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Everything posted by Brams77

  1. Brams77


  2. Brams77


    i'll upload some better pics tomorrow.. As per request...
  3. Here get a bump from me lovely lovely bass from a great seller, just saying;)
  4. Brams77


  5. I have one just like this, and I also have the real thing (late '62 p) both basses are a permanent piece of kit. This series is absolutely the sh*t. I owned alot of p basses over the years including a Pino sig. few 60s and early 70's ones. But the 63 is my favorite as it is the ony thing that actually comes real close to the orignal bass I own.. I also have a 64 jazz pretty cool too but I tend to play the P more so I currently have that one for sale..
  6. Brams77


    First bump of '16 happy newyear by the way;)
  7. Brams77


    Last bump of 2015;)
  8. Brams77


    Xmas bump
  9. Brams77


    [color=#222222]Hi fellow bass-players[/color] [color=#222222]Up for sale my beloved '64 AVRI Jazz, which I really enjoyed playing over the last 1/ 1/2 years, but my time on playing bass is getting less and less I think it's time to let one go...[/color] [color=#222222]My other basses being 2 P-basses, one '63 AVRI Precision (so same series) which I had a little longer then this Jazz and one "real" '62 Precision, which I consider the crown of my collecting days (over 12 years of buying selling etc etc)[/color] Anyway both of these new AVRI series basses have tones to die for, I'm really impressed with this series Fender put's out.. Anyone who isnt fermilliar with these.. Yes you should check them out! [color=#222222] I bought it from a professional player in Austria who had it just for 6 months.[/color] [color=#222222]It has a bit of a "Lenny Kravitz" tone to it, it not a real bright bass which I especially like, great Jaco bark and the front pickup is also very sweet. I played the bass with flats, not everyone's cup of tea I guess, but the bass performed very nice with those strings.[/color] [color=#222222]It has been used and has some light wear, it's almost impossible to not get some wear on these cause the finish on these new AVRI series are really really thin, but then they feel and sound more like the originals then earlier AVRI work (that is just my opinion)[/color] Original cream colored case is there with all the rest of the stuff fender throws in like string mutes ashtrays strap etc.. [color=#222222]I have a small sound clip of this bass, it's not bad but the bass in real on my B18 amp does sound a bit better then thru a soundcard of my pc..[/color] [color=#222222]Cheers,[/color] [color=#222222]Bram[/color]
  10. I own both the 63 precision and a 64 jazz (actually the way they modeled the jazz is more like a late 62 model then a 64 tho) anyway I love these basses so much.. I havent played a reissue that was closer in feel and sound to the original then these.. Tho also owning a (real) late 62 precision which is supposed to be identical to the 63 ri precision, differences arnt quite hard to spot, headstock is thicker and laminated board is thicker too, but with eyes closed it is an awesome job for sure, as mentioned the feel of the neck and the voicings of the pickups.. Totally get you there.. And even a customshop Fender is different from a real one in most the same respects and on top has a quater sawn maple neck, which the real ones never had.. The weakness of these are the very thin and fragile lacker finishes and heastock logos which wear away like nothing ive seen before.. But I got these two second hand so iTS not that big a deal.. But I can assure these are the best AVRI Fender has produced since the early 80s in my opinion.. I seriously encourage anyone to try one in a store.. Cheers
  11. Here is my bass a 1962 Precision one of the first laminated boarded ones. The sickest p I've player or owned to this day. Is got it from a great friend Peter Covington who playe it on "Astronaut" from the band Valar: https://soundcloud.com/valar-music/astronaut-4-26-13 I got it refinished this year, it was very tru to the original paint as the original paint was still under the pickguard, also all cavities have the original finish.. I have a sick sick sounding '63 RI precision but there is something with these original old ones that just is magical, nothing else can give you that.
  12. Arghhh!! I feel some serious GAS buidling here hehehe;)
  13. And now I see it is this very bass whahaha
  14. This is an identical bass ive seen from Greg F!!! If noone knows just search on youtube.. Killer player and killer bass!
  15. What a lovely looking bass!!, I never liked the sea foam much... but with a matching headstock and a tort guard I'm totally loving it!!
  16. I can confirm a p neck makes the tone of a bass bigger/rounder/heavier in general. There is more mass in the neck and it makes a total difference. It isn't a very popular thing to do tho, as many playe want a jazz bass mostly co's of the slimmer/faster neck. P basses with jazz necks are popular but "to me" they don't have that real P bass tone only a C or B neck whith (personal opinion) Tim Cummerford of RATM and Audio Slave used J's with p bass necks some of them strung B E A D he had some of the biggest sounding 4 string jazz sounds I can remember, only maybe a Fodera 5 or 6 string could come close. I like the idea very much, but visually its not that nice somehow.. But if one is into tone this would be a winner!
  17. I can vouch for these new AVRI's no matter black or white.. Altho the white one has an ash body and the black alder... I have a '63 p of the same series and its about the best remake I have come across in feel and sound, also owning a real late 62 precision to compare it too. I actually was so impressed with it I have recently bought the 64 jazz aswell, dont know why they call it that as it looks more like a late 62 or 63 jazz to me.. Anyways GLWTS Cheers
  18. Guys the beautifully crafted neck and body are still for sale;)
  19. Brams77


    I bought a Stingray 5 from Luke. Lovely guy to deal with and sure packed the instrument like I never have seen before, simply top notch! Recommended seller! Cheers, Bram
  20. Original body, neck plus original hardware and so on are sold.. I still have the replica parts for sale tho..
  21. Well actually I had contact with mr Keller on an other project and he really wanted to do a project like this, it was like a collaboration as I helped with courcing and providing all info I could gather, which was tremendous fun.. And... My benefit would be having a less costly "reliplica" bass to gig with that was true in looks, feel and sound, which takes a bit of worry away.. And I could go olympic white with matching headstock which I always wanted;) If sold correctly seperate parts would generate more cash but then you have to wait alot longer;)
  22. Last bump, prolly gonna put all hardware on the original body/neck and try to sell that, I don't care what I sell first or in what combination I just need cash! The bass put together with original parts body and neck I would sell for 2200 pounds as it is. I can buff the neck there is some rest paint and a little overspray on it that I can let buffed out, but thats come in at an extra. Original neck is in lovely shape by the way! Cheers
  23. Still here.. Played it live for the first time this weekend got great feedback on the sound!!. I'm not clear if I'm a precision bass only kinda guy or not;)
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