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The Dark Lord

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Everything posted by The Dark Lord

  1. If there is a Fender USA Jazz bass on here, black and maple, with string through body, in decent shape ....... and it hasn't sold for a week? Then that tells me that this isn't really the place to sell basses.
  2. Had a couple of offers, but not keen to move on price. I think £550 (with I guess about £15-20 for shipping if you need it) is a good price for one of these.
  3. [quote name='vmaxblues' timestamp='1361286080' post='1983913'] mind you I think your dating is optimistic at 1892, hell of a condition for a 19th Century instrument! [/quote] They don't make things like they used to nowadays.
  4. I once had a "friend of a Facebook friend" contact me out of the blue and ask if I had a spare bass amp/rig as his had blown and he had a few important gigs on the horizon. After some verifying that he was a straight up honest geezer, from other Facebook person, I lent him a spare Marshall head that I had plus a 1x15 and a 2 x10 cab ....... on the condition that my new band of the time could play support to his band on one of the gigs. All agreed and it was nice to place a 45 min support slot to a 300 or so strong crowd with a soundman, lights, proper stage and house PA. However, he sets his sound up way different to me ...... he has a sort of clean toppy middly sound, whereas I am a committed deep thumper with a touch of gravel .... and his band's sound man wouldn't let me change the settings on the bloomin amp during the support set. I had to use HIS settings. Very odd since it was my amp. But hey, set worked out well and everybody was happy. I listen back to the recording of my bass sound with a bit of a cringe factor mind, but what can you do.
  5. I was watching this with interest, expecting it to go for a lot more. Is this what these things are worth nowadays? Or was this just a snip for the guy who bought it. [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Godin-A4-Fretted-Bass-in-Cognac-Burst-with-Hard-Case-/300860039694?_trksid=p2047675.l2557&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEWAX%3AIT&nma=true&si=fKTZ%252B4Ze8vJ1mOA7hfLis2KvDSk%253D&orig_cvip=true&rt=nc"]http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Godin-A4-Fretted-Bass-in-Cognac-Burst-with-Hard-Case-/300860039694?_trksid=p2047675.l2557&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEWAX%3AIT&nma=true&si=fKTZ%252B4Ze8vJ1mOA7hfLis2KvDSk%253D&orig_cvip=true&rt=nc[/url]
  6. I was watching this with interest, expecting it to go for a lot more. Is this what these things are worth nowadays? Or was this just a snip for the guy who bought it. [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Godin-A4-Fretted-Bass-in-Cognac-Burst-with-Hard-Case-/300860039694?_trksid=p2047675.l2557&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEWAX%3AIT&nma=true&si=fKTZ%252B4Ze8vJ1mOA7hfLis2KvDSk%253D&orig_cvip=true&rt=nc"]http://www.ebay.co.u...cvip=true&rt=nc[/url]
  7. How active do you have to be before you would be considered as a "trader" on here?
  8. [quote name='alhbass' timestamp='1361117736' post='1981276'] Very surprised people aren't snapping your hand off for this! Looking to sell my own Pbass at the moment, otherwise I would. Maybe I'm missing something, but it looks like a bargain to me... [/quote] Thanks alhbass.. I'm sure someone will be along before long.
  9. The great one has spoken on this subject ........ [url="http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/programmes/the_daily_politics/8571948.stm"]http://news.bbc.co.u...ics/8571948.stm[/url] ..... and whatever Hugh says is true, infallible and a holy edict which we must all follow and loyally obey without question.
  10. studiosparescom do £125 inc VAT plus delivery for the Behringer B205D [url="http://www.studiospares.com/search?q=b205d"]http://www.studiospares.com/search?q=b205d[/url] ..... I got one from my local shop for £135 (no delivery as I picked it up). [url="http://www.guitarandampshop.co.uk/"]http://www.guitarandampshop.co.uk/[/url]
  11. [quote name='bobpalt' timestamp='1361138116' post='1981803'] Behringer B205D. £127 from Thomann (£145 over here is the best price I have seen). Cant criticize mine one bit, sits on a mike stand right at ear level and sounds epic. One of the best pieces of kit I have ever bought. [/quote] Funny you should say that, I've just bought one of those there Behringer B205D things yesterday. I was gonna get a Mackie SRM150 until I realised that the Behringer B205D was more or less identical. I ran an A/B test yesterday with my present monitor (which I have realised is actually a CXP112 .... not the CXP110) ..... and I gotta say that I get more or less the same amount of volume outa both. Yes, the bigger speaker gave better bass, but I only need the monitor to be able to hear the vocals, so bass response isn't such a big deal. Have you used yours at a live gig yet? I haven't but I will do soon.
  12. A Fender of bassists?
  13. [quote name='Graham' timestamp='1361103803' post='1981031'] Hmmm, if you were closer I may have driven down but in all honesty I'm a bit of a tyre kicker as I'd need to sell my Lakland to fund this and wouldn't want you coming up my way for that. [/quote] No probs Graham. i don't neeeeeeed the dosh, just like to get some space. There's also another bass here that I'd like to buy, but I'm trying to discipline myself into the one-in-one out rule.
  14. [quote name='Graham' timestamp='1361088546' post='1980736'] Where are you based mate? [/quote] I'm in Bognor Regis but I drive all over the place for a living so could travel a good way towards East Grinstead.
  15. Please delete
  16. Just had a look at that video. Not my kinda music, but exceptionally high quality stuff. Good job.
  17. [color=#ff0000]Gone to a good home![/color] Here's my 2010 black Fender USA Precision bass with rosewood neck. Well looked after and a wonder player with THAT Precision sound. Nice low action, currently strung with Rotosound rounds. It has a matching hipshot drop tuner fitted (see pics), which I found handy for some of the songs we do in our set. I'll also include the original tuner that was removed when it was fitted. These go for £40 by themselves. I traded my 2009 USA Jazz for this a few months ago but I haven't played this much as I have other Precisions and I need space on my wall hangers for other incoming instruments. He bought it in new 2011, but it was made in 2010. Looking to clear £550 for this. These are £1000 new nowadays. I know this is low, but I see there are lots of them for sale on here and I'd like to move it on quickly. I don't have the case for it so I'd rather have it picked up and paid for by cash. Not looking for any trades, this is a sale only. [attachment=127844:IMG_1645.JPG] [attachment=127845:IMG_1646.JPG] [attachment=127846:IMG_1647.JPG] [attachment=127848:IMG_1649.JPG] [attachment=127849:IMG_1650.JPG]
  18. I could get to like this. What condition is it in and does it come with a case of any kind? [i][size=2](Edit: Oops, I see it comes with a hard case - can't read!)[/size][/i]
  19. Did someone say black? Could be interested.
  20. [quote name='allighatt0r' timestamp='1360706611' post='1975286'] A thunder of bassists. [/quote] Yep
  21. I am gonna buy some covers soon - but I think this company looks like it makes slightly better stuff. [url="http://www.ampcovers.co.uk/"]http://www.ampcovers.co.uk/[/url]
  22. [quote name='icastle' timestamp='1360510686' post='1971436'] BC has had them from time to time but we do keep an eye out for these and shift their activities into the Affiliates section. With the 1000's of posts we get on here and the fact that all the mods (even me occasionally!) have lives outside of BC, some of these will inevitably slip through the net. So, if anyone thinks they've spotted a trader, report it and we'll check them out. [/quote] Word.
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