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Everything posted by Lozz196

  1. He arranges all of his plants in steady rows of eight
  2. Great tones @thebrig, and great playing too, what’s the bass in the No More Heroes clip - Lakland of some sort?
  3. I don’t think she’s that keen on him…..
  4. Yeah agree, he still sounds like JJ by his playing style but that famous aggressive tone of the early years has gone.
  5. Congrats, you’re going to have to put some graft in but I’m sure it will be very rewarding
  6. Well as usual a great rehearsal. Took along a Precision for the first time in ages and although it hasn’t given either my back or arthritic thumb any problems I’ve found that in a band scenario I now prefer my Mustangs, whereas at home it’s still my fave Precision that gets the vote. Great, fave bass at home, light easy to play bass for band, sorted. And for those who laughed, am now gonna watch Eastenders!
  7. We’re rehearsing this evening, normally I really look forward to rehearsing but it’s the live Eastenders 40th Anniversary episode tonight.
  8. Mono M80 Guitar Double - it’s what I use for gigs with my 2 Mustangs.
  9. Good score, MIJ Fenders are great instruments
  10. In my last band we were regularly asked to pose with people for photos, sign merch/set-lists etc. All part & parcel of it I suppose but at 50 plus and being rather uninteresting (to put it mildly) I always felt a bit of a fraud doing this.
  11. Yeah music is music, there for all
  12. And don’t forget tort…..
  13. Good purchase that
  14. Nah, am still trying to master playing whilst awake 🤣
  15. Agree Chris, my bass tone in my last band was far from what I like but it was the right sound for both the music and the line up. Very important aspect that, the line up/instruments, if we’d had a second guitar that would have changed things a lot imo.
  16. Have def experienced that, at one soundcheck had a great on stage sound, went out front on the wireless kit and was boomy mush, adjusted to a horrible nasally sound on stage, beautifully defined full bass sound out front.
  17. I’d leave, wouldn’t put up with that
  18. Bass neck or divan, that is the question?
  19. Yep the number of gigs we see you do @Bluewine it’s definitely working for your band.
  20. I think the player themselves is one of the main things, whenever someone plays my basses I - irritatingly I should stress - invariably prefer the sound they get to the sound I get, with same bass/amp/pedals etc. I must have a “bassy” sound as usually other bassists get a treblier sound than I seem to.
  21. Yep, I look back fondly at my memories of my Kay EB-O like bass bought in 1980 but it wasn’t a good instrument, I can get a much better bass now for a fraction of the cost in terms of monetary equivalent of now compared to then.
  22. I’ll watch the whole vid tomorrow but for me the main things that impacts on my tone are roundwound (not dead ones tho) strings and the attack of the pick on them.
  23. Great bass @andytoad
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