This is a very good point, it`s rare that a band delivers its best work on its first album - ok a few do, Never Mind The Bollocks, Appetite for Destruction spring to mind - but usually a band has to mature, such as Queen/U2/Oasis etc. It seems to me that the music industry now wants instant mega-return or they`re not interested. Which is a shame as I just wonder how many non-instant-hitters there are that had a killer 3rd or 4th album in them around that we`ve never heard of.
I reckon it`s time for electric guitars again - it seems to be a cycle, electric guitars for a few years, manufactured pop for a few years, repeat, repeat. The manufactured stuff has been around long enough now, lets get some yobbos back on stage playing live and not playing the fame game in the way that the companies would like.