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The Dark Lord

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Posts posted by The Dark Lord

  1. [quote name='Norris' timestamp='1371553398' post='2115323']
    Actually it's very similar to [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/206276-fender-us-jazz-bass-4-string-2010-blackmapletort-l699/"]this one[/url] of grahamd's that has been hanging around the for sale area for weeks, but with the original white scratch plate and lots of case candy. If his 'ain't selling at that very reasonable price, mine is unlikely to either!

    Edit: Oh, and mine's a rosewood board

    Hi Norris. Your bass looks great - it's just that I, for my own mad reasons, only play black basses and guitars ....... although, strangely, some of my keyboards are white and red etc.

    Staying "on-topic" though ......... I agree that your bass and his bass are [i]perfect[/i] tools for any kind of performer, and if they are to sell, then here ought to be a good place.

    I have bought and sold USA Precisions through here of late ...... and they fetch about £500 to £550. A scandalous price, but it you are buying and selling at roughly the same time, then it's okay. I guess Jazz basses are in the same price bracket. The going price for these things is severely depressed, so I suspect people are holding on to them rather than selling or trading.

    On top of the market depression, the fee thing has possibly come at the wrong time and has possibly had a detrimental effect on the marketplace section here.

    The site owners will be able to look at the site page statistics and see the traffic there. However, they may have earned increased revenue from it. That might be good for them, who knows. They own the site and they can do what they like. I, for one, have no problem with that. Good luck to them.

  2. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1371431139' post='2113910']
    If you think a fee of £20 a year is too high for the sale of a cheap bass, just sell more stuff until it becomes reasonable.

    I don't think the size of the fee is the issue. I think, from memory, that the prices are £7 for a single item, £20 for as much as you like in a year and free for anything less than £50. [i]Correct me if I'm wrong there anyone.[/i] Those are very reasonable fees.

    It's the fact that there is [i]any [/i] charge at all. Any resource on the Internet which charges a fee puts an obstacle in the way of users ....... and therefore reduces the traffic. It is illogical that such a small obstacle would cause a large drop off in traffic - but this is the Internet we are talking about. Users expect "free" and leave in their droves when they see [i]any [/i]fee of any kind.

    It doesn't make sense, but it is the way of the Internet.

  3. I have just pulled the trigger on an ex demo unit comprising: L1 Model II, B1 Bass Module and T1 ToneMatch. A snip at £2,200.

    I'm going to see if I can use use it for vocals only in a three piece pub rock band (indie and the like). Won't get rid of the existing PA until I am happy that it can be used for that. I'm fairly certain it will though.

    I was offered at 10 day trial unit from the guys at Bose, but decided to just purchase one anyway. I have to say that their pre-sales customer service is prompt, polite and helpful.

  4. I don't subscribe to that point of view really. If you get a good bass, amp, speaker cab and the right pedals - you can make a great tone right there.

    Then, you can play very simple songs which don't require too much twiddling and you will have a great bass tone. Simples. You don't have to be a great bass player to do that - in my opinion that is.

    Not sure I'd be that interested in watching someone do that for a whole gig though. For that, they would need to show a bit of variety and flair and maybe a style of their own. But I think someone's bass sound is shaped more by their equipment than their playing technique.

  5. It was the fresh and spontaneous musical movement which saved rock and roll from itself.

    It only existed from 1976 to 1979 though. There is no more real punk music.

    However, rock and roll, like all things that are nearly 70 years old, is dying and will soon be extinct.

  6. I went down there this morning. They have the three new models there (Compact, Model 1S and Model II) with all of the accessories.

    I had a listen, I really need to see one of these being used as a PA for a three piece pub rock band to be sure.

    It fits my requirements perfectly. A PA only for vocals, small footprint (especially in transit) and technical tour de force.

    I often buy products without hearing them first not usually at £2,600.

    I'm going to see if I can actually hear one somewhere. I see that Bose in the US do trial units - but I don't think they do that here.

  7. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' timestamp='1370809223' post='2105908']
    Bose is one of those marketing over design deals. Go elsewhere.

    Well, I have a Bose system in my Audi TT and it is superb. Utterly superb. I also have a SoundDock 2 which has remarkable sound quality for such a small item.

    I'm looking for a system with a small footprint. I'll go and have a look I think.

  8. I'm thinking of replacing our PA for our three-piece band (guitar, bass and drums) with a Bose L1 Model 2 with a B1 bass module with a T1 ToneMatch module.

    From what I can assess, it would be fine in a band situation for up to 200 people ..... which is the most we ever do.

    I'm checking one out at a music store in Portsmouth tomorrow.

  9. Last night was the least enjoyable gig I have ever been involved with.

    Played for two hours in the three-piece to a sparsely filled pub in Hampshire and even those in the pub didn't seem to want a band there.

    £200 down the drain for them. A waste of our time.


  10. I'm not sure he comes on here much. I see he still hasn't read my PB about this item - I did offer to relocate it to the dungeons in the Fortress of Ultimate Darkness, but he didn't reply.

    Offer is still open. Unless anyone else can update me.

  11. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1369950015' post='2094967']
    Thanks! And I was being totally serious. I realise we rarely see eye to eye when it comes to basses, so I wanted to thank you for pointing some great music my way.


    Cool. Shows the power of social media. A Facebook chum of mine saw them on telly in The States a few months back and sent me that link. I love that song. I didn't know if they did or didn't have an album. I will now go looking for that.

  12. I do this. At some gigs I play a Precision into 2 x AER Amp One combos.

    I use one of these:

    [url="http://goo.gl/pOgOH"]http://goo.gl/pOgOH[/url] .... that's a basschater who has one for sale at the moment!

    ... which has two outputs. One goes into each of the AER amps.

    Sometimes I use the exact same sound through each. Sometimes I have a separate patch for each of the amps (one clean with a slight perception of day and chorus, the other with a teeny bit of distortion).

  13. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1369904389' post='2094089']
    Thanks Dark Lord!

    That Deap Vally track is awesome. Just gone and pre-ordered their album.

    I'm unsure if you're taking the mickey ...... but ...... having seen the kinda stuff you play, I guess you might not be. Cool band BTW yours is.

    I like 'em anyway and redheads rock.

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