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Everything posted by Lozz196

  1. Yeah it’s not exactly the biggest deal in the world to do this is it. Anything that improves the forum I’m all up for.
  2. So it’s been through the wash due to you leaving it in your pocket and not checking?
  3. Yep, warms, thickens, adds in harmonic content but wouldn’t say drive.
  4. Surely 11 year old flats are considered so new they’re still under warranty?
  5. Yep, although I said earlier that in my last band we were all 100% in the same direction there was a division of labour. I`d say looking at it we were all in the practical camp. Singer/Guitarist - wrote 60% of the songs (but all lyrics), did all the online presence, designed album covers, arranged all the gigs, booked hotels when we were touring. Drummer - dealt with all the online merch sales (this actually quite considerable, so was time consuming). Me - I wrote about 40% of the songs (music only, though gave ideas for what the song was to be about) got one gig and printed the set lists. I also arranged ferries/flights/hotels in this country. I consider the set lists my greatest achievements, they were mighty fine!
  6. Very good point there. In my last band both the drummer and I were 100% committed but it was the singer/guitarist who led, we were 100% with him but neither of us were the types with the drive to lead, but we were always in full agreement with him, it wasn`t "his vision" it was all of ours, he was voicing and leading on behalf of us. Thinking about some of the people I`ve been in bands with that band wouldn`t have achieved anywhere near what it has if they had been involved.
  7. Lozz196


    Where has that time gone, still sadly missed
  8. I’ve got an Aguilar Tonehammer up on here at present as well.
  9. I was the same with the Shape, but then my Precisions have plenty enough mids, they can be scooped without losing all their presence.
  10. Ah, the Allagro, a def non-classic.
  11. That was my experience, tbd gain was just too much on anything other than virtually fully down. Great sounding pedal otherwise though.
  12. I’m not a particular fan but I watched last nights performance and thought it was the best live performance I’ve seen from them for a while. Probably helped that it was a song from my fave album of theirs.
  13. The only non Fender jazz pickups I’ve had were Seymour Duncan Hot Stacks, no hum and a bit more oomph to them than regular jazz pickups.
  14. I remember going to see Bon Jovi at MK Bowl in 1989 and it appears not much has changed since then, took over 3hrs in the queue to get a drink.
  15. Looks great, excellent eq options with the parametric eq.
  16. I’ve not got the Vintera but I do have this adjustment on my MIJ Mustang and annoyingly can only adjust it with the neck loosened.
  17. I think this is one of the areas Basschat excels at, we all encounter issues/problems/niggles along the way and having this forum to voice them and hear advice from others is great imo.
  18. I think I’d ask what the circumstances were for him to get so annoyed, sometimes a sympathetic ear can disarm someone. I’d add into that re the gear issue acknowledging that anyone can get annoyed for whatever reasons, but that in all cases I would need my gear to be treated with respect.
  19. Def take it back, I had one of these amps around 2011-15 and never had any issues with it at all.
  20. Sold Ampeg Scrambler Overdrive in very good condition, boxed, with instructions etc. Nice little overdrive pedals these, has Blend features you can keep your original clean signal to retain the punch in your sound. £60 inc delivery in UK
  21. A mate of mine used to work at Marshall, the problems with the MB range were apparently from the initial batches, they’d had production switched to overseas for costs, however from what I understand when they saw how they’d been assembled they literally had to redo them all as the job wasn’t as good as it should have been.
  22. Yep I had the MB450 which was actually a very nice sounding amp, but when I bought the DBS7400 it was a clearly superior beast.
  23. Even the most hardcore Clash fans I know can’t bring themselves to admit to liking all of Sandinista.
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