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Everything posted by Fozza

  1. This isn't an Elitist model. They had an Elitist sig instead of Limited Edition on the back of the neck. This is an Epiphone 1960's Limited Edition which was in production briefly about three or four years ago. I have one myself and it's really just a short scale version of the standard Epi EB-3.
  2. Vag Halen - all female tribute to, well, take a guess!
  3. It's a short one but I reckon the little drum fill that opens She Loves You by The Beatles is pretty distinctive.
  4. Point 1 - If you have a child to support I would have thought you'd have less money than the other members. Kids are the ultimate money pit. The rest, I assume, are DINKYs (Double Income No Kids) which would lead me to think they may have more disposable income than you rather than less. I agree with other posters that band related expenses should be split equally Point 2 - The others are clearly people who need regular ego massage. One way of doing this is to go on to each other about how great they while another is to denigrate somebody else. Is that what you think they're doing? People often don't realise how they can hurt others. They probably do it partly because they don't realise it pisses you off and partly because they can. Try pulling one of them up next time you're feeling sh*te and see what the reaction is. Point 3 - I can't add much more to what Lozz has posted. A band is made up of different personalities and I think it's that diversity that can make for a fine live experience. Were Queen crap live because John Deacon didn't headbang his way through the set? I guess you have to decide whether you think you can negotiate these problems through (or if it's even worth trying) or not. Personally, If I'm in a band playing originals, I'm doing it for fun. Once that stops, I'm out.
  5. I can't help with the tab but I think Suede tuned down to Eb so doing that might help.
  6. I like mine too. It's a Pelham Blue version. I've tarted it up with a Dimarzio Model 1, Hipshot Supertone, CTS pots and series/parallel switching. A set of D'Addario Chrome Flats and it's all good. I agree about the necks - great to whizz around on. I found the combination of the heavier Supertone bridge and decent wide strap got rid of the neck dive.
  7. Those wascally Wickenbackers!
  8. Some mates at school formed a band in April 1991 and I got roped in to play bass. The singer had the gear so I borrowed his. I'd dabbled on guitar a bit. I could play a few chords but not much of a player. First gig was in the school hall in June or July so about 2-3 months from first pluck to gig. We played Blues/Rock, a mix of covers and originals. We didn't sound too bad given our age (all 14) and lack of experience. Anyway, the crowd enjoyed it and that's what counts, innit?
  9. The Ass Movin' Collective The Booty Grind Instigators Yo! Mama Uh-Huh! The Phat Frets of Fury The Groovy Octopus Revue (if you're a four piece!)
  10. What a difference a day makes, eh? Nothing else to add except my congratulations.
  11. For my money, a willingness to work hard and learn trumps ability anyday. You can improve technique or whatever much quicker than attitudes. The very best of luck for tonight.
  12. I think you have exactly the right attitude. You will be an asset to any band that has their heads screwed on right.
  13. Tasty Afterbirth
  14. I have one of the limited edition 1960's Epi EB-3 basses (in cherry) and it's definitely a shorty. Other cosmetic differences from the standard long scale model are dot fret markers rather than block and the addition of a tug bar on the pickguard under the bridge pick up. I've also got an Epiphone EB-0 in Pelham Blue which I've modded by adding a Hipshot Supertone bridge (a vast improvement on the 3 point bridge which I can never get on with), a Dimarzio Model One and series/parallel switching. My third shorty is an Epiphone Allen Woody which is a fab bass, one of my favourites.
  15. No John Deacon either from what I could see.
  16. OK, thank you for replying anyway. I'll have to get my measuring tape out when I scrape enough pennies together and just go for the best fit. Best of luck with the sale.
  17. I really like my Epi Rumblekat. It's a real head turner. I must get some flats for mine. Could I ask if you know what make the hard case is, please? I'd like to buy one for mine and the original Epi hardcases are as rare as the proverbial rocking horse excreta.
  18. Fozza


    [quote name='Clarky' timestamp='1354186481' post='1883158'] . [/quote] This.
  19. We've Gotta Get Out of This Place - The Animals Time of the Season - The Zombies Band of Gold - Freda Payne
  20. Clarky: "But it's the bass player who's supposed to wear the hat. Bloody amateurs!"
  21. I think Strings Direct sell singles. Try there.
  22. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1334907457' post='1623161'] Your band like all the other suppliers (PA, catering, bar etc.) are adding value to the event. Therefore you should get paid. If the others have reduced their fees to reflect the nature of the event then you should too, but none of them are going to be out of pocket at the end so why should you? At the very least they should cover your travelling expenses, food and drink. [/quote] This. You're supplying a service just like the others. There's no reason for you to be any different other than the organisers are trying to save themselves money and that isn't your problem.
  23. The red bass is a Vox Clubman, I think.
  24. The overall condition and if any parts have been replaced over the years will be things you will have to factor in. All orginal will fetch a higher price.
  25. I would dearly love that Magnum. Alas, I'm skint as usual.
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