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The Dark Lord

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Everything posted by The Dark Lord

  1. [quote name='sk8' timestamp='1342525457' post='1736494'] Have to say that my Chinese Squier CV 60's P is up there in build quality with my 2008 MIA P [/quote] No. I said Japanese. I played a Chinese Squier once and I agree, they are, err, in a quality league of their own.
  2. [quote name='Highfox' timestamp='1342525375' post='1736492'] Congrats, they are nice, I have an AS 2009 Jazz, that is a dream to play. Nothing wrong with the Jap models, my 2005 CIJ is up there with all my American built Fenders is that what you mean Lord? [/quote] Well done.
  3. [quote name='spongebob' timestamp='1342519597' post='1736367'] Recently got one myself, a second-hand USA 2010 P. Having played Road Worn, Classic 50's, various Squier's, I thought it would just be a different variant. How wrong was I? Whacks the pants off all the others by a mile. Great bass, superb build - just an excellent bass. Gives the feel of an instrument that will go on for years - very sturdy! [/quote] Although there will be a "Japanese ones are better" post before long.
  4. American Standard. Still the one.
  5. I really should get shot of my TC Electronic stuff and buy this. Then I'd have 2 x10 stereo Nirvana. Probably just as well you live in Manc Land.
  6. [quote name='Big_Stu' timestamp='1341692153' post='1722944'] ^THIS - in spades! Pages of Fenders and/or Fender clones of any level of build is what turns me off buying a magazine when having the WH Smiths flick-thru. Can you actually make this a law of the BGM staff's writing? If you do I promise to take a sub for the rest of my natural life. [/quote] There are few things more annoying than the "flick thru" people at Smiths etc. Have they no shame? Have they no money? Can they please get out of my way? I'm actually trying to buy something. And why do they all dress like train spotters? There are better ways of looking cheap - but I can't think of any.
  7. Can you image if someone told you what Girls Aloud looked like but didn't show you a picture?
  8. Can you get USA Teles that are not string thru?
  9. Issue 4 will be out some time next year.
  10. A complete and utter waste of space and time.
  11. And use a pick.
  12. [quote name='such' timestamp='1341523847' post='1720606'] Do it! Play fretless in a punk band for the sole reason that someone just said that it's not appropriate. Unless you agree that punk is all about rules, traditions and convenanses, then a P-bass is a wise choice ...... [/quote] You don't look very punk Such. Punk also isn't about prissy explanations either. Fretless not punk.
  13. Don't do it. Fretless is not for punk. You need a Precision. A Squier will be just fine. Plenty for sale on this forum.
  14. [quote name='such' timestamp='1341432911' post='1719065'] "I'll better play eight note root-fifth riffs on my four string p-bass with flats" [/quote] What on earth does that mean? Is it to do with cooking?
  15. [quote name='steve-bbb' timestamp='1341425536' post='1718865'] [color=#ff8c00][b][size=6]O[size=5]H[/size] H[size=5]AI[/size] [/size][/b][/color] [color=#ff8c00][size=5][b]U NO LONGER NOOBY [/b][/size][/color] [/quote] Why is that cat all baldy?
  16. [quote name='ras52' timestamp='1341411249' post='1718551'] Actually in the last few months of my subs I recall a steady stream of Fender stuff, such as reviews of the anniversary and "modern player" models. [/quote] Good. Things are looking up then.
  17. Where can I buy a copy of it? Is it available for iPad? Is it in WH Smiths and the like?
  18. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1341408029' post='1718470'] Problem is, Fender essentially only make two bass models! I'm playing devil's advocate here, by the way - I'm a BIG Fender fan. Thought I'd get in first, is all. Fender! Fender! Fender! [/quote] Yet still, the overwhelming majority of bass players use those two models. Also, I suppose, if you include all the basses that are rip offs of the Fender design, that counts for about 90% of the market.
  19. I've just searched this topic and can't find the word "Fender" in it anywhere? Go down the pub this weekend, and there is a better than even chance that the bass player in the band that you see will be playing a Fender (There. I've said it twice). Also, chances are, he/she won't be doing any slapping. The thing that puts me off bass guitar magazines is the strange bias towards exotic basses and slap bass players. Can we have lots of Fender stuff in the mag please and not much of these exotic players whom the average guy in the street doesn't know and couldn't identify. Oh yeah. Once last thing. Fender.
  20. Well nearly. It's in the shop paid for and waiting to be picked up by me ...... but I can't get there until Saturday a.m. aaaaaaargh!!!!! Need one of these (we always NEED new basses) as we play up to 1/2 dozen acoustic numbers in the middle of the set, and I fink using one of these is way cooler than playing along using another acoustic 6 string. Something punters don't usually see this. Also, the drummer jumps off the kit and plays out front with us using a Cajon which is sorta cool. It adds some visual interest for 15 or 20 mins or so in the middle of a 90 minute set. I've never actually played a Fender Kingman bass before. I have used a borrowed Tanglewood up to now - which is surprisingly good - but the Fender, with a Jazz neck, will make it easier for me to play as I'll be switching from a Precision or a Jazz. If anyone else has one, I'd be interested to hear your thoughts. It seems good value, has a built in tuner, the reviews look good and it looks way to cool. I'll post some pics when I get it.
  21. [quote name='Opticaleye' timestamp='1341316066' post='1716784'] ........ Bass Guitar Magazine did a head to head as I recall as well. The Minimark came out well if I remember correctly....... [/quote] Yeah. Good review this. Never saw it before: [url="http://www.markbass.it/upload_area/files/fname/86_allegato_1.pdf"]http://www.markbass.it/upload_area/files/fname/86_allegato_1.pdf[/url]
  22. [quote name='Opticaleye' timestamp='1341316066' post='1716784'] Tried one of those - bought a Markbass Minimark instead. Bass Guitar Magazine did a head to head as I recall as well. The Minimark came out well if I remember correctly. Having said that I prefer the minimark with my DHA VT1 tube pedal before it to lessen the hi-fi ness [/quote] Minimark is a lot cheaper is see.
  23. Yeah - some of you guys have cooooooool posters. I see a lot of very dull ones 'round our way (in Sussex).
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