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Everything posted by algmusic

  1. I'm the second one to say this, so maybe everyone has ignored it, but I think the cab is the issue there, with the sound you want. I had LMK2 and played it with an EBS, then changed to an ampeg 2x12 then a SP210, the sound was completely different each time.. I now have a terror and they all sound different with the different cabs.. I think, you're missing a trick here.. try it with another cab before you trade the shuttle... The 9 is a goodie, also based on the 'phunchy' sound, i'm not sure barefaced will deliver that
  2. [quote name='Lozz196' post='1033707' date='Nov 23 2010, 11:31 AM']I think the TU2/3 is one of those industry standards. Its well made, does the job, and is readily available, so poeple tend to buy it, and once satisfied, tend not to stray from what they know, unless looking for improvements.[/quote] +1 i have the Tu2.. it's build like a brick, which is great if you gig alot..industry standard etc.. If I bought a new one in 2050 :-), when this one breaks who knows.. I was interested in the TC but I've heard from a few guys is not that great on acoustic guitars... but I have the TC on my iPhone (was fee then) and it's great for basses and guitars. I sometimes do carry my TU2 to rehearsals if I'm feelng lazy. I use the TU2 it on my bass, guitar and acoustic and it's simple and good. The Bypass is important. I'd only get the TU3 if they were the same price or the TU2 was discontinued..
  3. I had the 1x15 combo and found it.. to be muddy.. Changed my bass, and it sound great.. The 1x15 by it's self can be a bit warm, almost a bit wolley, but after going from an active EMG'ed Ibanez to a passive Fender Aerodyne and an old Jazz.. it sound great. But I'd not usually use the 1x15 by itself, unless I want a deep low sound. I think you start with a 2x10 or 1x12, then add the 1x15 or an extra 1x12 for 'beef'.. The cabs/amps are very neutral and uncoloured, so you get the sound you put in.. I've moved to Orange, but I'm pretty sure I'll get the LM3 again.. but not because I think they're bad.. just a different taste. I'm after aggy now I think sometimes we forget that the bass is just as important as the amp.. ;-)
  4. I kinda disagree with doddy, but I do appreciate you're point. I used to practice my drums occasionally with my eyes closed, I did find that it helped me to connect with my instrument more with using my body to ready the distance. and it made reading music or singing BV's easier. I think practicing with your eyes closed can only help and if you sing and play, it makes life much easier. It can only help, but I doddy is right if he feels other areas are more important to him. If you're reading music, you spend less, if any looking at your bass, as you're ... reading. It also depends on the gigs you do. Some gigs, it really doesn't matter how many times you look down at your fret board, however some pop/rock bands kinda demand more interaction with audience. I do both types poppy stuff and some instrumental types of gigs and enjoy both for different reasons. I but I still think Doddy has a right to his opinion, which is also vaild
  5. [quote name='Skol303' post='1029366' date='Nov 19 2010, 02:20 PM']"Have you played all these basses? You probably know which one you like best, but may have doubts or lack of knowledge about things like value and reliability and quality. Of the four I would go with the Warwick. For reliability and quality of parts and construction. The Yam and the Ibby come joint second." ^ Cheers, that fits with my thinking at the moment. I haven't played any of them yet - am doing so tomorrow - but on paper the Ibanez and Yamaha are looking like my favourites in that order. I'm also tempted by the Warwick, as I've heard great things about them. But I'm not so keen on it being a 5-string. Might be persuaded when I pick it up and play it, however. Anyway, thanks again for the advice here. It sounds like any of them would be an ok purchase, which is what I wanted to know: just needed to check, as I didn't want to pick up a 'turkey', given my limited knowledge![/quote] The Joke I think the guys were talking about was a particular thread.. If you fancy a laugh [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=111461"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=111461[/url] But on the bass front, Much of muchness.. It's important how it feels to you.. If it feel good in your hands and when you play it, get that bass, that's my advice. My first bass was an Ibanez and I never regret getting it as it felt easy to play after playing with eq, I got a pretty good sound too, as I developed, I tried others, now my playing has improved a bit, I can handle the feel of other basses, so I have more choice.. That's my 2p of advice
  6. life lesson from Tim... Sell bass and reasonable price.. opps Don't complain about the potential buyers, as they won't buy..opps Don't complain about the site you can sell it on for free.. opps opps Don't mock the designers, mods etc for help making a great FREE site.. opps Don't be Tw*t when trying to sell your gear by creating a thread like this.. because people won't buy from you ever.. We checked you profile out.. you don't contribute, you only sell, which is fine, but then don't rant about the site.. CREATE YOUR ON BASS SELLING RANT SITE!! I felt bad for a 2 seconds about the abuse G receiving, then read the original message again... IN CAPS LOCK!!! I THINK WE MIGHT SEE THIS BASS ON EBAY SOON..
  7. [quote name='geofio' post='1028375' date='Nov 18 2010, 08:26 PM']THIS IS SUPPOSED TO BE A SITE FOR BASS ENTHUSIASTS, EXPENSIVE BASSES, CHEAP BASSES, WHATEVER , ALL I CAN SEE IS GUYS LOOKING AT PICS AND MAKING COMMENTS ONE WAY OR ANOTHER, ITS A WASTE OF TIM ADVERTISING ON HERE AS FAR AS I CAN SEE. IS THERE REALLY ANY POINT IN HAVING A FOR SALE SECTION?????? CHEERS GEORGE[/quote] You have just lowered your chances of anyone buying anything from you mate. I wouldn't now. There are various reasons why: Price Timing, the right person at the right time Just before christmas Just before potentially the worse cuts england has seen in years [size=4]and most importantly this snoty thread.. Feedback rating 1/10[/size] Shall we start the thread again?? ;-)
  8. [quote name='BurritoBass' post='1028226' date='Nov 18 2010, 05:36 PM']Bulb showed up today, very impressed with the service. I also registered online which gives me 2yrs warranty[/quote] PRETTY BRIGHT Light :-P
  9. [quote name='51m0n' post='1024350' date='Nov 15 2010, 10:14 AM']Errr, no it isnt! Compression whilst tracking bass is pretty standard fair, but from the OP's original question he may be far better off turning the preamp down to a point where he definitely will not clip the preamp, and just maybe setting up a hard limiter at 0dB (ie at the point of clipping). That should help catch any occasional peak. Plus it wont effect anything under that level at all, since the threshold is so high. You'd need a pretty good limiter to manage that in hardware, I regularly use an series 1 Focusrite Octopre set to as hard a limit as it can manage on the highest threshold, to catch the odd drum transient on the way down to a HD24, and it does a great job. Having said that with properly set up gain staging for the digital workld that just shouldn't ever happen. The truth is that if you are recording 24 bit (you are recording 24bit right?) then you should aim for your biggest peaks being at about -6dB - unless you have appallingly noisey kit. Those transient spikes will then never bother you.[/quote] +1
  10. [quote name='BurritoBass' post='1027615' date='Nov 18 2010, 09:14 AM']I spoke to Neil at Orange about this and he said it would. They recommend the Smart Power cabs like the SP210 or the SP212 as they have a higher power rating despite being smaller.[/quote] I have the SP210 and the Terror and it sounds great.. You can get alot of power and tone just from these two.. People are often blown away with the tone and volume. I've done pretty big stages with it as well.. for a bit more of a full sound, I think an extra cab is handy.. I'm currently using a 1x15 markbass with the SP210 which is great. I'd like to try a 4x10 or 2 1x12 aguliar cabs..when I get more funds and hand in my 1x15 cab.. I work with alot of bands so I need a sound that works for pop, soul and rock and folk.. the Terror gives you that with an old school vibe.. just roll of the gain and you're smooth and crack it up and you rock!! and DI it's is very sweet..
  11. [quote name='BurritoBass' post='1023787' date='Nov 14 2010, 07:15 PM']I've spent two days googling and have yet to find out. If I do I'll let you know! I agree with your point. It was your comments on phat dub tone on another thread that made me finally take the plunge. The old school Americana tone I was after is basically the same as reggae (some might struggle with that concept?) & I'm happy with the tone I've got. Just a shame the bulb lasted all of 15 minutes![/quote] Agreed... It's been tipped at the rock only amp.. and I use it it for 90% of my session which is really mix of groove, folk, pop and rock stuff.. Vintage warmth is was I say it is.. I agree there are a few little things, I'd change but for the money, I'd be paying double and then some to want to change this amp.. I.e. All valves and that's not great for the ole back. Every gig and recording I do, I get compliments on the amp whether through the cab or DI...
  12. [quote name='dannybuoy' post='1023455' date='Nov 14 2010, 02:53 PM']Cheers for the link, they are only just over a fiver now! I'm sure somebody else got a switchable one somewhere, 40dB sounds rather a lot, but you can get 10,20,30 or 40 from the place linked above.[/quote] The 40 is needed.. trust me
  13. [quote name='Musicman20' post='1022951' date='Nov 13 2010, 10:07 PM']I thought Orange corrected the DI issue on the latest batches?[/quote] That's good news
  14. algmusic

    EBS or Sansamp?

    [quote name='GarethFlatlands' post='1022569' date='Nov 13 2010, 04:14 PM']Mine has 2. How odd. I've not tried the EBS but the Sansamp is very flexible with a lot of useful features, optional programmable FX loop, paralell output, 2 inputs etc. It only really does one sound (Ampeg-ish) but if you like that, you're set![/quote] If you play around with 'blend' you have more options for sounds
  15. algmusic

    EBS or Sansamp?

    I've tried both... EBS is very good some may argue better... but I think it's over-complicated in the design as the 2 channels are not the same.. The sansamp (programmable) is simple and straight forward and build like a brick.. This is MO though..
  16. [quote name='BurritoBass' post='1021650' date='Nov 12 2010, 04:35 PM']Thanks guys, it was new but more of a mild annoyance than anything more. It seems like a nice head & the fan noise, whilst there, didn't seem as bad as other threads seem to suggest[/quote] Agreed.. Do you DI it? if you do you'll need a 40db in-lineAnnetuator as the DI is rather Hot.. It's very cheap from studiospares about £10 I love my TB
  17. [quote name='BurritoBass' post='1021634' date='Nov 12 2010, 04:23 PM']If it's plugged in & not "off" should the light be on all the time? I've had mine 15 minutes & the light has just gone out. Presumably a faulty bulb?[/quote] Yep.. I've got a TB.. The light should be on when on standby or on.. As long as it works when the it's on and you hear the fan going when it's on standby and on.. It'll be fine.. just change the bulb when you can if second hand.. if new, just get it replaced for peace of mind
  18. [quote name='silddx' post='1017723' date='Nov 9 2010, 03:57 PM']Run that by me again EDIT: I have a fence for sale if you want it.[/quote] I've been on this thread too long and now instead of talking some BS, i'm talking complete BS.. I'll take the Fence :-P
  19. [quote name='Mog' post='1017806' date='Nov 9 2010, 04:36 PM']Maybe I took you up wrong or something, anyways. I've always sourced my own scores lad, I'm a bit anal that way! I get what you're saying about playing between the notes but it should be done at the right time. In some cases it shouldn't be done at all depending on genre. Then theres the question, "When does a groove become fret w***ing?" Subjective I know but maybe a valid question? I also agree with you re the definition of "Groove" IMO it should be something simple and tasteful, a riff or run that very slightly changes the mood of that particular section of the song. Thats where versatility can play a major role IMO. Having a knowledge of other styles and applying them to what you're playing etc. In general guys I really hope this isn't going to turn into a Them Vs Us kinda thing. The forum is well above that IME. What passes for good or bad/right or wrong is subjective. It really shouldn't be descending towards a cock measuring contest.[/quote] Totally agree on all points mate I know what you mean... I hate fret w*nking too.. it really gets my back up.. I like BC
  20. [quote name='jakesbass' post='1017702' date='Nov 9 2010, 03:43 PM']It's an interesting point Pete. The basic idea is that a large amount of the information is contained within a score and it takes rehearsal, a conductor/MD or even a producer to have an overview and express to the band exactly how it should be conveyed. There are many examples of classical conductors working their own interpretations from scores that were written by long dead composers. I guess the point is that the dots mean you can arrive without having spent hours memorising music, but can still apply all the skill and craft that your musicianship will allow making for very complete renditions of music that would otherwise require a large amount of time to learn.[/quote] This exactly the point I was trying to make.. I personally read the musicianship stuff as non-theoretical stuff.. well in my eyes, it's not, some might think it is though, which would be fair argument also
  21. [quote name='paul h' post='1017642' date='Nov 9 2010, 03:04 PM'] I really don't like to be controversial and I am not really trying to be so I hope that this is going to be taken in the light hearted manner it is intended... I haven't read any of this thread but in others... I have been called dishonest for liking relic jobs, by a reader. I have read posts where a reader states categorically, and completely seriously, that jazz fans are more intelligent that everyone else. A reader has also said (and I paraphrase) that playing cover versions, something a lot of us do, is infantile and beneath him. The point is that we are all as bad as each other when we are defending our viewpoints. But readers are worse. [/quote] I have a relic and I always get compliments on the sound from studios and sound guys that love the actual vintage basses, mine has got used of over the real thing before.. you have to judge a bass by it's sound.. Jazz fans are more intelligent?.. I think jazz is great, but that guy sounds like T*at I hope at the end of this everyone goes away thinking about other people views.. I know I will.. Thats' the whole point of the thread really.. Lets' be honest, it would be a boring site if we all thought the same way :-)
  22. [quote name='Mog' post='1017629' date='Nov 9 2010, 02:52 PM']Yes deadly serious. You do have an understanding of what all those odd shapes mean dont you? With no complaints yet from any paying job I'd say my personal approach is fine. Not trying to sound snobbish but thats tripe. If you source a bad score thats your issue not mine. You're also assuming that by reading from a score the perfornance will be dull/lifeless. Interpret it yourself and keep it how the original composer intended? Really? Groove is becoming my least favourite word. [u]You really need to know when to groove and when not to.[/u] Its getting to the point where its becoming an excuse for people IMO. Again just opinions, make of them what you will.[/quote] I think you have missed what I'm saying.. 1st of all the scores I'm talking about are the ones you might get given on the the day and you do the gig. I'd be surprised if you'd never come across any scores you were given that don't have mistakes.. try doing a theatre show :-) Also I'm not implying reading from a score is life less and dull, I did not say that at all mate. I actually have no bad feelings to reading music or readers, I am one. I feel in my humble opinion you have to read the feeling between the notes. Use your ears, listen to the rest of your fellow musicians in the piece of music and none of that is on the score. I have many classical musician friends that show me this on regular basis and they are definitely 'readers'. You can play the same notes but one way brings the music alive and the other is like a machine played it. I do think maybe the term groove seems to imply that it has to feel funky of some sort.. In my mind this term means making the music feel good not f***y just right for the music, regardless of genre.
  23. [quote name='Doddy' post='1017595' date='Nov 9 2010, 02:33 PM']I don't recall ever saying those who don't want to learn were deluding themselves or had lesser aims in life.The only time I feel that people are vaguely deluding themselves is when they say that knowing theory/reading can be a hinderence. I do honestly believe that players, especially beginners,should learn how to read because even if you never use it with your band it is still a valuable skill to have and will open up a whole world of information that is unavailable to you otherwise,and I don't understand why someone would not want this.[/quote] Theory is important, but I'm not sure to key for a successful musician to read... I'm juts putting it out there. I'd personally teach a student to read to help them learn, but I wouldn't make it the centre of their learning.. their Ears are the centre of their learning.. once they have nailed that.. everything slots into place.. nothing worse than a player than can read, but can't understand if the music they're playing doesn't sound right because there was a mistake in the score... You might as well use logic and sack the musician ;-)
  24. [quote name='silddx' post='1017583' date='Nov 9 2010, 02:25 PM'] EDIT: You're not actually serious are you?[/quote] I agree ten fold.. I don't read alot these days but the amount of times, I get called in on to play music and the score is struggling to say what it needs to, but it can't.. The score is a guide and framework, you have to add the passion and flavour and interpret it yourself to make the music as the writer intended.. AKA groove!!
  25. [quote name='silddx' post='1016575' date='Nov 8 2010, 05:04 PM']Dear Bilbo, it is about balancing priorities. I have other interests and demands outside of music. My bands, and my abilities, render my personal need to read music of far less importance than my need to go fishing, or to be able to cook well and expand my food knowledge, to be with friends, listen to the radio .. I enjoy all these distractions, learning to read music would be a waste of my time at the moment, i can't justify the skill, I am balancing my priorities.[/quote] +1 Learning to play 24/13 is nice but I have other interests and limited time and the most bands I work with play the more conventional time sigs :-)
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