord CP12-3 tops and Dynacord bass bins, all in excellent nick, and sounded fantastic in use according to the other two (I was at work). The drummer's bagged a Dynacord powered monitor as well. We're going to use it in anger on our first pub gig at the end of the month, anyone got any advice/tips, anything else we should be looking to add? Cheers.
  19. PM'd
  20. You can get sheets of adhesive copper foil-I used it on my Mex Fender, just stuck the scratchplate on and and cut around it. Got it from Blue Aran or one of the other guitar bits retailers.
  21. I don't mind going to gigs, it's the enormous prices that are charged these days that get me. We have the Eden Project just up the road, who do their 'Eden Sessions' every year. They announced Elbow last week, I thought about going, until I found they want £35 plus £5 booking fee, after which I decided I only like 'One day like this' and went off the idea. Years ago I would go anyway, and doubtless enjoy myself, but these days I have to [i]really[/i] like a band before forking out to see them. The days of discovering new music by checking out live bands I'm not familiar with have gone. Mind you, then they announced the Pixies-now that's another matter entirely!
  22. Seen them every year for the last I don't know how many years, but it looks like this year I'm going to miss out, unless I can catch them later in the year. Going on holiday in April, ain't going to be able to do both. I've seen the set list though-TBH I think there have been better ones. Still wish I was going though.
  23. Bought a set of strings, all fine, great comms and arrived swiftly. No worries.
  24. Every time this question comes up everyone goes 'don't do it!' Too quiet to be used unplugged, and not ideal plugged in. I ignored the advice and got a Washburn AB10. Lovely thing, but yep, too quiet to use unplugged and I couldn't really find a use for it plugged in. Pretty uncomfortable to play for long periods due to the big, sharp-edged body. OK to plink about with at home but not for much else. I got rid of it, as I think most people do.
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