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Everything posted by algmusic

  1. [quote name='bluejay' timestamp='1321287254' post='1437333'] Hm, are you comparing like with like? Same make of bass guitar, same pickups, internal electronics, string type/quality, etc.? My impression is that, all other things being equal, a 5-stringer might sound marginally less bright because its pickups need to be better suited to detecting lower frequencies than those on a 4-stringer, but that's just about it. If you use any effects, they should make light work of correcting that problem. [/quote] On a like for like on the 5 vs 4 I've had the two Rays and also on another occasion two Fender J's... if you get the exact same and you liked the 4, the 5 won't sound the same on the same fours strings.. I don't even think it's a brightness thing.. Could be the width of the neck and the size.. as I guess that would effect it and the way the strings vibrate off the bridge and the rest of the body and other strings.. I like the purpose of 5's but the 4's seem make me smile... it's funny, as I've used 5 for years and went back to mainly 4's now. [quote name='BottomE' timestamp='1321287846' post='1437346'] It's true which is i think subconciously (one of the reasons) why i ditched my 5 string basses. An open E on a 4 string sounds way better than a fretted E on the the B string of a 5. I know someones gonna say "Yes but what about Eb?" Well what about it. There are a shed load of tunes in Eb that sound absolutely great played on a 4 string. Whats the problem? Really its not an issue transposing songs on a bass. I think its easier to do on bass than a lot of other instruments. [/quote] Also drop D sounds different (better) than playing the lower notes on a 5 IMHO
  2. [quote name='deepbass5' timestamp='1321217812' post='1436688'] I was happily playing a 4 string when Disco hit town and into the 90's but a 4 string isn’t much good when all the hit songs you are trying to play are being created on 5 string basses and using synth's In the early 80's the drummer thought he was going extinct due to programmed drums and digital recording techniques, then the bass player went through the same issues when every keyboard player started laying down bass lines. Good news is we are still here to debate it. I even bought a Yamaha DX7 to compete, but then decided if I can't play it on the bass I don't wanna play it on anything else. [b]Keep this on the key change thread[/b], we don't think any less of you for playing only 4 strings, just admire how quickly you can wiz up and down the neck. I would seriously go back to 4 strings but for the ability to change keys and keep the same familiar patterns, avoiding open strings. Except of late when reading I have been trying to incorporate more open strings like upright players to give more hand positioning and thinking time. [/quote] There is another thing about 5's. is that they don't sound like 4's... and I mean even when you play the same notes.. I did a gig when I switched to my 5 and it didn't sound as good as my 4 even on the octave higher. The relationship with notes on the 4 for me is king over the 5'... I sometime us my bass synth for some stuff where I need a sythy- low sound.. but have seen less and less use for it.. 5's are flexible, but for me 4's sound better
  3. [quote name='PURPOLARIS' timestamp='1321208119' post='1436496'] +1 to this. I moved to 5 string for this reason, it's so much easier to transpose. I tend to stay away from open strings as much as possible as I prefer to fret the note which gives me more control over it. [/quote] I moved to a 5 for this reason, but know have moved back as I can play songs in any key. If you want to be a versatile player and play with lots of people you shouldn't be limited to playing it in the 'orginal key', it's how you lose gigs.. the only person you are limiting is yourself. As a nip playing in church, I got used to playing the same song in almost every key based on who was singing that night or if they felt they reach the key I would get told the song is in G then they would tell me during the song to transpose to B.. I'm so grateful for those days now as transposing is easy to me.. I understand the arguement that some notes may not sound better.. but i'm pretty sure if you hired Nathan East he won't say 'why are we not playing it in the original key' Break out
  4. [quote name='allihts' timestamp='1321223868' post='1436776'] Was at their glasgow gig last night! Really great show, amazing to see them indoors too, makes so much difference. Josh's guitar was awfully quiet though. [/quote] He's no John.. I think he is trying to be his own man, which is fine, but John had more edge... for me the Chillis are f***y, Rocky and Edgey.. back to the power trio (musically speaking) Slane Castle is an awesome DVD..
  5. photos up https://plus.google.com/photos/101975245148908434506/albums/5674830043472874241
  6. [quote name='cocco' timestamp='1321028995' post='1434607'] Why upgrade the J and not the P? [/quote] I really liked the sound of both pups but felt the J was lacking a bit of umph over the P when I used it on it's own.. I searched around on BC and found a few people had this problem, so I tried the SD pup and it worked a treat.. There's a misconception about changing both pups.. it really depends what you want
  7. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1321017218' post='1434388'] It's a great studio - the best in Newcastle IMO. Really happy with the bass tone. DI'd via one of those magic plug-ins. [/quote] It's funny on those type of pop tunes, when you're in nice studio the Di thing works time and time again... assuming you have a nice bass (which you do). I love recording through amps etc, but bass sometime is just cool through a good DI
  8. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1321012164' post='1434315'] Finally got a mix of the tune: [url="http://soundcloud.com/wateroftyne/bigriver-mp3"]http://soundcloud.co...ne/bigriver-mp3[/url] (I'll leave this up for a couple of days and then I'll pull it) [/quote] Nice playing mate... I can't stand them, but your playing is really good.. who else was on the session? assuming you saw them
  9. The watt thing does annoy me.. I really think it should be regulated... My terror bass is 500w at 4 or 8 ohms yet the AD200 is 200 watts.. I think we all know which amp is louder... and Imagine I put my sp210 into the ad200... it would blow it up on any volume above 1.5 I my head.. I try to think of the valve stuff on one side and the SS on the other... I must agree with Happy Jack.. If it's fine for what you need.. it's fine!!!
  10. The pictures I took indoors were awful.. the bass basically is in mint condition and looks like this.. I'll take pics outside tomorrow http://www.chrisguitars.com/fen03aerodyne-jazz.jpg
  11. [quote name='Hamster' timestamp='1320963427' post='1433932'] Hi If it's sunburst/rosewood I might be interested - pictures? [/quote] No it's all black much like yours.. I've taken some pictures in the house, but I think I'll take leaf out of your book and take a photo with it outside.. as the pictures don't do the bass justice but it's exactly like this one http://www.chrisguitars.com/fen03aerodyne-jazz.jpg
  12. keep us posted
  13. sigh*** I want this so badly, but a few cancelled gigs and a wall not repaired in the house... also trying to sell my Fender Jazz :-(
  14. [quote name='joe_bass' timestamp='1320927744' post='1433230'] If you were to sell what price have you got in mind? [/quote] It would be £500
  15. Just bought another bass and as much as I would like to keep this one as well, I need the funds buy a barefaced cab (Midget/Compact/super twelve).. Photos can be found [url="https://plus.google.com/photos/101975245148908434506/albums/5674830043472874241"]here[/url] It's a Japanese CIJ bass and sounds great.. It has a nice thin playable neck like the jazzes do and also is very lightweight.. The P-J pup gives you a great variation of sound and I've have upgraded the J pup to a Seymour Duncan Quater Pound for extra umph, which was done by the bass gallery. I like to call this the unicorn. The bass currently has Tru Bass strings (thick flats) which give it a warmer sound acoustic sound. If you put normal strings, you get a bright punchy sound. I'll also throw in the original J pup.. Serial number Q00.... which makes it 2002-04. I would consider a part-trade with a barefaced cab and or my Orange SP210 which is also in excellent condition and comes with a roqsolid cover I have a hardcase now, so add £20 for the case, plus P&P. I live in Lee, near blackheath/greenwich. I work in central london and can meet either there or at a major station, if it helps. I also play hockey in Kent, so might be tempted to meet halfway etc. Any questions, ask..
  16. Would you consider a trade? I have Fender Jazz Aeordyne, with semour Duncan Qtr on the J and Tru Bass string... (still have round strings and original pick up)?
  17. [quote name='Josh' timestamp='1320858327' post='1432408'] I'm sorry man I didn't mean it like that, I meant it's just a rushed live recording, whereas if it was recorded properly it could've sounded much better. Although the slap tone is pretty accurate, very MM esque and full [/quote] None taken.. the slap tone is nice. good luck on the sale.. It should go quick
  18. I play drums bass and guitar and I'd say you need to get your teacher to show you what parts of the drums to listen too.. in alot of cases the metronome clicks is the hi hat and the bass is mainly on the 1 and 3 and the the snare on the 2 and 4.. Counting counting the time helps you now where you are (yes theory).. then feeling the time comes next Try and feel the space between notes.. like when you're running on a treadmill.. most importantly relax..
  19. [quote name='AndyBob09' timestamp='1320349905' post='1425785'] I recently purchased a Barefaced Midget. I utterly love it. Before playing through the Midget, I never knew the importance of a good cab. I thought that one's amp was all that mattered as far as tone shaping was concerned - Alas! How wrong I was! Yes, there is nice lows. A lot of cabs give nice lows - BUT! this thing has lovely highs and mids. It's given my bass a whole new sound. I'm totally loving it! And as for the weight. Well, going from a 30kg Ashdown Mag 210 to this wee one handed 9kg just makes SENSE! Go buy one. Now. And yes, it's loud enough. As Alex says, his Midget is as loud as the 210 and will handle all my TC Electronic RH450 would care to throw at it. Amazing! [/quote] The midget my next purchase.. unless I can trade my SP210.. I've heard it with terror (which I have) and It was awesome.. I like the sp210, but the midget is the sound for me
  20. Monster cab for a tiny price.. This should go quick
  21. [quote name='Josh' timestamp='1320782895' post='1431444'] That video doesn't really do the bass any justice. [/quote] Can delete it if you wish...
  22. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KXFAkyWd5GM"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KXFAkyWd5GM[/url] they sound really nice for the price
  23. I like the F1.. The mono just looks cool. I think the F1 will be stronger.. that said I've tried neither, just my op
  24. the pick sound it lovely.. shame you're not up for a trade
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