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Everything posted by Lozz196

  1. I put the below on another similar thread, hope it can be of help Updating this for anyone interested, the dimensions of the Gator GC-Elec-XL seem to have shrunk as the one I ordered was too small for my JMJ Mustang to fit in. However going by a tip-off on Talkbass I ordered a Gator GW-JAG and this is fine.
  2. Looks like a drugs shipment on a 90s tv cop show
  3. I do regular set ups on my basses but fret dressing, nut-reshaping & installation, and soldering I leave to those with the knowledge & tools.
  4. In my last band because I both had a fairly specific sound and because I used so many gear shares/provided rigs I went with getting my sound from a preamp pedal. That way FOH always got what I wanted them to, and then stage set up I’d adjust to something I liked. This not always possible mind, but main thing was the sound to the audience.
  5. Much better balanced sound across the strings imo. The one area where I’m sad to say Leo didn’t get it right.
  6. Def with you there, always best to take a landlords advice re his establishment, especially where safety is concerned.
  7. I get that, even though I’ve been part of that scene and never really seen any real bother I can appreciate that to someone on the outside looking in it can look a bit daunting, especially to those who grew up with skinheads running amok and kicking everyones heads in. And yes, they can definitely put the booze away.
  8. Def agree with this. I`ve only played one place where I thought there might be problems and said afterwards to the band at the time I thought best to not play there again, fortunately they all agreed. I`m not that bothered by bother if that makes sense, but I don`t want my gear trashed, a punch on the chin no sweat, a broken bass would upset me.
  9. Same experience here, punk/Oi/psychobilly and aside from every now & then someone landing on stage due to over-exuberant dancing there`s never been any actual issues from audience members, either with my band or with any of the bands on that scene that I`ve seen play.
  10. Aside from the tour I mentioned above as far as I`m aware - I have to admit I didn`t take that much notice of things in my earlier bands - that I`ve never paid to play. As others have mentioned it was particularly prevalent in London in the late 80s and the venues I know that did it - Rock Garden, Mean Fiddler as a couple - I`ve never played so think the band leaders of the time did the same as @BigRedX and said no we`ll play somewhere else instead. And back then we would have filled the places anyway so their loss not ours.
  11. Looking like a double headliner there Pete
  12. I’ve not personally paid, but a band I was in years ago bought onto a tour (the record company stumped up the costs).
  13. Does seem to be a thing that more companies are taking note of, a real plus point imo.
  14. I got it from Gear4Music - next day delivery by 10:30 as well, was impressed.
  15. Most people getting on stage are doing it for a laugh, don`t have any intentions of breaking anything, it`s their night out and they`re just getting a bit merry and over-excited. I do find this happens more with covers bands in regular pubs rather than originals bands, no idea why. But if their behaviour is getting to a point where it`s unsafe, either for them or the band then simply give them a good firm push and yell f**k off at them, and be prepared to hit them full pelt if needed (tho not if it`s ladies, irrespective of their behaviour I`m sorry, it might not be equal treatment but I`m not walloping women).
  16. Yep, and for some reason which I don’t understand the 800w version is about 13kg - which is why I went for it rather than the 500, that saving of 13kg does make a difference.
  17. You like your Pbass You like flat wound strings You like Ernie Ball strings So a set of their Cobalt flats could be the solution, as much more roundwound sounding than regular flats.
  18. Sorry to hear you didn’t get it @police squad
  19. Currently on is Guy Garvey: From The Vaults 1983. Listening to these songs takes me back, my formative year, the one where I left school & started work, bought my first motorbike, discovered girls & beer, developed new friendships other than people from school including meeting other musicians and trying to set up new bands.
  20. Bass Direct and Bass Bros aren’t too far away from your area, def worth a look.
  21. Aguilar DB599 is 3.65” x 1.5” x 1.25”
  22. Tech21 VT500? Would think that would be good for those tones.
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