Hi. I recently bought a Stagg BC300 3/4 sized bass for a home recording project, and got it home only to discover that it was impossible to adjust the truss rod. Pausing only to give myself a swift kick up the backside, I removed the plastic plate behind the nut to reveal the gizmo [url="http://www.violin-repairer.talktalk.net/other/stagg%20truss%20adjuster.jpg"]pictured here[/url]. If this is an allen-key truss adjuster, then the flats have become rounded. Clearly it needs replacing, but before I begin bodging I need to know whether the Stagg uses a double-action truss road. Stagg's web site only lists a snail mail contact option, and I'd prefer not to have to wait for a reply that (let's face it) would never arrive anyway, so I though I'd ask here. If the truss rod is an old-fashioned singleton, then the adjuster should be removable. I might, frinstance, use a counter-threaded bolt remover to do the job. If the truss is double action, then I'm guessing the entire truss would have to be replaced, meaning fingerboard removal. I'm also guessing that the adjuster is made out of a tube of metal with an allen-shaped insert at one end for the benefit of the general public, and a threaded insert at the other that locates on the threaded end of the rod itself. Is this correct? If so, then are these all a standard size? Allen head / thread?? Shops on ebay seem to sell stuff like this, but I'd prefer some feedback here first. If the adjuster is (theoretically) removable, but turns out to be stuck, or if the truss is double-action, then perhaps I might attach a new allen bolt in some way. Perhaps drill out the old adjuster (carefully), chase a new thread inside, and fit the new bolt. Of course it's likely the modification would protrude from the headstock, but then this is hardly a vintage instrument. Any thoughts would be appreciated ...