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Everything posted by algmusic

  1. [quote name='chris_b' post='1241302' date='May 23 2011, 10:47 AM']Your prayers are answered! Come to the Robin Bibi jam at the Windsor Castle, Carshalton on the first Monday of the Month. Bring your bass.[/quote] I'll bear that in mind..
  2. Good news, I had the results, I have no cuff tear, just a bit of Bursitis, which some phsyio should sort out but no actual tear or damaged shoulder.. You have a very relived musician and hockey player here :-). What is great is I can use a bit of ibuprofen if needed and I know, I'm not making it worse.. Must admit.. I like the idea of the stool even after full recovery.. I sit down when I play drums anyway
  3. [quote name='Prime_BASS' post='1241062' date='May 23 2011, 12:44 AM']Indeed the OTBs DI out is IIRC about 14 dbs above whatever the norm is. This maybe BS but IDK. Wow. Anyway personally I think that the OTB is a very good match for the midget but you definatly won't get as much treble response than a more hi fi head, also if you end up needing more you just get another midget.[/quote] With or without tweeter?.. I must admit, I don't miss it on my sp210.. I'll get my LM3 back one day for the more modern stuff.. but more than happy with the OTB Well, I'm gonna try the midget shortly
  4. I love the concept of jam nights, but most of the time, I either get bored of a boring band, or a bunch if guys who are up their own ar*e. I not a great lover of blues jams, as guitarist like the solo for hours. I actually enjoy blues, but the jams usually get very self indugent.. jazz jams can be the same I've been to a soul/groove/latin type jam and that was fun, but again, it depends if you get too many people trying to out do each other.. Acoustic nights are sometimes ok I guess the real problem is [b]the musicians[/b].. I think its's shame there are not more jams that will play anything from rock, to pop, to blues to jazz with just good music, no ego, inlsive and fun.. one can dream, i'm sure that'll never happen .
  5. [quote name='Happy Jack' post='1240569' date='May 22 2011, 05:41 PM']Did you use the DI output from the OTB into the PA (sorry about the alphabet soup!)? Reason I ask is that, at our open-air gig yesterday, we actually had TWO mixers for various reasons, with the other guy's mixer driving a pair of 2x15 cabs. We tried DI-ing from my OTB into his mixer and had the classic OTB problem of massively over-loaded signal ... it was clipping on the desk with the gain set to zero. Now I know for a fact that re-valving my OTB has cut the gain by over 30%, including through the DI channel when I run into my own mixer, so I was deeply puzzled by this. What was your experience?[/quote] I was using it via DI and I mentioned to the PA guy it could be hot.. he put a pad on it, I'm not sure if it was 10 or 20 cut, be he had no problems. I still have my 40db in-line attenuator in the the OTB bag, just incase. I think the DI is still a bit hot, but I need to have a play on my audio interface at home to work out if it's a 10, 20 or 40 cut, as the 40db cut maybe too much.. A good PA mixer will handle it as they have lots of scope, but an attenuator might be needed for normal mixers.
  6. [quote name='73Jazz' post='1238705' date='May 20 2011, 08:50 PM']In my ears the sansamp is colouring to much the sound of any instrument..so they nearly sound all the same, which isn`t bad for some instruments But if you like the sound of wood of your instrument, you better should check another preamp/di. If you decide for the sansamp..don`t blend it over 12 o`clock, which is my humble advice also worth a try is the aguilar tonehammer, end eden pedal the question remains..what are you looking for..a preamp?pedal?a di?an overdrive?[/quote] As a lover of the sansamp, I have to agree, you shouldn't use the blend past 12, unless you a bass that you're happy with, but I think that's really the point of the blend dial.. With my old basses I had it at 3, but now it's between 9 and 1. TBH I like the blend, most of the others don't give you that option, which is a shame as you can really get the best of your bass and pre amp
  7. Just did a function in a tent and the sp210 and OTB was fine, act very nice pushing the cab with the new valves, that said we were using PA with subs.. I rarely do gigs now without PA with subs, so I'm wondering whether I got with the midget, then I have a choice of cabs tone.. on very very rare occasions, I night use them together.. (gig with no Subs) on the flip side, I could just look at the sp212 then I have to matched cabs and the choice of 12's or 10's by themselves.. I think it's because Barefaced seem to be the only cab that I don't hear any negative feedback, which makes me curious.. Everyone has their own tastes, but these cabs seem to have something about them I'll try KK Jale's Midget in the next few days and see how it goes... Of course the other option is the compact..
  8. [quote name='KK Jale' post='1238290' date='May 20 2011, 03:35 PM']Sure thing, I'm playing tonight and tomorrow but I'm around in the week, drop me a PM.[/quote] Thanks will do!
  9. [quote name='eude' post='1238271' date='May 20 2011, 03:09 PM']What about the little 1X12 they do? Would add a nice sub element and be handy as a stand alone cab for practice or tiny gigs... Eude[/quote] Do you mean the barefaced midget (1x12)? That's one of my thoughts or do orange do a 1x12 [quote name='KK Jale' post='1238275' date='May 20 2011, 03:13 PM']I have a Terror Bass and got my Midget last week. Only done one show so far, but I'm very impressed. It easily coped, backline only, with a six-piece band in a medium pub, with lots to spare. Beautiful, articulate, balanced, boom-free tone. I imagine the Super Twelve would be capable of anything but I think Alex was 100% right to recommend the Midget for my needs.[/quote] Sounds like the midget, might be the way forward... I think the super 12 just seems really cool :-) I live in Charlton (Greenwich side), If you don't mind, I'd love to give it a little try, if that's ok. I think you're based in Greenwich :-) [quote name='Happy Jack' post='1238280' date='May 20 2011, 03:20 PM']I play my re-valved OTB through a Midget at "rockier" gigs and at rehearsals, and through a Big One at larger and at more mellow gigs. Tomorrow I'll be playing at a reasonably large open-air gig, so I'll put the Midget on top of the Big One. Since putting this rig together (well over a year ago) I have had zero GAS for anything else.[/quote] hmm getting very interesting now..
  10. [quote name='Musicman20' post='1238201' date='May 20 2011, 02:20 PM']In your circs, the SP210 would pair better with another SP210...being that they are isobaric etc. Two SP210s would be very nice![/quote] I have considered that.. I also thought about sp212 with my 210 hmm
  11. rehearsal was painless on the stool.. It's like drumming, but with less to pack up :-) Function tonight, let's see how that goes, I'll hang at the back :-) I should get my results on Monday, so fingers crossed I 'll be playing hockey in the autumn..
  12. I think I have a lot of GAS I have the TB and the SP210.. I cranked in a rehearsal last night and I was really surprised it could really handle a really loud band, the room was really big and everyone was very loud and I still had more on tap. I'd usually use my MB 1x15 for bigger gigs, but I don't think I really need it now. I've wanted to change the 1x15 as I think it's not perfect with the TB and sp210 am thinking about barefaced and I really like the idea of 12's So does anyone have TB and the midget or supertwelve.. I have changed the valves to ones with a less kick so I get a lovely warm sound. I really play all styles on my old J Bass, but lean to a more vintage tone, but I do play mordern, poppy stuff also.. Opinions please.. I'm half tempted to sell the MB 1x15 and get another bass :-) rather than a cab, I'm curious about Barefaced and thought I would have another cab option for sound.. and if there is some in SE London or Kent, that has a barefaced cab, I'd love to have ago :-)
  13. [quote name='bartelby' post='1237671' date='May 20 2011, 07:07 AM']I've got a Sansamp Programmable DBBI that I'm getting increasingly fed up with. I'm beginning to dislike the mid scoop. I'm looking at alternatives at the moment, I've narrowed it down to: MXR M80 DHA VT2 but also looking into: Radial Bassbone EBS MicroBass II[/quote] You should check out the paradriver instead you have suprior mid control and it's argued the best of the Sansamps
  14. [quote name='Truckstop' post='1237058' date='May 19 2011, 04:24 PM']Experimentation is the key. What sounds the wick in your room might sound rubbish with the band. I personally feel that Reverb is too often overlooked as a bass effect. It can really smooth out transitions between notes during quiet passages and can really smooth out tapping and solo passages. Truckstop[/quote] I agree in the studio, but live I think technique is the key to smoothing out playing not reverb.. it's in the fingers and live can lead to lots of issues
  15. As someone that loves pedals.. I've gone in a full circle on this.. I even work in a 3 peice and don't use pedals for that and the audienace always comment on our 'big' sound.. make sure your natural bass sound is eq'ed well both on your bass, pre amp and amp. It's also helps if your gituarist and drummer can fill their shoes well and not by lots of riffs, just good sound.. Led Zep did ok live I personally thing you use a pedal if you want a different 'bass sound' rather than just fr the sake of FX.. I have a distortion (big muff), and a mirco sythn by EH.. and to be honest, I use them twice a year..
  16. if you want something thing that will last long and you don't have to worry about if you are buying second hand.. it's either the sansamp or mxr80.. all the rest are not built as well to last.. A mate of mine destroys everything and he still has his sansamp after 10years.. It's made like a brick and both sound great.. you should try both
  17. Thanks guys, I have a rehearsal tonight and a gig tomorrow. The kinsman stool/stand arrived, it seems quite nice, lets see who it goes during the practice.. I might use my drum seat, if that doesn't work.. either way the stool is great for duo gigs
  18. [quote name='essexbasscat' post='1236877' date='May 19 2011, 01:09 PM']PM'd[/quote] Replied
  19. I bought this electronic kit about 10 years ago. It's been well used and well loved. I have upgraded the kick pedal trigger to a roland trigger so it can be used with a single or double kick pedal. Some of the cables need replacing, but these are cheap to replace, but otherwise it is working. I'm selling because I am moving and we have much less space in our new flat. picked. The kit is already boxed up and ready to be picked up. A bargain to get back into drumming to to practice on The triggers are dual triggers, so you can hit the middle and the side and get two sounds from the one pad. The last time I used it, it was working fine, but a few of the cables were not working, but these can be replaced for a few quid I had this on ebay, but I had my time wasted by people who lived to far away too collect even though I made it very clear, it's collection only.. Check out my feedback I'm based in Charlton, Greenwich [b]No Offers less than £120 and collection only.. it's real steal and you know it!![/b] [attachment=80350:IMG_0369.JPG][attachment=80349:IMG_0368.JPG][attachment=80348:IMG_0367.JPG]
  20. [quote name='Dave Vader' post='1234342' date='May 17 2011, 02:33 PM']Our drummer hates the in ear stuff, he wears big studio phones when we play out. Yes, it is funny. [/quote] horses for courses i guess.. I find 'good' inears protect your ears, as you get less bleed for outside noise so you don't have to turn it up over loud.. I can still play very loud and my ears don't take a beating :-). Using the mixer gives me the blend of the click and the rest of the band, plus a little kick drum.. Recently did an ear test and I have very good hearing, above average..
  21. I used a mustang during a recording session, last month and wanted to take it home.. the Japs bass are so nice.. and the old ones are even better.. mustang are by far the best option in my op
  22. [quote name='JellyKnees' post='1234215' date='May 17 2011, 12:53 PM']I had a rotator cuff tear on my right shoulder last year (a screwdriver injury ffs!), so it was less problematic than the left would have been, but was still not great... My GP referred me to a good physio who gave me some exercises and also did some accupuncture, which definitely helped it settle down pretty quickly (within a few weeks). Of course it depends how bad your injury is, but I think the key is getting the balance between rest and mobility right. Some gentle swimming perhaps? But definitely try and see a physio and get their advice. On a more general 'bass playing' health related note, I took up yoga 6 months ago as I had been having some problems with my back for a couple of years. I work in IT and all the years sat at a desk were beginning to take their toll - this was also having a negative effect on my ability to play bass, particularly when standing. I would highly recommend this to anyone who plays bass - it has made a huge difference to my overall levels of physical strength, stamina, balance and co-ordination. I wouldn't say my back is completely cured - I still get the odd niggle, but the frequency is a lot less (and diminishing over time) and my ability to deal with it is a lot better.[/quote] Thanks, I used to swim and I play hockey (in the winter season).. I'll give that a go
  23. [quote name='ben604' post='1234212' date='May 17 2011, 12:51 PM']The drummer's my Brother. He's played to click tracks before, so I'm fairly confident it'll be ok. Not to mention the piano in Bohemian Rhapsody is fairly percussive, so we should be fine. I don't play with backline so we've had to invest in decent monitors, so that side is fine. Anyway, while I'll heed your warnings, we can only try. I'm certainly not going to not even try because it [i]might[/i] not work.[/quote] For the drummer, him a little mixer and some inear headphones.. the isolation is the key
  24. [quote name='JTUK' post='1234179' date='May 17 2011, 12:29 PM']Getting the drummer to play to click is tough and not many can do it..although they all think they can. Monitoring is CRUCIAL but so is maintaining that groove. I wouldn't put any time into sequences until you have nailed this..waste of time otherwise.[/quote] I do think no one will listen to our warnings.. so far no replied to me mentioning this..
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