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Everything posted by algmusic

  1. [quote name='lojo' post='1097181' date='Jan 21 2011, 10:21 AM']If you've been asked to keep it simple because 1. your timing is not as solid when you play more, or your fills etc don't fit, then fair enough, keep it simple and solid until you can do more 2. the band want it that way (whatever the reason be it ego or a good reason) then decide if you want to find another project that frees you Sometimes, the simple lines are the hardest as they really rely on great feel to sound nice, but if its root note rock, then that would bore me for a whole set, so it really depends on what simple means in the context of what you are doing If you listen to a lot of simple pop songs (good ones) you'll find the bassist may only play a fill once or twice during the whole song, but that moment really comes through[/quote] +1000 If you get asked to keep it simple, you are usually playing to much and should be in another band that let's you play more.. or start your own. Simple doesn't mean stupid, it just usually means you're doing something wrong. People only notice bass player when they are doing it wrong and rarely when they are doing it right.
  2. [quote name='garethfriend' post='1095823' date='Jan 19 2011, 11:51 PM']Completely agree about the eq, but it's never bothered me as I play through a cab that doesn't really colour the sound very much and I have decent eq on my basses, can understand why this might bother people with passive basses though.[/quote] I actually use a passive bass :-) I've had no problems. TBH it's the true-est bass sound I've ever had. It's never too boomy or to light. I get enough form my old jazz between the pups and the tone control and the limited eg
  3. [quote name='attackbass' post='1092720' date='Jan 17 2011, 04:44 PM']It looks like everyone who loves Orange right now is broke... like me! [/quote] +1
  4. I bought a Seymore Duncan Pickup from him. Paid Via bank Transfer. It was delivered quickly and was very well packed. Buy with confidence. Great chap
  5. [quote name='bumnote' post='1096159' date='Jan 20 2011, 11:03 AM']Im the same, my right hand is very weak, mate of mine can play faster with 1 finger than I can with three,[/quote] Just practice exercises and using one, then two, then three fingers at different speeds and timing 111111111 222222222 333333333 1212121212 2323232323 123123123 123212321 112233112233 etc
  6. [quote name='rob_89' post='1096107' date='Jan 20 2011, 10:32 AM']I have looked into the Barefaced, although the Compact looks a bit more like what im after...any experience with them?[/quote] I haven't but there are a lot of BF users on here. Search some of the threads
  7. [quote name='guybrush threepwood' post='1095541' date='Jan 19 2011, 07:38 PM']Enough mids?! *Hearty laugh* It's chunky mate! But the voicing definitely favours lower mids; my p bass sounds punchy as heck, whilst the stingray simply growls. Love it.[/quote] Good to know mate
  8. [quote name='absolutpepper' post='1095350' date='Jan 19 2011, 04:43 PM']I completely agree. There seems to be a plethora of 'Newbies' on the site recently who come on to tout their wares and the proceed to bugger off again. A min post idea for all selling forums is not such a bad idea in my books.[/quote] +100000000000
  9. [quote name='Low End Bee' post='1095305' date='Jan 19 2011, 03:59 PM']Fair comment. They are a bit of a one trick pony. The EQ doesn't do a lot. I'm very happy with the sound but it depends what you're after and indeed how your bass sounds through it.[/quote] It has one sound, you like it or you don't. The main control is the mids and the gain, but if you're solid sate man, you're generally not gonna be happy with it. I get more than enough to sound groovy or rocky with my old fender J. I only use my sansamp in the studio as another sound option or if I'm using someone else's rig now, as the amp is very like and easy to take around
  10. [quote name='yorick' post='1095289' date='Jan 19 2011, 03:51 PM']Enough mics? [/quote] LOL, the egineer used 4 channels to record bass: 1. One pointing at the cone (clarity) 2. One Poining at the port (sub bass sound) 3. One DI 4. One coming out of the sansamp The set up was mad Bass>DI box>Desk DI box>Line out >TU2>Sansamp>desk TU2 bypass > to Amp (which was mic'ed twice) I had the most complicated set up for the smallest footpint rig.
  11. [quote name='guybrush threepwood' post='1093070' date='Jan 17 2011, 08:36 PM']Yummy! I almost went for the 2x12 Matamp option too, but then found one of these at an ex-demo price... [/quote] what is the 1x15 like on it's own? is there enough mids?
  12. Recording session with my orange baby on Monday. Good times :-) [attachment=69333:orange.jpg] One day I'll have an AD200MK3, too, but The Terror will still be the workingmans amp
  13. [quote name='Bassmonkey' post='1095274' date='Jan 19 2011, 03:30 PM']I took the plunge in December and bought the OBT and the SP212 cab. I couldn't be more pleased. It is almost plug and play, the sound is that good but you can of course tweak it to taste if you like. Can't wait to crank it up again on Saturday.[/quote] I really want to try the sp212, I have 210 which is sooo nice. I think I'd like the 210 with 212 :-)
  15. [quote name='eude' post='1095052' date='Jan 19 2011, 12:50 PM']It felt like a bit of a shot in the dark for me when I got mine, especially when moving from a tried and tested MarkBass-Aguilar setup, however it was the only thing that was in my price range that had everything I needed at the size I required. At the end of the day, you can always return stuff if it's not what you expected. I have to say though, the Promethean gear is really high quality, I admit i was very pleasantly surprised at just how solid the little combo is Eude[/quote] +100 I agree. I stumbled across this cab a long while back as a friend of mine was reviewing it then ended up buying them. They sound great and for the money, you can't argue at all. It's definitely an alternative to MarkBass. I'd choose it over Markbass. I'd like to get me the combo 1x10
  16. [quote name='Blademan_98' post='1086067' date='Jan 11 2011, 08:50 PM']I wish I could use a pick! I don't use one for guitard either! It gets complaints all the time. You just can't dig in with fingers.[/quote] I disagree. I actually started with fingers, but I play with both now. But I can dig in with my fingers and much more sound than alot of players who use a pick. It's about building strength in your fingers and understanding how to let the strings resonate. You get a different sound using pick, that's all, that has it's own technique too. I think it's good to be good at both especially if you play a wide range of styles
  17. [quote name='JMT3781' post='1095049' date='Jan 19 2011, 12:46 PM']we had some of those cabs in the shop, thats about right secondhand, they aren't that efficient[/quote] Opps, maybe I should delete the thread :-)
  18. Someone should get a killer deal on this [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/gallien-krueger-Bass-speaker-cabinets-/110634061156?pt=UK_MusicalInstr_Amplifiers_RL&hash=item19c24dcd64#ht_500wt_1156"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/gallien-krueger-Bass...4#ht_500wt_1156[/url]
  19. [quote name='JMT3781' post='1095034' date='Jan 19 2011, 12:35 PM']crazy!! these cabs rrp are over a grand now! I have two, and they are just incredible. I'd have this one, but 3 would be silly lol..[/quote] If you were local, I'd have it too..
  20. [quote name='sockdeluxe_mikey' post='1093695' date='Jan 18 2011, 11:58 AM']Bump - now £450 with Roqsolid cabinet cover, as I was told that £500 was possibly a little steep initially. Absolutely perfect condition [/quote] Where are you based?
  21. [quote name='Annoying Twit' post='1093447' date='Jan 18 2011, 08:00 AM']That would stop newbies turning up and posting in for sale threads as they're trying to buy a bass.[/quote] The ban should prevent them from starting a post, but be able to comment then.
  22. [quote name='Lorne' post='1093758' date='Jan 18 2011, 01:05 PM']I introduced a Similar rule on the BC Rich Player's Forum. For a few reasons, It is annoying as hell, having someone show up, "I have this xxxxxxx for sale", it gets sold, you never see them again, they use forums as a free Ebay, the Forum's don't get paid for it, but when someone buys a guitar on a Forum, and it doesn't get sent to them (I.E., they get ripped off) the Forum always gets mentioned, like thay had something to do with the theft Also, our 50 post limit requires "Meaningful posts", our members will soon point out if someone posts "Nice guitar" 50 times and then post #51 "I have for sale" We like to think that within 50 posts, members will get their own "Gut instinct" about wether a seller is to be trusted or not.Some other forums require 100 posts or more Also, on our Forum, we have introduced a 30 day rule.If you have not posted a single thing within 30 days of signing up, your account will be deleted. A Forum, is a Discussion Forum, for exchanging ideas/facts/interactions, the 30 days gives a member a lot of time to look around, and see if they like the look of the place, or 30 days to rape the Catalogue section of as many catalogue scans as they can LOL.It saves a lot of database cost, when you can delete 10,000 member's info that never post, and leave you with 1,400 that have actually said something at some point,even if it was only once If you just want to read something, go to the Library, if you want to be interactive, join a forum [/quote] You sound as grumpy as me :-) But I do think it's a cheek as BC gets nothing for the sale. They can use gumtree
  23. [quote name='rob_89' post='1093348' date='Jan 18 2011, 12:13 AM']Thanks Nige, im sorry too as its extremely portable and easy to get about, we had a full bass rig and full drum kit in my car on saturday night, and obviously me and the drummer! Im not sure what il replace it with, but dont think il take up algmusics offer, although I do thank you for it. Rob[/quote] Maybe you should try the bearfaced midget 1x12. What sound sound are you looking for? If you want size lightweight and power
  24. [quote name='Kev' post='1090527' date='Jan 15 2011, 03:34 PM']I think my opinion is fairly well known, there should be such a limit on [b][i]all[/b][/i] sale forums, but i don't see much merit in just applying the limit to the ebay forum, as someone said why not just move the threads to the sale forums instead.[/quote] ++1,000. I totally agree. I think, people should realise that you can't just expect to post things on this site to make a quick bick without understanding the point of the site. Also, I like the confidence I get from BC on advice and also buying and selling on here. I've had alot of advice from this site and equally I have given my 2p of foolish advice and hopefully one of my many many posts has helped someone.
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