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Posts posted by cetera

  1. The Classic does dive a little, but nothing that a decent strap or a lighter set of hipshots wouldn't sort.
    Diff preamp in the Classic too. The EMG BTS.

    I love both the LX and the Classic.... and both the BTS and the Tonepump. It's really down to personal choice.

    • Like 2
  2. 11 hours ago, Baloney Balderdash said:

    Madonna's "La Isla Bonita" :


    Heard: "Young girl with eyes like potatoes"



    Had to look up the actual lyrics, and disappointedly that is not what they actually say, but rather:

      Hide contents

    "Young girl with eyes like the desert"




    And not to forget, in the same song....

    "Last night I dreamt of some Pedro"

  3. The Grand Hotel in Eastbourne with a function band. We play there every year in the ballroom for a ticketed guests only NYE event.
    90 min drive. Arrive around 5pm, set up my mini-rig with a couple of basses on a double stand. Eat the same posh dinner as the guests, fresh coffee and a glass of something.
    Put on my dinner jacket and play a 2hr set from 10.30pm - 12.30am then pack down and drive home.

    Good pay, nice place and better than being at home watching Jools Holland. Only downside is the 'jazz quartet' who play easy listening standards while the guests are having dinner. The stage is tiny and they insist on moving all our stuff around and just generally being a pain in the a**e to all concerned....

    • Like 3
  4. 6 hours ago, Downunderwonder said:

    I'd love a tonic jacket for gigs, if I could find one budgie style in the op  shop before some other fashionista snaffles it.

    To paraphrase....

    "They make these things called scissors. You apply them to the kind of fabric you would like your jacket to be, cut according to the pattern in the size and shape you would like it to be. Then you apply this oldfangled technology called "needle and thread" to your fabric pieces and hey presto you have a jacket."

    I hope this helps. And remember.....

    "Someone who knows how to sew shouldn't now complain about being given helpful advice after they complain about not being able to buy the jacket they want before some other fashionista snaffles it"

    You're welcome.

    • Thanks 1
    • Haha 7
  5. At that price I'd look for a used Genz Benz Nx 212. A full range cab, usually around the £350 mark and 600W at 4ohms. I swear by them and have ab'd mine against other more boutique/expensive 2x12's and imho it sounds better. I even cancelled my order for a Barefaced equivalent when I had the chance to play them alongside each other....


    They come up for sale here occasionally. Here's the most recent one...


    • Like 1
  6. Big thanks to Colin (Hamster) for his organisation and securing the venue and Guy Pratt, his lovely wife Sarah for the refreshments, Trev and Mick for organising Lol Cottle, Barry Moorhouse and some raffle prizes....... and all of you for attending, donating raffle prizes and generously sharing in the spirit of the event and helping to raise lots of money for charity! :)


    • Like 7
  7. 12 hours ago, Downunderwonder said:

    They make these things called scissors. You apply them to the kind of fabric you would like your stars to be, in the size and shape you would like them to be, with a little extra around each edge that you fold under. That folded edge is the edge of your star. Then you apply this oldfangled technology called "needle and thread" to your stars just back from that edge and hey presto you have a shirt with stars on it.

    Cheers for that. Just the kind of unhelpful, sarcastic, smartarse comment I expected...

    • Like 3
  8. Final call of Basschat members....


    Any more for any more?


    @cetera - Bass Collection Betsy, Fender FSR PJ Precision, Hamer Impact, Spector NS2, Spector Euro LX, Spector Euro Classic, Spector EuroX (Spectorbird), Spector Legend 4X, Spector Pulse II, Spector Dimension 4HP, Gallien Krueger 400RB & 700RB-II heads, GenzBenz Neox 2x12 cab

    @TheGreek - All short scale this year - a @Jabba_the_gut scale 5er, Mini Ray, Short scale P bass

    @Harlequin74 - Zoot Performer, Status Shark, Spector QV4 , Markbass TTE501 and Matching CAB. Maybe the Lehle Basswitch…

    @TrevorR- Mk 1 Wal, Wal Pro IIE, Aria SB700, Frankenjazz, pedals and MarkBass LMII & Traveler 2x10

    @bnt - travelling light, probably a couple of pedals such as T-Rex Diva Drive, Orange KongPressor

    @bass_dinger - 1999 Washburn XB500, 1994 Washburn XB500, Washburn XB925 in zebrawood, Washburn XB925 in bits, Boulder Creek 5 string (likely to be for sale), SWR Workingmans 12.

    @prowla - Probably a couple of Rickenbackers and some interesting oddities. Amp-wise a Markbass EVO and a 1x12 (last year I bought some others to try and never switched them on, as the EVO sounded spot-on).

    @SuperSeagull - Status S2, Feline P Bass, Modded Fender Lyte, Flea Jazz, MB Combo

    @Merton - various short and medium scale ACGs, Zoots and Conway basses, Barefaced cabs, modern Trace Elliot amps

    @MacDaddy - Shuker (probably no3), Snapdragon Folding Bass, possibly a Rob Allen Mouse.

    @neilp - matching pair of fretted and fretless 1980 Aria SB1000s, possibly my fretless Wal mk1, Ashdown ABM500/Ampeg 4x10, Tech 21 Bass Fly Rig

    @NickD- Strunal Schonbach 5 String DB, and whatever else I can shoehorn in the car around it... hopefully a MD CMD121 H, Zoom B6, and maybe a Maruszczyk Jake and a Shuker Series 2.

    @WalMan - converted Wal Pro, Zon Legacy Elite, Status S2, G&L L2500 fretless, McMillen 12Step & DSI MoPho, Two Notes Bass Revolt, Trondheim Audio SkarBassOne, BackBeat2 (and my BackBeat1 will probably be available for sale). 16. Darkglass Microtubes500 and one of the Barefaced cabs. All depends how late I leave and what will fit in the new car 🚙 😁

    @Smanth - With my small, light, battery powered gear (mostly) ... IBBY-Ibanez GSRM25 5 str sub short scale, 'ELIMA - Kala California 5 str fretless ubass, QUINN- HB 5 Str Fretless, MOD Dwarf based pedalboard, Boss Dual Cube Bass LX. (Also some toys to sell)

    @Jean-Luc Pickguard - NS Design CR5M, Squier Bass VI, Roland MicroCube Bass RX and some pedals.

    @tauzero- the basses that @TheGreekmade me buy (handmade 6-string headless, Pedulla 6 fretless), Roland GR-55, one or two Seis, anything else that occurs to me, Mrs Zero (probably)

    @rumblefish- Reverend Rumblefish, GB basses, Mesa Walkabout amp, Vanderkley 112 MNT.

    @bassace97 - Musicman stingray basses, Fender Mustang bass, Pedalboard and my Mesa TT800 + SL112 cabs

    @BillyBass - Reverend Decision P, Gallien-Krueger Fusion S1200 and Barefaced Midget

    @silverfoxnik - some basses and noise amplifying boxes. 

    @Simon C : G&L L2000 Tribute, Sire V7 Fretless, Ibanez EHB1000S Headless Shortscale. Various pedals (switch, tuner, Hypergravity compressor, Laney 85 Bass Octave, Bass Clone Chorus, Spectradrive, Ditto+ looper pedal and a Bluetooth page turner). Carlsboro Colt Keyboard Amp.

    @Wolverinebass- Hamer Chaparral B12L, Tech 21 Dug Pinnick. Sideburns. Sarcasm.

    @GoodShowSir- Cake, lots of.

    @vz7- ACG (tbc) (as mentioned by @BillyBass)

    @Chimike- KK Baby Bass Traditional, maybe my Monique, Ampeg Heritage B15 head.
    @Kebabkid -  a Sire S7 or S3 (4 stringers), Roland Cube 120XL and possibly a Zoom bass unit or HX Stomp. (Hopefully!)
    @HMX - Ray34
    @chyc -  double bass and my GSS 06b400mkd 6.5" combo
    @tubbybloke68 - lots of basses!

    @stevie - LFSys Monaco, LFSys Monza, plus new LFSys cab as yet unnamed. Veyron head and Squier CV Precision bass

    • Like 1
  9. Wondered if anyone has any experience/advice....


    I have a full time job, company sorts tax etc so no self declaring...

    I've potentially got an opportunity to take a month sabbatical (unpaid) from my work and to do a tour with a US artist in Europe. Money won't be huge but will be around the same that I'm missing from my full time job so what, if any, are the tax implications? Do I need to do anything? Tell anyone etc?

    Cheers in advance!

    • Like 1
  10. So, it's nearly time for the bash!


    Just a reminder to all attending to bring CASH.

    You will need £10 cash to enter the event

    You will need £5 (or multiples thereof) to buy raffle tickets

    You will need coins or small notes for tea/coffee/cakes


    There will also be items for sale that may require you to arrange paypal payments/bank transfers etc for ;)


    See you all there! 😃

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