I was in a rehearsal room last week which had an Ampeg B2R going through a Trace Elliot 1x15 cab. Happy days. Using my USA Standard Jazz - I got a great sound.
This week, I used the same rig - but with my passive, double soap bar Warwick Streamer. Man it was terrible. Plink, plonky no balls stuff. Nothing I could do with the amp could get a good tone. I improved things, a fraction, by using one of the guitar cabs as an extension cab. Still terrible.
The I remembered that I had my TC Electronic RH450 in the boot of my car outside.
Wonderful. There is such a range of tones that I was able to dial in what my bandmates called "a big meaty bass sound".
After the first bit of the rehearsal - i was thinking of ditching the Warwick on ebay. Then, with the RH450 - it was fine again. The bass is a great player, light, with a great neck - but very weak sounding, so needs a good, versatile amp to get the best out of it.