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Everything posted by rmshaw37

  1. ok ok, weekend price drop bump £1750 anyone?
  2. what exactly are you looking to do with it? a lot of folk use the sansamp stuff with a normal pa power amp! i put mine through the power section of a genz benz shuttle 6! REALLY light monstrous sounding head then, but you could always get a 1u power amp and fit the lot into a 2u case! IME the ampeg svt4 is F**kin heavy and only much cop if you're bi amping i have an stv3 for sale though
  3. i have an rpm - truely stunning, but it is just a pre amp, meaning you'll need a power amp to run it through a cab, unless you run it straight through the PA and then foldback through the monitors! very worthwhile buy, biggest advantage i've ever had in my bass playing years, and that was from an ampeg svt3!
  4. hi all, just got my ampeg svt3 pro back! i replaced this with a genz benz shuttle 6 a few months back while it was getting fixed, although i prefer the ampeg, the shuttle is a back saver! the confession - i blew the output transformer! this issue has been fixed by ampeg approved specialists and hence is now fixed and serviced as good as new! i'd love to keep it aswell as the shuttle, but i owe the band for it (boooo) looking £500 including the 4u rack as its been kept in the case for its life! pics to follow if needed, but we all know what these look and sound like!
  5. cheers matey, you're wlcome to come and try it befoer it goes, just been playing it myself and its gorgeous, but needs must!
  6. sorry, just checked the warwick website, and it appears its a birdseye maple, not flamed! Infinity NT Birdseye Maple Top The innovative, hollow body, F-holes and pickup configuration are just a few of the characteristics that put the Infinity at the top of the Warwick line. An ovangkol body is capped with a 3/8" Birdseye maple top and its unique, lower horn cutaway allows complete access to the second octave. The hollow design gives great attack, similar to an acoustic bass, without loss of sustain. It is equipped with active MEC J/TJ pickups and an MEC 3 way active circuit. This unique bass has fantastic growling mids, which always cut through in a band setting. The Infinity is a true work of art and is extremely sensitive to all nuances of your playing style. Neck-through-design Available as 4- or 5-string Ovangkol hollow body, AAAA Birdseye Maple top (bookmatched) with f-holes Birdseye Maple Neck Rosewood fingerboard Scale length: 34" (long scale) 24 frets Active MEC J/TJ pickups Active MEC 3-way electronics Finishes: Natural Oil Finish, Coloured Oil Finish and Stain High Polish Finish (Coloured Oil Finish and Stain High Polish Finish with extra charge) Warwick tuners 2-piece Warwick bridge Warwick security locks Black hardware Just-A-Nut III Weight**: 3,8 kg (4-string), 4,3 kg (5-string) Including flight case by RockCase® (only for Germany, Czech, Poland, UK, Austria and Swiss)
  7. photos added, really want a sale bump! good inspection shows slight buckle rash on rear of body, but otherwise mint! 9/10! after £2000 or gimme an offer, may be interested in cheap 5 stringer, but mainly after the cash i'm afraid! please bear in mind these are £3.5k and over new! TOP quality carbon fibre acoustics need funding! (as an actual engineer in the F1/ aerospace industry i can spot cheap a mile off!) (bear in mind this is not a slight on status, as they are much better than most!) [attachment=53217:100_1407.JPG] [attachment=53218:100_1409.JPG] [attachment=53219:100_1416.JPG] [attachment=53221:100_1413.JPG] [attachment=53222:100_1418.JPG] [attachment=53220:100_1415.JPG] unfortunately i may have to resort to the evil ebay if one of you can't find it in your heart to help out a fellow basschatter! lol
  8. argh~!! get it done quick, just looking down the pics creaming, and no finished article, i may be nearly as excited as you!!
  9. gorgeous bass.......... have a bump on me, if only i had the money, and i dont want to take such a drop on my infinity!
  10. not the same speaker but i use a kappa pro 15a and that sounds awesome by itself - 8 ohm though, dont know if you can get a 4ohm? only thing i've found is that i want a couple 10's to sit on top of it, due to playing gigs through 410s recently, i need the attack, but for bass freqs its awesome!
  11. i have an infinity 5 if thats of any interest? pm me if so!
  12. just wondering if i'm the only person to try them and not like them?? i felt i just lost all the atmosphere, even if everything is going through them! and if something is missing, you lose your cue! plus i move around that much on stage, plus the headbanging, they never stay in, no matter how well moulded or how much tape i use! personal opinion is its fine if its a big budget thing where you stay pretty still, otherwise, dont bother!
  13. i have to agree with the ashdown opinion, they are very warm - but as a warning, dont seem to do anything else! i've never been able to get any kind of snap out of any ashdown cabs i've played through! but thats just my experience!
  14. i have to agree - if you have access to it, a pillar drill with metal drill bits
  15. i have 2 preamps that i use, both are set to boost bass and treble to about 2 o clock, and boost the 2k to about 4 - 5 o clock, bit of tubey overdrive sound, then the rest really is in the fingers!! i use a gene simmons punisher with active emg p pup i play hard over the pickup if i want my rocky tone, and pluck with my thumb nearer the neck for the ballady stuff and finger over the jazz pickup for if theres a bit of a lead break! i've used this theory for our band for ages, even playing stupid versions of our song in a jazz or country or speed metal way! the only time i've had to use a pick is in the studio for a certain tone for fast root noting stuff! so saying tone is all in the fingers is for the most part true, where you play with your left hand (if you're right handed) has such a massive variety on tone theres very little need for further amp eq-ing, that said i very rarely play slap, in which case (possibly down to my little experience slapping) so do tweek a bit then ooh and i actually took the tone control out of my bass and used the hole for my jack input instead
  16. industry standard for a sound guy is £140, plus if you're borrowing their PA its £100 plus if its their backline you can add another £80! thats £320 .......... but thats dogs danglys stuff if its just a PA for a 50 capacity place, surely you can borrow a PA! even a peaveys on sticks sort of PA with the owner of the desk running it, you could pick it up for £50! we have our own PA for just such occasions, probably cost us £100 out an admag or something similar, 50 capacity venue you wouldnt need more than a 1k pa and you can definately hire a room out really cheap! loads of pubs now do free venue hire, and for much bigger rooms than 50 folks! still the backline is the issue, but if you're running it yourself then you can allow changeovers! we've done a couple of gigs in a church, sh*tty sound plus all the expense of a pro sound guy, but massive amounts of room for stashing gear, plus massive capacity! thats a great one to invite younger bands to, as younger bands have all their school friends thinking how cool it is that their mate is even IN a band! everything is do-able, just depends on if you can be arsed! (OOH a big church hall is big enough to let off pyrotechnics too!)
  17. can i just add that with these thousands of pounds worth of gear, does it not withstand abuse? thousands of pounds mis spent to me! with all the wattage available you'd be deaf before the amp blew! the only trouble i've had with not being allowed to borrow backline is normally jumped up tribute bands that are too high and mighty to let anyone touch their gear! they think cause they've spent 20 years playing live they are the only ones who know how to use an amp!then they usually get blown off stage by us! lol if you dont find out what gear is needed before you go to the gig (by talking to the other bassists in the bands playing that night) then you have seriously never had the shaft with gear! most changeovers in pubs and festivals are SOOO much easier and quicker and ensure your band have a good shot at having a good sound when you go on! i'm more than happy to lend my gear out if i'm aware of the situation in advance, cause i know it will cope with what i throw at it, so i know it will cope with a more inexperienced player! if i'm told there is a house bass amp, i take my own cause it is without exception, crap! sorry for the rant, but thats the way its been for the last 10 years on the live pub/ club/ festival rock scene! maybe its different for muso jazzy sorts
  18. [quote name='Spike Vincent' post='859228' date='Jun 6 2010, 07:59 PM']They weren't a free form jazz band,by any chance?There'as always scope for a little personalisation,but if you're being paid to play someone else's stuff,then that's what you do.[/quote] i agree totally, if you're playing your own songs, then do what you want! if you're a function band and getting paid to play covers, cover it, don't get cocky! they arent there to see you, play the songs you're gettin paid to play!! as musicians we recognise talent, as punters, we want to hear the song as written, thats why they are famouas tunes, and most of us aren't! sorry for the rant, but no one really had this opinion yet!
  19. sounds to me like HEAVY compression, light plectrum, and seriously detuned, most of which has been said already! best of luck
  20. thats a cracker, comfortable on a strap??
  21. Dear bass agony aunt, the other half does not understand that the more gear i have, the more my willy will grow! how can i convince her of this fact, and simultaneously have more money for gear (as i am underpriveleged in the, ahem, gear department!) yours, pinkie!
  22. not that model, my bro (the guitar player) has a morley like that, but not my model!
  23. cool, any ideas where i could ick one up?
  24. the way i tackle the bass in our band is to make everything sound bigger! if the guitars sound thin, mirror them, if the drums need beefing up, sync in with the rhythm, if all is well, play something that holds your interest! seems to work with our kind of hard rock/ metal - same effect as backing vocals! metal aint really a place to stick bass at the forefront, but it aint half as heavy without us!
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