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The Dark Lord

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Everything posted by The Dark Lord

  1. Even luckier for me, I've never been in a band that played Mustang Sally.
  2. No. Turn on. Rock.
  3. [quote name='LukeFRC' timestamp='1353615290' post='1876681'] ........... they have been really fat sounding and heavy basses with a flat thin tone..... [/quote] Yeah, fat sounding with a thin tone. Groovy!
  4. [quote name='4 Strings' timestamp='1354121795' post='1882373'] Missed the word 'poor'. [/quote] If Tesco really did do this bass, it would be priced at about £20. The, lots of us would buy one.
  5. Natural ones, proper ones that were made that way, are harder to come by and they do sell for more. Often they are one of the so called "Premium" models called things like "Deluxe" and all that. You'd normally score a decent Fender Precision for about £550 to £700 depending on colour ..... but you may be talking higher than that for a natural coloured one. A few tips .....be patient and the right one will come along ...... get one which is string thru ....... don't get a Fender copy from one of the "boutique" manufacturers. They don't have [i]that[/i] Fender Precision sound ....... and never, ever, get a copy made by one of these guys who make 'em in their sheds, back offices and garages. My mate said he could make me a Porsche 911 in his workshop. I didn't take him up on it as I had some concerns that it might not be really very good.
  6. RH450. You will never use another amp again if you can help it. And it is not orange coloured in any way.
  7. Numbers are important. They get everywhere.
  8. [quote name='Coilte' timestamp='1354010987' post='1880669'] +1. [/quote] -2
  9. [quote name='Coilte' timestamp='1354009536' post='1880630'] If you are counting your mistakes at a gig then you are not concentrating on the music, or listening to the others in the band. [/quote] Get away with you sir. That doesn't make sense, if you think about it. You can only concentrate on things that are happening in the present. Mistakes are instantly in the past - so they can't cloud your concentration. And we are all allowed to have a memory.
  10. [quote name='mentalextra' timestamp='1354006666' post='1880602'] I guess if you play in a "rock" band you have to resign to the fact that it is going to be all about the guitars. [/quote] The Dark Lord is furious at such an attitude. Not me, no way, not ever. Bass drives the song - up there in the front of the mix along with the singer.
  11. It is indeed a hit and miss affair I'm afraid. Looking back, I think I've ended up in all of the bands I've been in by chance. Some are good, some are short lived. It's sort of the fun of it all.
  12. [quote name='silddx' timestamp='1353934746' post='1879847'] Yeah I can imagine seeing Van Halen with sheet music and stands onstage [/quote] Big +1 to this. You do see the odd pub band where the singer has a music stand to prompt them with the words. I think it looks nuts.
  13. [quote name='bigd1' timestamp='1353930422' post='1879771'] I've never understood the "No Music" unwritten rule that is around popular music. It seems to me it is the only form that thinks you should remember a full set. I play Tuba in brass bands they would never do a gig without music, so why is it as a rock bass player I'm expected to do this ? ???? BIGd [/quote] I often wonder the same in reverse. Why do musicians in orchestras and brass bands etc play looking at music all of the time? Don't they know the tunes? Would there be more mojo and expression in their numbers if they just played together in a big ensemble without looking at anything?
  14. I was just reading this topic [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/192864-any-tips-on-how-to-remember-your-songs/page__fromsearch__1"]http://basschat.co.u...__fromsearch__1[/url] .... which got me thinking. I play the usual two hour-two set pub / club gig in a guitar/bass/drums three piece, and make the odd mistake here or there. It's a long time since I made a right gaff and can't say I've ever made a song-stopper of a mistake. There are an awful lot of notes to remember - and we often add one or two new songs per set. So I can forgive myself. I'd say I average two or three minor mistakes per gig .... usually down to forgetting what bit comes next but remembering and recovering half a note into the mistake. I suspect the audience doesn't even notice. Is this a common average?
  15. HH stuff hisses a lot.
  16. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1353937464' post='1879911'] That'll be irrefutable then [/quote] As we know, Wikipedia is 100% accurate ............ wasn't it Martin Kemp from Spandau who tried to make an correction to his own Wikipedia page ..... and they wouldn't accept the amendment?
  17. This is a good place to start: [url="http://goo.gl/msZBC"]http://goo.gl/msZBC[/url]
  18. Oh yeah, that's a point. I am playing with Daphne Don't Float at The Tap House in Portsmouth in 2013.
  19. The first line in his wikipedia page reads: [indent=1]"Marcus Miller (born William Henry Marcus Miller Jr., June 14, 1959) is an American jazz composer, producer and instrumentalist.[/indent]
  20. [quote name='bassmachine2112' timestamp='1353856129' post='1878997'] I was joking earlier about full marshall stack. Don,t they realise that even am AC 30 on full chat is screaminly loud and that,s only 30 watts. The golden rule-backline quiet and let the PA take the strain.Balanced sound is the key. Give the sound man a hand to Superglue their heads to the cabs,turn everything up to 10 or even 11 and walk away to the sound of feedback and screams [/quote] There's a lot of mis-information about amps and their outputs. An AC30 at full chat creates more decibels than a 100 watt Marshal with two 4 x 12 cabs. See the latest edition of Guitarist magazine for their test on the matter.
  21. Ive played the RH450 through an RS210 many times without a problem. I usually put an RS112 underneath and use the acoustic reflection thing. I'd get one of those as an extension cab rather than the RS212. I play the RH750 now though ..... and there ain't that much difference. Cab placement and where you stand may be an issue.
  22. I drive past it every day ...... but only rarely go there.
  23. Aha. I do live near Brighton. Shame that they don't have a demo room though.
  24. Where are Barefaced?
  25. You should have said "doned".
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