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The Dark Lord

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Everything posted by The Dark Lord

  1. It's the six strings on it that does that to him. He's gone all thinking that he is a guitarist .... and you know how pretentious they are.
  2. Really? Where did you get that, what is it like etc?
  3. [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=4]I have three different bass cases that I need to move on. Three quite different things too.[/size][/font][/color] [s][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=4]1. An ABS moulded OEM Precision / Jazz case. I got this with a 2010 Fender USA Jazz which I bought new. The case is in tip-top condition and has lived in the cupboard under the stairs for most of its life. It must have been taken out of the house about half a dozen times in all. It fits either a Precision or Jazz. Looking for £65 [/size][/font][/color][/s][color=#ff0000][font=helvetica,arial,sans-serif][size=4]All items now [/size][/font][font=helvetica,arial,sans-serif][size=4]sold! [/size][/font][/color] [s][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=4]2. A Hiscox bass case which fits a Precision or a Jazz - but will probably fit a lot of other basses too. This one is in okay condition. Minor scuffs here and there, but nothing of any note and no damage of any kind. Metal bits are a bit tarnished here and there - but it's solid. I got this with a Japanese Jazz that I bought on here a few months back - but just don't need it really. Looking for £40[/size][/font][/color][/s] [color=#ff0000][font=helvetica,arial,sans-serif][size=4]All items now [/size][/font][font=helvetica,arial,sans-serif][size=4]sold! [/size][/font][/color] [s][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=4]3. A marvelous Fusion luxury double gig bag for electric basses. This takes two electric basses and is real high- quality with lots of padding. It cost me about £150 new - and they can be quite difficult to source. Looking for £50.[/size][/font][/color][/s] [color=#ff0000][font=helvetica,arial,sans-serif][size=4]All items now [/size][/font][font=helvetica,arial,sans-serif][size=4]sold! [/size][/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=4]For all of the above, I'd rather you picked them up from in somewhere on the South Coast Between Brighton and Southampton - but I can post at your cost. I suspect it might be about a tenner to post any of them - but I'd have to check.[/size][/font][/color] [attachment=150910:1.JPG] [attachment=150911:2.JPG] [attachment=150912:3.JPG] [attachment=150913:4.JPG]
  4. [quote name='machinehead' timestamp='1387408859' post='2311775'] Here's the truth about BareFaced cabs: The company is owned by a guy who knows little to nothing about designing bass cabs. He uses components based on low cost rather than best performance. He offers what traditionally sells, at the expense of what offers an improved performance. He snares the foolish into buying his products by making them look pretty, even though they are average (often below average) performers. He doesn't publish his technical specifications, making it difficult to understand the product he is offering for sale. Worse still, he even exaggerates and publishes barefaced lies about his cabs performance data, all to fool the gullible into buying his products based on looks and image. If you ask for advice on buying one of his cabs, he lies to you to get a sale. The most important part of his business model is to develop a brand image so that he can position his products as a premium cost item and take advantage of the veblen effect, whilst offering products that demonstrate inferior technical performance compared to other (sometimes even more expensive) bass cabinets on the market. He simply continues to manufacture that which is selling and doesn't develop and improve his products. He markets bass loudspeaker cabinets designed to give the buyers what they traditionally expect and never attempts to push to boundaries of design and engineering. He plays it safe every time. Once you buy his product, you're on yer own mate - no returning the cab and getting your money back with [i]this[/i] company, should you not want to keep it for any reason whatsoever. You can expect absolutely no after-sales service. Frank. [/quote] I don't agree with this. I think the cabs are very good. Sound very good (which is the main thing). I have questioned the price and (relative) quality - but I generally think they are good. I think this post is very harsh and don't agree with it. But I'm out. Like a lot of people, I'm now bored with the topic. As I no longer own or intend to own one, I won't look at, respond to, or read anything about Barefaced from now on.
  5. [quote name='Conan' timestamp='1387383167' post='2311357'] The only "attitude" I'm seeing here is [i]yours[/i]. [/quote] Maybe you can explain what you mean by that?
  6. [quote name='alexclaber' timestamp='1387377497' post='2311268'] I feel like I'm in Groundhog Day. Your cab was built by by a "man-in-a-shed" five years ago. I see it was up for sale for £315. It cost £375 new FIVE YEARS AGO. Is that bad value? If you want to talk about the build quality with respect to current prices, look at a current model! The current models which are far from being built by "a-man-in-a-shed". Look at the current grills, the finish, the corners, the handles, everything. However, we still attach the badges with silicone - unless yours is one of the very first which went out without badges and a badge and epoxy kit followed for those first customers to attach. We don't use silicone because it's cheap or easy, in fact it's a pain to work with - double-sided tape, as used by many manufacturers, would be cheaper and easier. We use silicone because it sticks really well, stops rattles and helps to damp any grill movement and will keep the badge on there for a very long time. [/quote] I see your attitude hasn't changed since your email to me at the time that I bought the cab then. I bought second hand as you put me off buying new with your attitude. I won't be buying Barefaced.
  7. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1387373376' post='2311195'] 'Cos folks equate 'weight' with 'quality'..? [/quote] I'm not sure they do. In fact, I say the reverse. I liked my Barefaced cab (which I've just sold) as it was light AND sounded very good and was very loud. However, I wasn't that impressed by the build quality - probably as I am used to the super high quality of the TC RS range and the "on a different planet than anybody else" build quality of my AER combos. I think the lightness, good as it is, has had an impact on their quality. For example, the grill is very flimsy. I think that is a deliberate weight-saving measure. But there are other, non weight related things that I don't like about the quality. I mean, if you look at the way that the Barefaced logo has been attached, with clumsy glue, it's a bit "man-in-a-shed". I'm not sure that the price of a new one reflects the quality of the product. Some will argue that he can't keep up with demand and that equals success, although such a thing often only identifies a company as small. I like them, but I think they are overpriced, not great quality and undeserving of the adulation that some on here give them.
  8. After seeing that Ian Rubbish plays one ..... and hearing them on youtube etc ..... I think I gotta have one. Anyone got any experience of them? [url="http://www.fanoguitars.com/models/alt-de-facto-sp6/"]http://www.fanoguitars.com/models/alt-de-facto-sp6/[/url]
  9. Another price drop bump - now £315. Remember, it comes with a cover.
  10. I didn't like the look of mine either so did this to it ....... and got some stick from Alex for doing so ..... as he wanted all the cabs out there in the marketplace to have an identity. It's my cab, I'll do what I want with it. Just an extra stenciled cloth over the top of the grill. Now removed.
  11. [quote name='EBS_freak' timestamp='1386848302' post='2305245'] What don't you get? [/quote] Are you Latvian? Cool.
  12. [quote name='Paul S' timestamp='1386861265' post='2305559'] The is something wrong with the poll generator software - two categories that should have at least one or two votes in are showing blank. [/quote] ".... don't really care about which way you vote, 'cause me gerrymander works out fine."
  13. The voting options are two one-dimensional. I think they are both good and bad. Here's what I think. Pros: Great sounding cabs (to a lot of people) Light and portable Cons: Some question marks over quality of product Expensive for what they are Some question marks about customer service Some question marks about supply chain
  14. [quote name='Annoying Twit' timestamp='1386772914' post='2304307'] .........Frequently I expose these 99p......... [/quote] Do you wear a cape and a mask?
  15. [quote name='Annoying Twit' timestamp='1384536234' post='2277918'] ........ What are people thinking when they bid £0.99p (as one of them did) on a WAL or similar expensive item? [/quote] I think, maybe, you don't understand how ebay works? If you bid £200 on an item which has a 99p starting price, your bid is shown as 99p - as you are the only bidder and, although your max bid is £200, you only NEED to bid 99p to win.
  16. I'm happy with playing. I play how I want to play and sound like I want to sound. That's all.
  17. [quote name='Conan' timestamp='1386156094' post='2296408'] Better how? I'm not trolling or nit-picking, just genuinely interested in this comparison. The whole point of the Compact is that it is a very transparent, uncoloured cab that presents the sound of your amp and bass. Most other cabs (including the RS210) are voiced in some way (either by design or not!) to accentuate or attenuate certain frequencies - that's what gives them "their sound". So to do a direct A/B test with the same settings on your bass and amp is not really a fair test after all. [/quote] I had an RS210 and RS112 set up and thought it was a bit heavy. Loved the sound though. Then, via here, I heard about these Barefaced compact things. So, I bought one second hand on here from someone and had both the RS stuff and the Compact for a bit. When you say "better how" ........ I am very fussy about getting a good tone "my sound". I hooked the RS210, with and without the RS112, up to my RH450, RH750 and MiBass 550 heads and tweaked away. I did this in various parts of the house to see how the set up would cope with differing environments. The wood floor and panelling in the large hall, the glass and rugs in the orangerie and carpets and bookcases in the library. Then, I made notes of how the sounds worked for me. From there, with some written notes on the iPad, I can set a standard sound and dial it in very quickly at most venues. I did the same with the Barefaced. It has a very, very nice deep vintage type of sound, but it is a little bit less flexible than the TC Kit. I found it more difficult to dial in with the different environments. It boomed a lot in the glass environment. I was able to control that and alter it more with the TC kit. Less so with the Compact. Also, our drummer preferred the TC kit. He said he could hear it a lot better. So, I adjudged that the RS210 with or without the RS112, was more flexible and better able to reproduce "my sound" than the Compact. I think that's a "fair test" as you say. The Compact still sounds very good though. Other thing is that the build quality is far, far superior on the TC Electronic kit. TC cabs are seriously well-made - as are my AER kit. Both are real, real quality things. The Barefaced isn't in that league at all - in fact, I would say that it isn't the greatest built kit I've seen. It's very light though and sounds very good.
  18. [quote name='waynepunkdude' timestamp='1386017010' post='2294708'] I'm sorry but IMO Barefaced are not the be all and end all of cabs, sure they may suit some people but I fear most of the press is hype related, I've A/B'd an RS210 Vs a Barefaced compact and in my opinion the RS210 was far superior. I wish people would stop this over-hyping of what is just another option. [/quote] I have also A/B'd a Compact versus an RS210. I think the RS210 sounded a bit better and the build quality of the RS is in a different universe to Barefaced. However, they are very light and sound very good.
  19. The guy whom I bought my Compact from said that Barefaced replaced his handle out of warranty - so maybe they will send you a handle. I'm fairly sure the guy from Barefaced reads things on this forum - so he may be along in a minute. Even if he does charge you for a handle and postage, can't be too much surely. If not, you could try these people. [url="http://www.adamhall.com/index.php?sendsuchwort=yes&ininfosite=yes&cccpage=project_41&inprods=yes&set_language=en&ccccontainer=&searchterm=strap+handle&searchgo.x=-244&searchgo.y=-9"]http://www.adamhall.com/index.php?sendsuchwort=yes&ininfosite=yes&cccpage=project_41&inprods=yes&set_language=en&ccccontainer=&searchterm=strap+handle&searchgo.x=-244&searchgo.y=-9[/url] I got a good replacement for my Cornford amplifier there - and good value too.
  20. I won't let you use my rig on gig night under any circumstances. If you turn up to a gig without a rig, that's your fault, not mine. Your sob story will break my heart. You can always go through the PA ........ just so long as that's not mine either. And I certainly would never let anyone anywhere near one of my basses. I know it's a bit late now ....... looking at the OP ....... I don't think you can really do anything there. But, best to keep your precious gear to yourself. It's the safest way.
  21. [quote name='uncle psychosis' timestamp='1386088470' post='2295559'] [url="http://www.thefretboard.co.uk"]www.thefretboard.co.uk[/url] Its a very good forum and the marketplace moves at a high speed... [/quote] Good forum that. I'm in.
  22. Haha ...... Davie / Stevie ...... sorry, my memory is not what it should be. Thank - yes he has called and may be turning up any moment. I guess it worked quite well at rehearsal last night then?
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