IMHO, it's like many things...... when you pay for an item you get what you pay for BUT only up to a reasonable amount.
e.g. Is any completely handmade bass over £2000 REALLY gonna sound/feel/look THAT much better than one that was CNC cut but hand assembled with quality components for £700? I think not...
With money/common sense an issue I would always purchase a Spector Euro over a US Spector as I don't believe the US ones to be worth £2k more (though they're gorgeous!). Same with Fenders - I would always go with MIJ/CIJ over USA for the same reason.
Same thing applies to amps. A well made amplifier by a top brand (Mesa, GenzBenz, EBS, GK, Trace, Peavey, etc) is going to fit the bill for reliability, value for money, resale value etc if it can satisfy your tonal requirements. Need a little more grind? Add a Sansamp or similar in front of it as you would a pedal for your tonal palette...
In all things I believe there to be a middle-band where quality/price/value-for-money all collide at the best point.