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The Dark Lord

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Everything posted by The Dark Lord

  1. Apparently the dude who owns the house is a bass player, but I don't guess he's gonna be picking up a bass again anytime soon! http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2013/05/07/castro-berry-cleveland/2140619/
  2. Can some enlighten those not in the know?
  3. [quote name='Beer of the Bass' timestamp='1367791852' post='2069559'] I'm not trying to stir things here, but weren't you posting about being strongly opposed to all of the companies who make upmarket Fender copies just a couple of weeks back? The Shuker must be one hell of a bass to change your tune quite so comprehensively! [/quote] Indeed. You are spot on there. It's why I haven't bought one already. I fervently disagree with anyone who copies [i]anything[/i]. Not just guitars, I mean [i]anything[/i] in life. I think the world would be a better place if everyone tried to innovate in everything they do. In fact, I didn't realise that a Warwick I once had was a rip off of a Spector, so I felt compelled to ditch it. Take this for example [url="http://www.coda-music.com/bass-black-secondhand-p-15482.html"]http://www.coda-musi...nd-p-15482.html[/url] which I just spotted on another post here. Brilliant bass, highly desirable, not copying anyone. It CAN be done. IMO other bass companies are just too lazy and cynical to try it. Which brings me back to your point. If it wasn't "he who transcends us all" that plays it then I wouldn't be tortured like this. I'll go away now and flog myself while continuing with the dilemma.
  4. [quote name='TheGreek' timestamp='1367832901' post='2069850'] One in my local Coda Music store [url="http://www.coda-music.com/bass-black-secondhand-p-15482.html"]http://www.coda-musi...nd-p-15482.html[/url] [/quote] Greek person!!!! Why did you do that to me? Must not buy black bass Must not buy black bass Must not buy black bass Must not buy black bass Must not buy black bass Must not buy black bass......
  5. [quote name='tredders' timestamp='1367774645' post='2069310'] I need to stop reading threads like this one. If I didn't already have constantly Shuker GAS, this would do it for me. [/quote] That there Shuker of yours is mighty fine looking.
  6. This might just push me over the edge to get one of these ..... if the new model becomes available. Will cost more probably, but it's only money. [url="http://stranglers-ratter.blogspot.co.uk/"]http://stranglers-ratter.blogspot.co.uk/[/url]
  7. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1367586328' post='2067260'] I can understand why some folk wouldn't want an active bass but what's wrong with 24 frets? [/quote] 24 is too many IMHO. It's a bass guitar, which you ideally want to use to make deep sounding notes. I can see one of these widdly jazz players (good for them) or one of these slappers and poppers might use frets 22 thru 24 ..... but not me.
  8. The 24 frets and the pre amp would put me off - but it's nice to see a company launch a bass which is not a rip off of someone else's products. More manufacturers should do this. If the quality is as good as the McCarty guitar I had a while back, then you won't go wrong. Go black though - can't see the attraction of basses in "mid-80s Liverpool shell suit" colouring.
  9. This track sounds like one of those musac CDs that you used to get free with stereo radio cassette players back in the day. I mean, he seems very proficient and all that - but can't really listen to more than 30 seconds of it.
  10. One bass to rule them all. [attachment=133729:precision pj.jpg]
  11. When you agree to do any form of paid work for anyone, you should agree a deal which suits everyone. You might agree to a deal where you get an even split of the fee, you might agree a standard fee. Whatever is the case, that should be that. That's it. End of story. There is no fair and unfair, there is only the agreed fee. If either party doesn't like the arrangement, they can stop working together. Simples.
  12. [quote name='kulabula' timestamp='1367146887' post='2061645'] I'm possibly interested, are they as efficient as they say they are? will they keep up with a loud drummer for pub and club gigs? [/quote] Oh yes.
  13. [quote name='ezbass' timestamp='1367047562' post='2060578'] A member of our band just bought one of these http://www.mackie.com/products/dlseries/ freakin' amazing! [/quote] This is a top answer. You may pass "Go" and collect £200.
  14. [quote name='lojo' timestamp='1367046068' post='2060566'] If you have no or little savings , save it, you'll find a use later. What I'd do, priority would be a holiday round a pool with the family in the summer. [/quote] I appreciate what you're saying and that is generally a very good idea - but I'm in quite a different position to that. This is a sort of what else can I spend my loot on scenario.
  15. [quote name='Johngh' timestamp='1367010048' post='2060337'] Buy yourself a new throne oh bass God............Or buy Daphne some water wings so she can float [/quote] No no. Those are for lesser beings called "Kings". When you are omnipotent, you stand a lot.
  16. Oh you so need an AER Amp One. Perfect for that tight situation you describe - there is even an optional tilt-back wedge thing for it. Nothing is even in the same sound quality universe AND it is loud enough. Save, sell things that you cherish and buy one.
  17. [quote name='charic' timestamp='1366981459' post='2059844'] Why a laptop? Spend the money on building a decent desktop instead [/quote] I'm just a bit worried that a desktop wouldn't fit in my laptop bag - that's all.
  18. I am very tempted by a MacBook Pro and a copy of Final Cut Pro so that I could turn our multicam gig footage into something interesting. Comes in on budget too given that I'll buy it through the business. Alternatively, an old Astra van might be a good idea .... although a wee bit more and there's additional costs there too.
  19. [quote name='timmo' timestamp='1366979475' post='2059782'] Well, that is what i was thinking. If it was a big rig, i could understand someone wanting it, if the story was substantiated.It would be good to do gigs through his amps.But a 30w, you would never be able to show it off properly [/quote] Eh? You know this is a Class A Vox AC30 don't you? Easily do sizeable gigs with one of these.
  20. [quote name='Rich' timestamp='1366974984' post='2059673'] What would I do with £1,000? Make a miniscule dent in my overdraft, I expect. [/quote] Despite your username.
  21. [quote name='SpaceChick' timestamp='1366971909' post='2059601'] Only a teeny tiny dent in it, but do you have a recording device to record rehearsals/gigs. I'd recommend the zoom H1 recorder. [/quote] Yeah. I use the Zoom Q3 - which gives the same audio, but also video. I'm thinking of getting the Zoom Q2HD which does audio, video in HD ..... AND ... can be used to stream live gigs.
  22. [quote name='Roland Rock' timestamp='1366970465' post='2059578'] Shoot a music video? Could be lots of fun, and a possible marketing tool [/quote] This is a good idea - even just for the vanity of it. I have a guy who does video work some of my companies - he's likely to charge about £700 as far as I can see. Especially if I continue to use him for work stuff.
  23. [quote name='danthevan' timestamp='1366970431' post='2059576'] Could get a decent pole dancer for your next gig? [/quote] Funny you should say that. For £150, I arranged a French burlesque dancer to appear at a couple of surprise points at one of our bigger gigs ...... but one of the bandmates' wives caused so much of a stir about it, that we had to drop the idea.
  24. I have a spare £1,000 kicking around in my slush fund again. I usually spend this kinda loot on things that I need for playing in the band ....... pedals, lights, cabs, amps, accessories and whatever. However, I have everything I need. I won't be spending it on a bass, or upgrading / trading any basses, as I am just fine with what I have. So, here's the question. What musical / band / bass related thing(s) can I spend £1,000 on to amuse myself with?
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