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Everything posted by algmusic

  1. [quote name='Muzz' post='1129662' date='Feb 16 2011, 02:11 PM']Simon, I think it'd be better if you'd actually used the RH450 controls before commenting in such (incorrect) detail - the shift key doesn't need to be held down, once it's pressed, the para EQ mode is on, press again, it's off. You can then play a note and turn a knob. I'd consider it an advanced feature - the normal EQ works just fine, too. The input gain is the main function of that particular knob (its default), the other is the compressor, which is so effective I've found it to be pretty much 'set and forget'. All details, and really neither here nor there. Yes, it is all subjective, but to be honest, you need to use one for, ooh, five minutes before it (might) become apparent that the controls are actually pretty intuitive. Perhaps the manual doesn't read very well - I couldn't comment, I've never read it. [/quote] I think was the reason I didn't get on with it. It's too complicated for a simpleton like me.. On paper, I see why people like it, but just a personal taste thing for me.. but I'd like to try it with a few other cabs. I've tried it with a 2x12 and its really wasn't saying much to me
  2. The big question is who will be moving the gear.. if you are = two SP212 If your roadie is = 4x10 The TB is a great choice, you might need to get a hardcase for it.. Your back will thank you if you are moving the gear around Well done on the endorsement!!
  3. The main reason is GAS.. I think MB are great, I did sell mine, not because I hated, I just want a different sound (Terror Bass).. If I could have I would have kept the MB and also bought the TB.. I don't think I think MB are very good a the solid state sound.. simple and warm and clean.. I didn't get on with the Tc either, but I know alot do.. I love the fact there is so much choice these days.. it's not just Ampeg, Ashdown, Trace, Messa, Laney we lots more like aggie, TC, MB, and lots of hybrid amps just name a few I also think we have more choices of lightweight small amps.. Technically the day of 'big-rigs' are gone.. They look great and sound great, but they are heavy and big.. most of the new amps come very close to these 'big' sounds and you don't have to grow a tail to use them ;-) I don't think there is one amp for everything as everyone is looking for a different sounds and what I call Hi-fi maybe what someone calls natural..
  4. [quote name='icastle' post='1128599' date='Feb 15 2011, 05:12 PM']It could be that one (or more) of the earth cables has got fractured during the initial upgrade - many basses use single strand copper wire that's pretty inflexible. If you don't have access to a meter to check the individual cables for continuity then I'd say replace all the earth side cables. So that's the earth wire from the bridge, the earth wire from the jack socket and the earth wires soldered to the back of each pot. You can redo the whole lot with about 2' of cable so it's not an expensive thing to try. As you've done an extensive bit of rework here, it's probably well worth taking a look at the soldering on the back of the pots - the solder 'shape' should be nice and low, imagine a little puddle of water on a dinner plate. If it's an upright standing 'blob' like a piece of sweetcorn on a plate then there's a good chance that's where the earth break is! (And the first person who sniggers at my description will be hunted down and forced to listen to my collection of Sea Shanties! )[/quote] Ok, I'll give that a go.. thanks again. I'll either be a wizz or a ditz by the end of this ;-)
  5. My bass is annoying now. I've put back on the old one and now. It's not as bad and is technically playable, but If I touch the lead, there the hum almost completely disappears.. I'm tempted to un-solder everything and get better wires etc (possibly better shielding).. or should I just send it to the Bass Gallery.. I even try just connecting a solder wire from the pot to the bridge to see if the hum stops.. which it doesn't.. as I thought it was the grounding to the bridge.. maybe I should replace the grounding cable
  6. This is mad this isn't sold!!
  7. [quote name='Doddy' post='1122551' date='Feb 10 2011, 01:11 PM']I'd just go and try out a bunch and get the one you like. So what if there is a small gap in the neck pocket or whatever,it's no big deal. Get one and work with it. For me,Fenders feel nicer as they get played in,and that won't happen in 20 minutes. Get a decent feeling one and work with it for a while.[/quote] +100 You need to try them.. I must admit I am a real Jap fan.. you can't go wrong. The USA you definitely need to try. To be honest, I think you know usually from just picking it up, even before I plug it in, obviously I plug it in... or is the force strong with me
  8. [quote name='ianSB' post='1121616' date='Feb 9 2011, 05:35 PM']its a trade thread ! i havent said i wanted to sell unless ive got something else. i said i was looking to trade for something along the lines of a GK or a different ampeg so therefore im wanting to trade this and not sell it[/quote] You're 100% correct, when you decide to sell you put a price up till then, you're good
  9. [quote name='icastle' post='1122442' date='Feb 10 2011, 11:09 AM']are you sure it's not someone with a kazoo hiding in the room somewhere? [/quote] :gas: It would make sense if it was
  10. algmusic

    Bass EQ Pedals?

    You should also try the MXR80 DI+ I hear good things about it too
  11. [quote name='icastle' post='1122213' date='Feb 10 2011, 01:42 AM']Damn. I really thought that was going to be the big breakthrough there. Ok, let's try pickup substitution - leaving the rest of your cabling intact, disconnect the SD and put the old pickup back into position. I have to say the description doesn't sound like a pickup problem but it's better to eliminate it than to kick ourselves afterwards... You considering taking up the triangle instead yet? [/quote] Funny you should say that, my other instrument is drums.. it's easy, you just hit things :-P I'll give it ago over the weekend.. I've heard that sometimes shielding the pickups can help, but I need to see if it's definitely not the PUP as you mentioned. I'm glad this is not my main bass. Who said Passive basses are simple eh? :-)
  12. [quote name='icastle' post='1122170' date='Feb 10 2011, 12:13 AM']Aha! You'll get a significant drop [b]if [/b]they're both SDs. If you mix SDs with non SDs you need to reverse the polarity of the SD pickup - your white wire needs to be treated as an earth and your black wire needs to be treated as a live.[/quote] It still is humming unless I touch it.. I'd say worse.. hmm.. Any other ideas, I might have to take it to the gallery, or change back to the old rubbish pup.. I don't get it
  13. [quote name='icastle' post='1119610' date='Feb 7 2011, 10:56 PM']Ok. You've definately got a missing earth (or earths) there. Given the limitations of internet as a communications medium, probably the best way to go about this is to go through each of the items below. 1) There should be a wire connecting all of the pot casings to each other. ** yes 2) There should be a wire running from the bridge to the rear of a pot casing. **Yes 3) There should be a wire running from the 'sleeve' connection of the jack socket to the rear of a pot casing. ** yes 4) Looking at the back of the volume pots, with the legs pointed away from you, the left hand contacts should be connected to the rear of the pot casings. **??. Please explain a bit. 5) The earth wires from the pickups should be connected to the rear of the pot casings. ** yes Daft question, and one I should have asked earlier, if you plug a different bass into your amp I presume the buzzing isn't there? **yep checked that on my working bass Another question - what are these pickups you've added and what colour wire are you using from it as your earth? **They are black and white. I was told that if they were the wrong way round, I would get a significant drop in the pups.. It's definitely the right way round. I bought a secondhand SD Qtr Pounder on the Bridge.. I noticed that the wiring wasn't the same as this diagram, the front pup was linked to the tone and not the front volume knob directly, so and the same with the bridge. I've changed it to this now [url="http://www.seymourduncan.com/images/products/basslines/501030-105.pdf"]http://www.seymourduncan.com/images/produc.../501030-105.pdf[/url] it sounds better, hums less, but it goes when I touch the bridge or lead I was just lookin We'll get there in the end. [/quote]
  14. [quote name='icastle' post='1113182' date='Feb 2 2011, 10:56 PM']It's almost certainly a bridge earth problem. Which end of the earth cable did you check, the bridge end or the soldered end? If you want to prove it for certain then use a scrap of wire and touch one end of it on the bridge and the other end against the metal casing of the guitar lead - if the buzz disappears when you do that then you have a missing/bad earth connection. [/quote] It now buzzes all the time on both pups and only stops when I touch the bridge, lead or Machine heads. I should check if the cable between the controls and the bridge But it didn't stop completely when I put a metal strip between the lead and the bridge.. grr..
  15. algmusic

    Bass EQ Pedals?

    Whatever you do avoid the Boss EQ. I've had your exact rig and bass. The Sansamp is easy simple to use and will give you a nice tubey sound. The programmable DI is great for switching between sounds quickly. The blend is great between the tubey sounds. The MircoBass is awesome, but very complicated to find sounds IMHO. I love it, but it's a bit fidgety and more expensive.
  16. it should do.. I haven't got experience on that particular cab, but they work very well with 4x10's
  17. [quote name='SkinnyMike' post='1115603' date='Feb 4 2011, 05:08 PM']Thanks for the support guys, it's really going to be a fantastic year! So I had my first official gig with the band, on Wednesday at 93 Feet East. Was a good laugh, although there was no bass rig... and having my bass d.i straight into the p.a. sounded awful through the monitors!! Apparently it sounded good from the crowds point of view but so I guess the engineer did a good job. In the pipeline we got a bunch of photo shoots coming up for promo stuff and a months tour to Switzerland in March! Very excited about all this, I need to step up my game BIG TIME! Right, back to learning a thousand new songs... haha[/quote] They get a great sound there.. Also you've played at the same venue as radiohead now... You should keep a blog going on the site.. I'm sure you'll get alot support here
  18. [quote name='razze06' post='1115194' date='Feb 4 2011, 01:05 PM']My main gigging cab is the TC electronic RS212, but I need to shut the tweeter off, it seems to really dislike the when when it overdrives. That's physics, and it can't be helped really... The amp sounded very good through an aguilar 4x10, and even the ashdown 4x10 was doing a sterling job there. Boomy cabs are bad, I suspect, given the amount of low end this guy gives out![/quote] I saw your sig and I thought TC212 might not work well with the TB.. ask Musicman20 has he has some orange gear and TC stuff, I'm pretty sure he wouldn't mix them. Ask him
  19. [quote name='razze06' post='1115048' date='Feb 4 2011, 10:56 AM']After all i've said in here, I ended up buying one. The valve head I was after sold before I could get the money together, so I ended up buying this. It's good, and it really shines when you drive it a bit. Also, not everything sounds good through it. I used it at the weekend with the old Ned Callan, and it wasn't great. Yesterday at practice i used it with the peavey T40, and it was better. I had to fiddle extensively with the controls on the amp and on the bass (there's lots of sound variations on the T40), but I got a good sound in the end. Again, best results were to be had on slightly driven sound, where you can control grit and warmth and smoothness with your touch. I'm going to keep it for now, but I'm not selling the tecamp yet [/quote] Try it with some other cabs.. everyone has a different take on it. Th orange cabs for me work and with jazz I use the bridge pup for groove and the front pup for a warmer rocky sound
  20. It sounds to me you just need a small light head and 1x10 or 1x12 just for monitoring of similar combo.. Then at least you have something. I'd never say don't have an amp at all, just a smaller one if you're not using it. The day you sell it will be the day you need one. I play drums and TBH I've spent alot of time using hired gear or stuff in the studio I'm recording with and just using my snare, cymbals, pedal, but I know if i lose my kit, I'd get a call where I needed it. Just downsize
  21. [quote name='Phil-osopher10' post='1114167' date='Feb 3 2011, 05:21 PM']I think that it may be shielded better maybe, but I refuse to buy a mac cause everyone who ownes one thinks they are better than you. But I will not get into my hatred for apple.[/quote] he he.. it's really interesting, I was you till two years ago, then was rented to me use in a school for recordings etc.. never looked back... It's a funny world My comment was totally an quick comment, I was actually gonna change it to it's shielded better, but someone replied before I got to. I'm not usually like that.. I do think some mac users are arrogant. I'm just tired and grumpy today ;-)
  22. these kind of idiots annoy me... I agree, ask him to send the bass back then you will refund assuming the bass is in the same condition minus the P&P.. You'll be fine in this dipuse.. Evil bay yes.. the buyers and sellers are worse.. well some are nice ;-) us lot
  23. [quote name='Stuee' post='1114087' date='Feb 3 2011, 04:24 PM']Apple use the exact same Realtek or Intel integrated audio chips as can be found on standard motherboards in other PCs (yes the Mac is a PC). They might shield them better than some manufacturers, but they are identical components. I think most MacBook Pros use Intel High Definition Audio chips - nothing proprietary or superior about that.[/quote] I guess that's my MAC snobbery kicking in LOL.. long day :-)
  24. [quote name='cheddatom' post='1113522' date='Feb 3 2011, 09:59 AM']I think most onboard soundcards are crap, so if you want decent quality you need an external interface anyway. I assume that applies to Macs too.[/quote] MAC on board interfaces are ok miles better than PC, but The USB audio interface may solve the problem. When I'm recording or live the USB interface is the only way. The headphone socket is not designed for it and the quality is miles better
  25. It depends. If you can get the drummer to play to a click a sequencer cab do the job through i.e. logic, pro tools.. but garage band would work. If it's just one song a sampler would work, but the drummer should really play to a click or at least need to have headphones (in-ears to make sure, he/she stays in time). Technically: Sampler into a mini mixer and then the drummer can take a headphone out and the main out from mixer goes to the PA.. If it was me, I'd get a keyboard player to play the whole track or get them to record it onto a sequencer to the same set up as the sampler for wiring.
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