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The Dark Lord

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Everything posted by The Dark Lord

  1. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1350748440' post='1843028'] I'd suggest that the drop off in bass students is because fewer kids want to become Victor Wooten and more want to become Geddy Lee, the guy in Kasabian or the bass player in whatever the latest "cool" band is. You don't need lessons to thunder out root notes. [/quote] Are you seriously suggesting that Geddy Lee just thunders out root notes? If you are suggesting that - then there may be something wrong with you. Go see a Doc.
  2. [quote name='StephenFerguson' timestamp='1350624063' post='1841313'] ....., if you are more adept with a pick then don't put aesthetics above sound. [/quote] Ha ha. You are funny.
  3. [quote name='Smash' timestamp='1350682163' post='1842379'] How does the AER compare to your Rebelhead with a single RS112? [/quote] An interesting comparison actually. The Rebelheads do a broader range of tones and can get very dirty if you want them to. I generally use them only with both the RS112 and the RS210 together. I have both the RH450 (for sale on here) and the RH750. To be honest, the only difference between the two is that I use the volume knob at a half on the RH450 and about a third on the RH750. I bought the AER without hearing it after reading rave reviews all over the place. Just like the OP, II needed something very small for small gigs and open mics etc. The owner of the local music shop is also a bass player and I said he could open up the box and have a try when he got it in. When I turned up he had a HUUUGE grin on his face said he said he was blown away and had been playing with it all day. You get a good range of sounds from the AER, but not as wide a range as the Rebelheads. It's loud enough for a pub gig with a drummer in a four piece with two guitars. It's funny seeing my amp beside their 4x12s. They ask me "how is it possible" - I say "easy, it's because I have a lot more money than you". The Rebelheads can go a lot louder - so you can play bigger places. The RS112 is quite compact - but is still quite long and not as easy to fit in the sports car to save me taking the Range Rover to gigs. I have the best of both worlds I guess.
  4. [quote name='bremen' timestamp='1350635455' post='1841413'] A single ten and 200W...really? Which is it; small, loud or deep? [/quote] Oh yes. Of course, I am an aggressive pick player ......... I play pub gigs with it. EVERY drummer who has heard it can't believe it. AND it has INCREDIBLE tone. I'm gonna get a second one for bigger gigs. Go on. Spoil yourself. You are only here once. Make yourself happy. No compromise.
  5. [quote name='owen' timestamp='1350372276' post='1837811'] Last Friday I was messing and hooked up a TF750 to a Warwick 6x10 and a Boogie 1516. Much as I love the whole concept of small and light and super xmax and all that stuff, it really is not the same as lots of speakers pushing a lot of air [/quote] I don't think this is true at all. Maybe, if you are in a room by yourself with no other instruments and no audience and no PA. Otherwise, this is just wrong.
  6. You don't NEED a tutor. You can have one and it might benefit you if you are that way inclined. But you don't NEED one. It's not very rock 'n' roll is it? I'm sure there are lots of great teachers out there - and well done to them. But I'll do without.
  7. Glad to say - of the people who have put lists in this topic - my covers band plays [b][font=lucida sans unicode,lucida grande,sans-serif][color=#FF0000]None of the above.[/color][/font][/b] Especially that first "old rockers" set. Although, we do play four of the songs in that North West Bandsite thing ...... one from the top 50 and three from the 50-100 list. Phew.
  8. Sell your soul, children, wife and other non-essential items for one of these. You will soon forget who they were when you hear the tone to end all tones from this little beauty - rendering all other amplifiers pointless. [url="http://www.dv247.com/guitars/aer-amp-one-bass-guitar-amp-combo--54921"]http://www.dv247.com/guitars/aer-amp-one-bass-guitar-amp-combo--54921[/url]
  9. [quote name='ggt0677' timestamp='1350339062' post='1837656'] yeah, it is lovely. Had a car accident earlier in the year though and now I find it too heavy to play (bad shoulder). Headed back to Fender I think. Will also consider guitar+cash trades... [/quote] Oh really? Now that's interesting. I'll PM you!
  10. [quote name='swanbrook' timestamp='1350293491' post='1836786'] Nothing special, it's a corp/ wedding band. We put in the work and have a lot of fun doing it. This is an old clip, songs are as cheesy as hell but that's the gig ! If you can suffer till about 7:30 it gets a bit more exciting with acdc stuff. Oh and please forgive the call me al bass solo !! [media]http://youtu.be/Cv5AroFRKmg[/media] If that link doesn't work it's also on our website Www.deja-groove.com [/quote] So, it appears that Mr Swanbrook is in a very good band, who do a very good job. Well done.
  11. Think yourself lucky. Just think how bad it would be if it wasn't a Fender Precision you were peeling it off.
  12. You are in the "fun zone" of being in a band. That bit where it's all new, you have loads of songs to learn, turning up wondering how you'll fit in to the songs etc. Good luck.
  13. The who pays tax / should I pay tax question has been done to death on this forum.
  14. I have an RH750 with an RS210 and an RS112. It's perfect. Just perfect. It's a small and relatively light rig. It looks different to the norm. People often as me what it is at gigs. The cabs are incredibly well designed - look like something out of an art gallery. The main thing though is the versatility of the sound. Really quite amazing. I upgraded from the RH450 just recently - just because GAS caught me when I had spare cash. It is louder and a different colour, but, to be honest, sounds the same and the RH450 was plenty loud enough anway. Never really used it more than 50% volume. I really don't know what other people are doing using anything else.
  15. I'd say he's fairly typical of non Fender USA Precision players.
  16. [quote name='Huge Hands' timestamp='1349967946' post='1832882'] Of course she'll kill you, it's not a Fender.... [/quote] Yep. Even for a Fender Jazz you should lose one "love-potato". But anything else, the lot has got to go.
  17. [quote name='gjones' timestamp='1350043314' post='1833887'] I was trying to be as diplomatic as I could be. But what I really meant was that if you play for free (unless it's for charity) and the promoter/landlord thinks you are too crap to bother paying and you accept their judgement and play anyway. Then it must do very little for your self respect. [/quote] See, he's nice really.
  18. [quote name='Earbrass' timestamp='1350042953' post='1833881'] But you don't think "If you play for free, it means you don't value yourself" is more than a little arrogant and patronising? [/quote] That's just his opinion. You can feel free to disagree, but when you start making rude statements, you lower the general tone and do yourself down. Forums like this are fun when we have opposing views - but they become much less so when we are rude to each other ..... dontcha think?
  19. [quote name='thebrig' timestamp='1350042289' post='1833869'] Just what I was thinking! [/quote] I actually thought it was a bit rude. He's only putting a point across. No need to mock him.
  20. Welcome to the top table of bass ownership. Take a seat.
  21. I don't think anyone's buying anything at the moment you know. What IS this bass still doing here in this colour and at this price? It's all Nick Clegg's fault.
  22. [quote name='thebrig' timestamp='1349948341' post='1832508'] If we put it all into context, we are all outdoing each other! Band A plays for free Band B says they wont play for free, but will play for £50 Band C wants £100 Band D wants £200 and so on......... Now think about it, some of you are suggesting that the bands playing for free, or for peanuts are not doing you any favours by devaluing the going rate, but surely even you go in and negotiate a price, let's say, you ask for £900 and there might be another band after the same gig as you, have already asked for a £1000, chances are, you will get the gig, go away and think you are keeping the going rate as it should be. What I am trying to say is, most bands negotiate regardless of how good they are, so therefore will be undercutting the band who charges a bit more, I'm not saying this is right or wrong, it's just the way it is. If you are a band that has a fixed fee and you stick by it, and I mean, lets say, you charge £1000 per gig, and when offered £950 you walk away, then great, I admire you for it, but on the other hand, if you say, oh all right then, it's only £50 less, what does it matter, then that's a different story, because if other bands are charging £1000 as well, then you are undercutting them and starting a downward spiral of the going rate. [/quote] Pass Go and collect £200 for the most intelligent post so far in this thread. Well done.
  23. Well done.
  24. [quote name='gjones' timestamp='1349799032' post='1830701'] In my experience there's plenty of young women who would love to cavort, scantily clad, on stage with a band (of course if you're a bunch of eighty year olds playing trad jazz or registered sex offenders they may be more difficult to persuade). I'd try this forum for burlesque dancers [url="http://ministryofburlesque.com/england-burlesque-scene/14365-hundred-watt-club-burlesque-aldershot-hampshire.html"]http://ministryofbur...-hampshire.html[/url] And there's a club near you on facebook which I'm sure would be able to help. It's on the 26th oct. [url="https://www.facebook.com/lenamaeburlesque#!/events/470458576299077/"]https://www.facebook...70458576299077/[/url] [/quote] A gentleman and a scholar. Thank you.
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