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Posts posted by cetera

  1. [quote name='steve' post='63008' date='Sep 20 2007, 10:55 AM']Well, then the *[i]bloke you know[/i]* seems to be luckier than the *[i]bloke I know[/i]*. I bet if I mentioned this to the *[i]bloke I know[/i]*, he might even be inclined to try to get away with another CIJ jazz, if only he could sell some of his stuff in the for sale forums, erm alledgedly[/quote]

    Indeed...! :)

  2. [quote name='Kaiu' post='62598' date='Sep 19 2007, 12:20 PM']Thanks! Read an article on Tiran the other day, might have been in bass player magazine. Apparently The Doobie Brothers had a reunion in 1987 which consisted of most of the members that had ever played with them, it ended up being four drummers, a percussionist, four guitar players,two keyboard players and Tiran! mental...[/quote]

    That's right! He FINALLY got a feature article in Bass Player after 35 years of professional playing....

    I'm lucky enough to know him personally and have visited him iat his home in California many times and he is one of the most solid, grooving and meolidc players I've ever had the pleasure to hear....
    He LOVED that 'reunion' tour.... though apparently locking in with four drummers with varying ideas of exactly where the 'pocket' lay was kinda interesting..... :) :huh:

  3. [b]Peter Cetera[/b] with Chicago on albums from CTA - XI.... he had to contend with a horn section, drummer, percussionist, keys and a guitarist rated better than Hendrix. He still managed to come up with superb melodic, rhythmically grooving basslines reminiscent of McCartney/Jamerson.... and all while singing!! :huh: ^_^

    [b]Tiran Porter[/b] with The Doobie Brothers. Had to contend with 2 drummers, a percussionist, up to 3 guitarists, a keyboard player and huge harmony vocals..... and still cut through with beautifully composed basslines.... :)

  4. [quote name='Rich' post='61667' date='Sep 17 2007, 01:32 PM']Anyone else spot the advert in this month's BP mag? Chuck's love affair with Phil Jones' daleks seems to have been somewhat fleeting... he's proudly endorsing Genz Benz gear now. :huh:

    [size=1]I wonder if this topic will prompt a scathing "you're just a nobody" attack from PJB..? :)[/size][/quote]

    Take the endorsements when they're offered! :huh:
    I hope to be checking out the Genz Benz stuff myself very shortly. GREAT reviews coming in...
    Good to see Chuck's back playing his Spector as well... and that's his 'choice', rather than an endorsement... :huh:

  5. Ultimately people vote with their wallets. I'm sure I'm not alone in stating that I haven't bought anything from them since their Wapping days..... and I'm not about to unless there are some MAJOR improvements in their stock, their attitude AND their customer service. They really need to wake up and smell the coffee....

    After all, why shop there when we KNOW we will get GREAT service from the Gallery, Bass Central etc....?

  6. [quote name='bass_in_ya_face' post='61477' date='Sep 17 2007, 01:32 AM']Anyone know where you can get bass related t-shirts etc from. I've got a t-shirt for an Ernie Ball Musicman off ebay but other than that, t-shirts are pretty thin on the ground.

    I saw an anniversary Fender p-bass one and one in the States for Warwick.

    It's a shame someone doesn't produce a WAL one.[/quote]

    I bought a vintage 'Wal' one from eBay a couple of years ago.....

    I felt very smug turning up to the 'Wal - day' in it! :)

  7. [quote name='steve' post='60804' date='Sep 15 2007, 12:19 PM']I 'know a bloke' who got an aerodyne last year and he *[i]apparently[/i]* didn't pay any extra, it just came straight to his door. He's sold that now and later bought an MM bongo from ikebe and was definately stung by customs that time round. Every international purchase after that was picked up by customs and charged.

    I think you may get away with it once, but after that you're on their radar. Still good deals though[/quote]

    Ah, but *[i]this bloke[/i]* had paid charges BEFORE this one.... and since.... seems *[i]he[/i]* just got lucky that time.... :)

  8. [b][u]31 Basses:[/u][/b]
    [i]14 Spectors
    3 Jacksons
    3 Felines
    2 Wals
    2 Fernandes
    1 Hamer
    1 Fender
    1 Pedulla
    1 Staccato
    1 Peavey
    1 Punisher
    1 Axe[/i]

    [u][b]1 Acoustic Bass:[/b][/u]
    [i]Kramer Ferrington[/i]

    [b][u]8 Electric Guitars:[/u][/b]
    [i]2 Silvertones
    1 Schon
    1 Ibanez
    1 Washburn
    1 Epiphone
    1 Burny
    1 Greco[/i]

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