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Posts posted by cetera

  1. Does anyone have a 4 string active or PJ loaded bass tuned B-E-A-D I could borrow or maybe hire for a month or so? Ideally someone based in South/South-East...

    I need it for some live dates with an artist and I don't really want to file a nut/re-set up one of my basses if I can help it as it's likely a one-off... 

    I don't play 5's and haven't got the time to get one/get familiar with it....

    Please PM if you can assist!
    Thanks in advance!

  2. When I tried one with Fishmans it was OK but didn't have that Spector 'grind & grow;' on taop when I wanted it. The new one with EMGs does though! I went and bought one ;)


  3. 19 minutes ago, toneknob said:


    As hard as I have tried I could never sustain a beard of that magnitude (he's also a better bass player than me when it comes to Rush, despite me having a GL sig Jazz, 70s Ricky 4001, Geddy preamp pedal and endless enthusiasm for the music)


    Full disclosure: the singer is a good friend and one of the nicest guys there are, and fronts up more heavy rock covers acts in south-west London than I could possibly remember. I'll be sending on your reviews.

    Ah yes.... It's Tamas isn't it?


    • Like 2
  4. 8 minutes ago, LeftyJ said:


    This! So much this! 

    An Epi Grabber is coming though. But without the sliding pickup :dash1:

    See, they can't even get the BASICS right! Who the hell is in charge of project development at Gibson?!? And they wonder why people buy Chibsons etc....

    • Like 1
  5. No, no, no.....! FFS...


    Noone wants an overpriced Epi Rex bird! If you're a Rex fan you know his sound is Spector. That's where your money goes.


    Why doesn't Gibson just reintroduce the Grabber, Ripper and G3, with cheaper high quality Epiphone versions (under £1k). THAT'S what the market is asking for! 

    • Like 10
  6. Peter Cetera (Chicago)
    Tiran Porter (Doobie Brothers)
    Paul Goddard (Atlanta Rhythm Section)
    Martin Tiefensee (Lake)
    Rutger Gunnarsson (ABBA)

    Joe Puerta (Ambrosia)

    John Deacon (Queen)

    Dee Murray (Elton John)
    Leon Wilkeson (Lynyrd Skynyrd)

    Kip Winger (Winger)
    Eddie Jackson (Queensryche)
    Gene SImmons (KISS)
    David Paton (Alan Parsons Project, Pilot, Kate Bush etc)
    Ross Valory (Journey)
    Del Palmer (Kate Bush)
    Will Lee, Neil Jason & David Hungate (session greats)

  7. 10 minutes ago, MikeTheMisfit said:

    David Elleffson, Jason Newstead, Ian Hill. I suppose an 80's metal sound.


    I just want to add a bit of grit, nothing fancy.


    Sansamp - Punchy, grindy tone without distorting


    Then add a:
    TC Electronic Spark Booster - adds as little or as much grit as you want

    Joyo Double Thruster (budget copy of a Darkglass B3K and just as good IMHO)

    You don't need anything more than the Sansamp plus one of these.

    • Like 6
  8. Nickel is warmer than steel.... but still has a nice zing. A basic set of Rotosounds, D'Addario XL's etc should do the job.


    If you prefer the feel of flats then something like EB Cobalt flats may suit you as they are still quite bright.

    • Like 1
  9. 1 hour ago, BigRedX said:

    Personally I think there is too much music available nowadays. The figure being headlined is 60,000 new tracks being uploaded to Spotify every day. Various attempts to to debunk this have resulted in revisions down to between 5000 and 40,000 track daily. However, just 5,000 tracks a day is staggering, considering that in the days of vinyl there were probably significantly less than 1000 new singles and albums each week (That's just a guesstimate - I have been unable to find any serious stats on this if anyone has them please post). This combined with the dwindling number of listeners prepared to buy recorded music, means that there is an ever growing number of songs vying for an ever shrinking audience's attention. When anyone with a computer, an internet connection and $50 can produce and album and upload it to all the download and streaming sites, it's not surprising at lots more people are doing it. Unfortunately all that "background noise" makes it much harder for listeners to find new music that they like.


    And as a listener in the 70s when I started getting into music beyond what was on TotP, my sources were John Peel and Alan Freeman on Radio 1. I'd probably hate at least half of what they were playing and be indifferent to a lot of the rest, but there would be a handful of new records played every week (out of the 120 or so I'd heard) that I would like enough to consider buying. By contrast last week I listened to a 500 track modern post-punk/goth playlist on Spotify. That's 500 songs in specific genres that I really like. However I found less than 10 new bands that I enjoyed enough to warrant further listening. What particularly struck me was how derivative and how poorly recorded much of it was. I've always been worried that my band's home-produced recordings weren't up to scratch, and while so far we've not managed to emulate Trevor Horn or Martin Rushent, by comparison with most of what I heard we are doing pretty well. When someone like myself is struggling to find interesting new music from curated playlists what chance do most casual listeners have?


    Also when you consider that if my band puts out a single we are in effect competing with every other song ever released for listeners. In the days of releases on vinyl and CD a single (unless it was very popular) had a life of no more than 3-4 months, so it was only ever competing with a few thousand other songs at any one time. These days Spotify and other on-line sources have to apply negative weighting to streams of "back catalogue" tracks otherwise hardly any new music would make the current charts.


    It's not the cost of living that is crushing new music. It is the sheer amount of music available


    This ^

    The one good thing that could be said about record companies etc back in the day was that they acted as 'pooh filters'. A band or artist had to at least have a modicum of talent, or a decent song, in order to be invested in and released. Now, should you feel so-inclined, you have to wade through hundreds of thousands/millions of bedroom-made tracks to find something half decent. It's unsurprising that so many people just don't bother.

    The 2 or 3 huge media companies that now own all the radio stations don't help either as the 'knowledgeable DJ playing exciting new music' is now a rarity and people are force-fed the same homogenised nonsense (new or old) over and over again.

    • Like 1
  10. Spent all day yesterday in the huge cold industial unit 'venue' that is KK's Steel Mill in Wolverhampton where we were filming the new promo video for "The Bootleg Rock Show featuring Leather & Lace", our 'rock anthems & power ballads' theatre show....


    Huge stage, lights, video screen and sound. Looking forward to seeing the finished product!



    • Like 11
  11. 18 minutes ago, Ed_S said:

    I had a white one as my main bass for ages - only moved it on fairly recently when I decided to go fully 5-string again. Went with a BAII bridge and the catchily named Delano PMVC 4 FE/M2 pickup in mine. Fine as it was, don’t get me wrong, I just preferred the look.




    Damn, that's lovely!
    Can you PM me with details of who you sold to? Cheers!

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