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The Dark Lord

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Everything posted by The Dark Lord

  1. Do they not normally have more than that written on the headstock? I'd want to see a serial number (although that still wouldn't be conclusive) before being more convinced. The two downsides to the CIJ models are the wood used in the body and the lack of thru body stringing. The body may well be made of basswood, which is more susceptible to dings and knocks as it is a softer wood. Also, all of the non string thru Fenders that I've played didn't have the same clank and rumble that a full-on US made one had.
  2. Has a thru neck - which usually means good.
  3. I have the Line 6 X3 Live floor processor - and would be without it. I'd go and have a play with one of the HD750 things if I were you and see what you think.
  4. I believe the inimatable Mr Lifeson is also in there.
  5. Looks a bit good .... but matey boy there is correct. Warwicks are not selling for much right now - so not really a good time to sell.
  6. It just looks proper doesn't it. Good luck with the sale.
  7. That black and maple American Standard 2012 Jazz Bass looks remarkably similar to the new 2008 black and maple Jazz bass that I bought last year.
  8. I played a B2RE for the first time last night - in a rehearsal studio near Chichester. I gotta say I was very, very impressed. It was through a 1 x 15 Trace Elliot cab. A very loud set up. If someone buys this, I guess they won't be disappointed.
  9. Colour is all important
  10. What do all the pots do? I see some of them are concentric.
  11. Bass as in ace
  12. They ought to bring the Jaguar, Telecaster and Mustang basses into the US line up.
  13. Can't see the point in these Gibson Leas Paul basses.
  14. Good that this still has the jack socket on the scratchplate too.
  15. This is one of the cool ones that say "Rebelhead" on them. I have one of these. Can't go wrong. Great tone, loads of different tonal options, three presets, built in tuner.
  16. I'm usually a black and maple guy .......... but basses don't look much better than this. Cool as you like.
  17. Why not jump in at the deep end? Seriously ambitious. Well done. A great bass line. One day I'll get 'round to attempting it.
  18. I have the RH450 version of this. Same amp basically. Same sounds. Buy this at this price somebody. You won't regret it. Possibly THE best bass amp this TC Electronic range thing.
  19. Taken me all this time to get round to listening to Noel Gallagher's high flying birds. It is very good.
  20. Can't see how you'd go wrong with this. A proper bass.
  21. [attachment=102910:JJ.jpg] A load of you probably know that the Stranglers are on tour and have an album in the charts for the first time in ages. New album is full of very strong material. But look, surely there is no other man out there who has done more for the cause of bass and getting people to pick up and play a bass. I saw him and the band on the Portsmouth and Brighton dates of the tour last week. The guy is an absolute legend. Cool as you like. None of this stand at the back accompanying the guitarist or complementing the singer for him. Nope, his bass is right up there in the front of the mix driving the song. In many cases, The Stranglers' songs were developed from bass riffs. If you can get along to any of the remaining dates of the tour - then do it.
  22. People will always buy black and maple - whatever the bass may be.
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