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The Dark Lord

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Everything posted by The Dark Lord

  1. It also appears that Noel signs his name upside down. That's quite tricky y'know.
  2. I picked one up on here a couple of months back and used it for a gig two weeks ago for the first time. Its completely different from my Precisions in every way. I get thump, bite, rasp and growl from my Precisions - but the JC has a mellower tone. I used it for an "unplugged" gig. Guitarist played an acoustic, drummer used a small kit and occasional brushes. I played the JC - that's as far as I was willing to go. It has a less defined sound than I'm used to, and monitoring was a bit difficult as I couldn't hear the individual notes as clearly ..... but listening back to the recording, it has a nice, mix filling deep sound which was just right for the unplugged gig. I like it for learning songs at home as I can used it unplugged while playing along to Youtube. Has a nice twang unplugged that isn't at all replicated when amplified. It looks way to cool also - especially in proper black. I like it and will keep it for a bit.
  3. Main difference is the USA Standard has string through body routing. Get more resonance that way. You should be able to pick up a good USA Standard on here for between £500 and £550. To be honest, the Special and the Highway One won't come much more than £50 or so less than that.
  4. My band uses a dep drummer a lot. We have an unusual set list and provide the dep with drum scores in advance. Makes very short notice gigs possible. Have paid the dep from between £100 to £150 depending on availability usually. Can't see that it would be possible to hire a dep who can't read for short-notice gigs for songs that they have never heard before.
  5. Are there many deps who don't read?
  6. If it helps anyone, I got one of these couriered to me a short while back and it cost about £14 using www,interparcel.com Great cabs.
  7. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1365260478' post='2037358'] For the £1500 you have seen this 76 Fender for you could probably pick up a used excellent condition USA - made Lakland Precision , and that will be in a different dimension of quality to any 70's Fender . [/quote] I knew it wouldn't be long before a comment like this came along. Point of order though. Lakland don't make a "Precision". They make what they call a "P" bass, which is a shameless copy of a Fender. They should be brave and only make models of their own design. But they don't. There is no substitute for a Fender Precision.
  8. To me, there is no doubt that the turn of the century, sort of 1999 to 2001 was the best period. They have a rumble about the low G and the C right above it that is to die for. You'll get one of those for about £600. PS: Don't buy a 5 stringer. It's not the same thing.
  9. [quote name='zero9' timestamp='1365112204' post='2035633'] Get another AER Amp One and use the line out [/quote] Yep. This is actually what I did. For small gigs I use just the one and for medium and large ones I use two of them. Sorted.
  10. Aha. Now, that gets me thinking there may be another factor for me. I used it last weekend with a Barefaced Compact. I heard before that they are a really loud cab and thought nothing of it. I'm telling ya. If I had used the whole volume available, I would have blown all of the windows out. Maybe those little Barefaced Compacts really are loud cabs?
  11. I got some done last year but got the black colour wrong believe it or not - someone told me about it on here, but I forget what they said.
  12. I just bought one of those from a geezer on here. Used it for the first time last weekend. No shortage of decibels I can tell you. I set it up as a loud, clean tone and used a floor processor to get some grit and shape. It was brilliant. Just what I needed and nice and compact. Not sure about the "Deep" button though, as at volume, that overpowered the cab. Good unit.
  13. I do agree that to read and studying music theory is a good thing. Not dissing the poster in any way. Just a bit of an eye-opener to me to see all that theory.
  14. I read all the stuff below and my only thought was ....... WTF ? Respect to you indeed, but I play in a covers band that rocks the roof off of pubs and I have no idea about musical theory. [quote name='Coilte' timestamp='1364923904' post='2032746'] You have mentioned the word "scales" a couple of times, but not one mention of "chord tones". No one will argue about how important it is to know your scales, but equally important from a bassist's point of view are chord tones. IMO, a good place to start is to learn how chords are derived from scales. For example the Cmaj scale consists of the notes CDEFGAB (1-7 ) Chord tones are made up by taking every other note of the scale (1357 etc). So taking the Cmaj scale, if we take 1,3 and 5 we get CEG which is the Cmaj chord. If we add the seventh note B we get CEGB which is Cmaj7. Another way to look at it is by what is sometimes called "stacking thirds". Lets take our Cmaj scale again. This time we put the scale at the bottom and build upwards, starting each line on the third note from the line below. So : BCDEFGA GABCDEF EFGABCD CDEFGAB Now, if we read the columns from left to right from the bottom up, we get all the chords in the Cmaj scale. So, our first column is CEGB which is Cmaj7, the second column is DFAC which is Dm7. The reason I am telling you this is to emphasise the importance of knowing about chord tones. This is the key to coming up with your own original bass lines. When you digest this, you could start on chord tone inversions. A great web site that explains things very simply is "Study Bass". Here it talks about the importance of chord tones. [url="http://www.studybass.com/lessons/bass-chord-patterns/chord-tones-are-primary/"]http://www.studybass...es-are-primary/[/url] Another good way of getting to grips with chord tones and their inversions is to learn walking bass lines. Even if you dont like jazz, learning walking bass lines will help you to create your own lines. Here is a series of lessons by Dave Marks which you should find helpful. [url="http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=dave+marks+walking+bass+lesson+01&oq=dave+marks+walking+bass&gs_l=youtube.1.0.0l3.3067.10791.0.13257."]http://www.youtube.c...c.1.42qldTWIiFA[/url] [/quote]
  15. I did this one ...... [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/163461-precision-vs-jazz-vs-warwick-vs-other-precision/page__hl__jazz%20precision%20warwick"]http://basschat.co.uk/topic/163461-precision-vs-jazz-vs-warwick-vs-other-precision/page__hl__jazz%20precision%20warwick[/url]
  16. Well, it has a Fender logo, so he should be clapped in irons.
  17. [b]Product: [/b]Barefaced Compact - [url="http://barefacedbass.com/index.php?page=compact"]http://barefacedbass...hp?page=compact[/url] [b]Price paid:[/b] £315 (second hand) including delivery [b]Features : 6/10[/b] Difficult one this, as it's a cab, so you don't need much in the way of features. Having said that, it has a speakon connector, which is good, but could maybe do with two of them. Although, I hear the newer ones do, but it's difficult to tell as the company's website doesn't shed any light on that. It could maybe do with a jack connection for the speaker too. The handle on the side is good for carrying, but I'd rather it was placed on the top as it makes it awkward to manoeuvre the unit in-situ. It's a relatively expensive cab when new, so could probably do with having a cover as standard. I had to buy a Roqsolid item separately. Also, it doesn't have a tweeter when so many cabs have an adjustable tweeter nowadays. So, has to lose some points here. [b]Sound Quality: 9.5/10[/b] I played it for the first time in anger at a gig last night. Great sound. Deep, rumble, clear high notes - everything I wanted. I played a 1999 Fender USA Precision through it using an Ashdown MiBass 550. The Ashdown gives a big, strong clean sound and then I used a Line 6 X3 Live floorboard as a preamp to get some grunt and shape. I was worried that the lack of a tweeter would leave the cab sounding duller and boomier than I would like - but no worries there. I set the amp completely flat and clean and tweaked the EQ using the floorboard. The sound was excellent - in fact couldn't have been much better. It's also surpsingly loud. The Ashdown, although a 550 watter, only kicks out about 300 watts through an 8 ohm cab. I had plenty of spare volume on tap next to a loud rock drummer and a deafening guitarist. It would take a very big stage for anyone to want any more volume than this will give. In the end, sound quality is the most important thing, as it is what a cab is for - and this one passes the test with flying colours. [b]Reliability/Build Quality: 7/10[/b] Mine is a few years old and has battle scars here and there but is basically sound and has stood the test of time well. A sort of road-worn version. Build quality is not up to the standards of the TC Electronic RS210 and RS210 I had previously, but then again nothing much is. It's also not in the same build quality league as my AER combos - but anyone who has owned any AER product will understand that. I'm also a little unconvinced by the metal grill. I took that off to inspect and remove dust from the speaker and found it to be flimsier than many I have seen. The grill is somewhat crudely screwed into the cab too. I expect the flimsy grill is down to the weight-saving effort. Also, the company badge appears to have been applied rather crudely to the grill. It is very light for a 1x15 but not [i]that[/i] compact. I'm undecided on the new unit price vs this build quality. I will take care with it. [b]Customer Support: 7/10[/b] My experience has been limited to a very brief pre-sales email conversation - so can't really comment on the company's support as a whole. I was going to order a new one until I saw this come up on Basschat. As the company's website recommends, I did contact Barefaced for some confirmation that a Compact was the cab for me, prior to ordering, but I got less useful info than I was expecting .... so I hesitated and then this one came up. [b]Overall Rating: 9/10[/b] This is a great cab. Not that [i]compact[/i][i], [/i]but very light. Not up to the build standards of some of the major brands, but good enough and don't forget this is a very small operation. Main thing is though, this is a fabulous [u]sounding [/u]cab. Not up to the near audiophile sound quality from my AER units, but a great cab which works well with my Ashdown head. Very happy with it.
  18. I had an RH450 for a year or so, gigged it extensively and it was great. Very versatile and did my sound just fine. Plenty loud enough with the accompanying TC RS cabs. I'd highly recommend it.
  19. I usually record demos for potential songs in our covers band using a Zoom MRS-8 - which has all I need for a basic demo. Have been offered a new MacBook Pro at a decent price - so was wondering, can I do the same with that using Garageband? Can I record drums, bass, guitar and vocals to a reasonable degree using that?
  20. Yep, I'd go with the comments here. They are two quite different things. The Warwick has a great feel and quality about it. The neck's on Warwicks are really great. Really, really great. But a Warwick will sound nothing like a Precision. You'd have to play them and hear them side-by-side really. Then, it's whatever floats your boat. For me, it's the Fender USA Precision all day long - but there are a lot on here that swear by Warwicks. Go test them in a shop somewhere.
  21. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1364257717' post='2024096'] Good evening, The Dark Lord (or may I call you 'The'..?)... You wouldn't be Swedish, by any chance, would you..? Just wondering... [/quote] No, but let me tell you about Sweden.
  22. [quote name='SpaceChick' timestamp='1364248217' post='2023928'] Great website, but no mention of prices.... Bet they cost an arm and a leg! [/quote] They seem to structure their efforts very well. Dunno about prices thought, bu a very good example of how it should be done.
  23. But seriously, have a look at this band's website ....... may give you some ideas http://www.jukeboxfunctionband.com/
  24. [quote name='icastle' timestamp='1364244938' post='2023834'] Here we go again... [/quote] Whatever.
  25. [quote name='icastle' timestamp='1364244243' post='2023806'] It has nothing to do with testing so test environments are obviously irrelevant in this case. [/quote] The site is becoming very unreliable. What will it be next?
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